Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns

Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns

Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns


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are going so poorly that God has forgotten about you." You may have gone to the altar and<br />

surrendered to God. Then you backslid. When you went to the altar and wept, you were sincere.<br />

You may have been embarrassed, thinking, "Every eye in the auditorium is staring at me." After<br />

you left the church, you slipped into sin. It is not God's fault that you slipped into sin. Don't<br />

blame Him. Surrendering is only the beginning of the surrendered life. You must make up your<br />

mind always to do God's will.<br />

How to Be Filled<br />

The first section of this chapter showed that you can be filled with the Spirit. Now, let us<br />

examine some practical steps that will lead you in a Spirit filled life.<br />

The first step to Spirit power is desire. You begin by wanting to be filled with the Spirit.<br />

God will not force His Spirit on you, or anyone else. Just as the old adage maintains, "You can<br />

lead a horse to water, but you -can't make him drink," you cannot force the filling of the Spirit<br />

upon anyone.<br />

When you desire the filling of the Spirit, it's the same as thirsting. On a hot summer day<br />

after working in the sun, you are really thirsty. Jesus described the process, "If any man thirst, let<br />

him come unto me, and drink . . . this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him<br />

should receive" (Jn. 7:37,39). You get the Holy Spirit by wanting Him. But not everyone who is<br />

thirsty gets a cold drink; not everyone who desires the power of God gets it. You must seek it<br />

correctly.<br />

The second step is yielding. This is saying one big yes. The big yes is when you submit<br />

your will to God. When a young girl receives a proposal for marriage, she says yes if she wants<br />

the man. But that initial yes doesn't guarantee marital happiness. The couple must work at it.<br />

She must daily submit to the demands of marriage, just as the husband must yield to his new<br />

relationship.<br />

This daily yes to Christ keeps you in the center of God's will. The child of God prays,<br />

"Today I give myself to Thee to be what You want, to go where You lead and to speak what You<br />

command."<br />

You need to surrender your attitude, which is nothing less than letting the Lord lead your<br />

life. The young teen wants to drive the family car, but he is too young for a license. Some teens<br />

sit behind the wheel of the parked car and pretend they are driving. But the moment of truth<br />

comes when the parent surrenders the steering wheel to his son. This is the same as “yielding<br />

yourself to God.” You let Him control.<br />

Remember, the filling of the Spirit is simply letting the Lord control your life. You get it<br />

through a yielded life.<br />

The third step is asking. If you want God's power, you must ask for it. Jesus spoke the<br />

parable of the pleading neighbor who came at night when his friend was in bed. Jesus commands<br />

us to "Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto

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