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——————————————————————> Conseils de révisions / mai 2005<br />

§==== Selon nos informations, le service de blogs de Skyrock fermeraient près de 400 blogs par<br />

semaine, le contenu de ces sites étant en infraction avec la loi et en contradiction avec les conditions<br />

générales d'utilisation du service. Un chiffre à rapporter aux quelques 1634000 blogs hebergés sur le<br />

service.<br />

< http://www.01net.com/article/271490.html ><br />

§==== Deux cent 200 sites zolocaustiques répertoriés sur<br />

<<br />

http://www.myblueday.com/Nebulus/Services/Search.aspdomain=&reff=&q=THEHOLOCAUST&st<br />

art=40&sa=N ><br />

§==== Le revoilà<br />

About the Abuse of History; a new Controversy Surrounds Norman Finkelstein<br />

by Julian Hanich, April 13, 2005<br />

The American historian Norman Finkelstein, whose book The Holocaust Industry provoked a<br />

fierce debate in Germany four years ago, is creating new furor. There are protests in the USA against<br />

the publication of his new book Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the<br />

Abuse of History. Finkelstein plans to bring the book out in August through the University of<br />

California Press. The attorney and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, has, however, expressed his<br />

vigorous reservations against Finkelstein's book in a number of letters to the publishers as well as to<br />

CA Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's legal department. "This would be a scandal equal to<br />

Holocaust denial" Dershowitz told the Tagesspiegel.<br />

In his new book Finkelstein attacks the new anti Semitism. Primarily, however, it is about the<br />

"dishonesty in the research on the Israeli - Palestinian conflict", as it is called in one of the publisher's<br />

synopsis. The point being: The criticism is aimed at no other than Alan Dershowitz. Finkelstein makes<br />

serious allegations against Dershowitz' book The Case for Israel which has recently appeared in<br />

Germany through the Europa Verlag and was called "an intelligent argument" by the New York Times.<br />

Finkelstein maintains that Dershowitz "systematically distorted facts". On the basis of these<br />

accusations the publishers employed six expert appraisers on the book. The spring publishing date<br />

which had been planned thus had to be postponed. Dershowitz announced that he planned to sue<br />

Finkelstein for libel. A representative of the University of California Press said that there had been<br />

interest in Beyond Chutzpah expressed in Germany, and that negotiations are in process with the<br />

Piper Verlag, which had published the translation of Finkelstein's The Holocaust Industry.<br />

Meanwhile Finkelstein has received support from Noam Chomsky. The linguist and radical<br />

critic of the American and Israeli foreign policies called Beyond Chutzpah a "very solid, important, and<br />

highly informative" book. Dershowitz, on the other hand, says that the book can be published - but by<br />

a "Neo Nazi publisher" and not a university. "Finkelstein's readership comprises primarly of Neo Nazis<br />

and fanatics" says Dershowitz. With Finkelstein and Chomsky who criticize, and Deshowitz who<br />

defends Israel, two factions of American Judaism collide. Moreover, there seems to be a personal feud<br />

between Finkelstein and Dershowitz. It goes back to the book: The Case for Israel, during which time<br />

Finkelstein and Dershowitz clashed fiercely during a radio discussion.<br />

< http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article8594.htm ><br />


Le 10 mars 2005<br />

Chères amies, chers amis,<br />

La XVII e chambre correctionnelle a rendu son jugement dans le procès qui nous était intenté par<br />

l’association «Avocats sans frontières», à propos de la publication de L’Industrie de l’Holocauste de<br />

Norman Finkelstein. Eric Hazan, gérant de la SARL, était assigné pour «incitation à la haine<br />

raciale» et «diffamation à caractère racial». Le tribunal a suivi les conclusions de notre avocat, Me<br />

Antoine Comte: il a déclaré techniquement irrecevable le premier motif et pour le second, il a débouté<br />

les plaignants sur le fond.<br />

Nous avons donc gagné ce procès absurde. <strong>Mai</strong>s Avocats sans frontières, comme à son habitude,<br />

a interjecté appel. Sans même faire le compte du temps et de l’énergie qu’il a fallu consacrer à cette<br />

affaire qui n’est pas close, les frais de la procédure, et en particulier les voyages des témoins que nous<br />

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