Concerti Ecclesiastici

Concerti Ecclesiastici

Concerti Ecclesiastici


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. 70 P a : half, half, dotted half. quarter<br />

44. Misericordias tuas. Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore e Basso.<br />

(P= five staves; C, Q, A, T, B)<br />

In P this piece is numbered as 51 (an error?). Nothing in other part-books.<br />

———<br />

45. Ornaverunt. Canto I, Canto II, Alto, tenore e Basso.<br />

(P= five staves; C, Q, A, T, B)<br />

b. 22, n. 1 C2: naural f; if f is sharp, also n. 2 of T must be sharp (but f# -<br />

c natural would be quite unusual).<br />

b. 24, n. 4 P b : a 2 ; B: g 1<br />

46. Capriccio.<br />

(P= two staves; solo and continuo)<br />

b. 7, n. 4 P: missing sharp in the upper part<br />

b. 18 C: missing sharp before g; present in P<br />

47. Sonata per Cornetto e Trombone, over Violino ò Violone.<br />

(P= two staves; Cornetto and continuo)<br />

b. 26 C: missing rest<br />

b. 45, n. 1 P cornetto : crochet; C: 16 th note<br />

b. 66, n. 6 C: missing sharp<br />

48. Sonata per Violino e Violone.<br />

(P= two staves; Violino and continuo)<br />

———<br />

49. Sonata à 3. Violino, Cornetto, e Violone.<br />

(P= three staves; Violino, Cornetto and continuo)<br />

b. 44, n. 10 Cornetto: missing sharp before f<br />

b. 51, n. 1 Conetto: dotted quarter; P cornetto : dotted crochet<br />

b. 56 P b : a tied to b. 57. Corrected according to Violone.<br />

b. 57 -58 P b : a a (two half notes)<br />

50. Sonata à 4. [Violino, Cornetto, Violone e Trombone].<br />

(only Basso principale in printed in P)<br />

All bar lines are editorial.<br />

———<br />


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