Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns

Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns

Second Friend Day - Elmer Towns


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does not mean to hang onto God. When a branch is hanging onto the vine, it usually withers.<br />

When the branch is growing with the vine, it prospers and has fruit. Just as the branch allows the<br />

life-giving sap to flow through it, the Christian who abides in the Bible allows the Holy Spirit to<br />

control him. When you abide in the Bible, you allow its words to flow through you. You are<br />

yielded.<br />

Prayer is talking to God; Bible study is allowing God to talk to you. Since God is much<br />

more important, we ought to allow God to do most of the talking. We allow important people to<br />

do most of the talking and we ask them only the important questions. So when we allow God to<br />

speak to our hearts through the Bible, we have a prepared heart to ask the right request.<br />

5. Your prayers are hindered if you don't pray according to His will. God has a will<br />

which is His desire for us. It is God's will that we pray for the things He wants us to have. Little<br />

Roscoe looked forward to a visit from his Uncle Herman who always brought candy. But the lad<br />

had to ask for it. Sometimes his little fingers went rummaging through his uncle's pockets to find<br />

the candy. It gave Uncle Herman as much happiness to give the candy as it did for Roscoe to<br />

find it. "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to His<br />

will, he heareth us; and if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the<br />

petitions that we desired of him" (I Jn. 4:14-15).<br />

We must pray according to God's will. Once a ministerial student prayed outside of<br />

God's will. While going through Bible college, he prayed for money. There was a hole-in-one<br />

contest at a nearby golf course and every person who hit the ball in the cup got $200. The<br />

student prayed that God would help him make a hole-in-one. He knelt on the golf tee and asked<br />

God to guide his swing. None of the balls went in the cup. This was not God's way of providing<br />

for his financial needs. There was the element of gambling in the contest. Also, the student<br />

enjoyed playing golf and wanted some glory for getting a hole-in-one.<br />

How can you know the things you ask are His will? Certain things are obviously God's<br />

will, such as getting people saved. The Bible says so. God wants everyone saved (II Peter 3:9).<br />

If you are not certain an item is God's will, how can you expect the Holy Spirit to guide you?<br />

God doesn't hide His will like a needle in a haystack. "All right, dig in and find it." It is not<br />

God's nature to frustrate His children. However, we may have to go through several doors to get<br />

answers to prayer. To get from the church sanctuary to a Sunday School room, we may have to<br />

go through several doorways. Some doors are open, others we have to push open. God tests our<br />

sincerity. We need to go through each open door as it appears. It may take a while to get an<br />

answer to prayer. But we should pray with confidence Eke a man walking through the backyard,<br />

knowing where he is going. Our heavenly Father doesn't play games with us, hiding His will like<br />

Easter eggs, hoping we will find them.<br />

6. Y our prayers are not answered if you do not pray with faith. Faith is expecting<br />

the answer. A school boy sent coupons off for magic rings, code books and other trinkets. Every<br />

day he'd run to ask the mailman," Did it come today?"<br />

"Not today," the postman would say.

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