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Revista de la biblioteca escolar "Dulce Chacón" del IES Cristo del Rosario de Zafra

Revista de la biblioteca escolar "Dulce Chacón" del IES Cristo del Rosario de Zafra


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Virginia Woolf was British. She was

born on 25 January 1882 and her death

was in 1941. She lived in Bloomsbury,

Richmond, Cambridge and Twickenham.

She is one of the best writers in the world.

She was a writer of drama and

prose. Her most famous book is Mrs

Dalloway (1925). But she also wrote other

books: To the Lighthouse (1927), Orlando:

A Biography (1928) and The Waves


Virginia Woolf never attended

school. She suffered from bipolar

disorder and grew up in a blended family.

She worked as a night-school teacher.

She had a platonic love affair with

her brother-in-law. She wrote a mock

biography of a dog: Flush (1933).

Written by Hugo Carmona, Antonio

Domínguez Durán and Íker Hurtado

Lagos (2º ESO C).


She was born on 28 July 1917. Her

nationality was Spanish. She was from

Madrid. She died on 27 November 1998

in Madrid.

She wrote literature for children

and young people and poetry. Her most

famous poem is ‘En Mi Cara Redondita’.

She wrote it in 1932 when she was 14

years old. She also wrote the book of

poems Isla Ignorada (1950), El Poeta de

Guardia (1968), El Hada Acaramelada

(1973) and the poem ‘Doña Pito Piturra’


She was important because of her

books for children. She was one of the

most famous women writers in Spain of

the Generation of ‘50. She died when she

was 81 years old.

Written by Anne Caballero Adame

and Lucía Elías Contreras (2º ESO C).


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