Cuaderno de Análisis Gestión Pública Territorial de la Seguridad Ciudadana

Edicion No. 1 - Volumen No. 2 Aprendizaje para la Gestión Pública

Edicion No. 1 - Volumen No. 2
Aprendizaje para la Gestión Pública


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Cuaderno de Análisis No. 2


Summarizing the dissemination, socialization,

application, monitoring and assessment by the

police authorities of the appropriation process,

implementation and application of the Police and

Coexistence National Code - Law 1801 of 2016

throughout the country, starting on January 30,

2017, constitutes a challenge for the Territorial

public safety management; since it implies that

political and popular election administrative

authorities (governors and mayors), as public

order authorities and first police authorities

in each territorial entity, accompanied by the

National Police and other institutions with

functions, competencies and powers in the

police field, to adjust the strategic and budgetary

planning that were being completed in the public

safety area, so that they can allocate resources to

generate institutional capacities demanded by the

implementation of the Code and, at the same time,

generate novel and dynamic processes of interinstitutional

coordination to effectively regulate all

territory habitants behavior, to achieve peaceful

coexistence as main aim of the state.

Key Words: public management, social regulation,

public policies, institutional capacities and



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