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delle numerose porte che vi si aprivano si possono ad oggi attraversare solo Porta Romana, Porta D’Arci<br />

e Porta Conca. A queste si aggiungono accessi ora chiusi, come quello inglobato nel monastero di San<br />

Benedetto, e la cosiddetta porta murata dove sorge la Chiesa di San Liberatore.<br />

Molto caratteristico il centro storico, posto su una leggera altura ai margini della conca reatina, che si<br />

sviluppa intorno a Piazza San Rufo che, secondo la tradizione, costituisce il centro esatto<br />

dell’Italia. Il centro storico è delimitato, nella sua parte meridionale, dal Fiume Velino, uno dei più puliti<br />

d’Europa, abitato da oche e germani reali.<br />

Lying in a fertile plain on the slopes of Mount Terminillo, on the banks of the Velino River, Rieti is known as Umbilicus<br />

Italiae, as it is considered the geographical centre of Italy. Large crowds of pilgrims have come here for centuries to<br />

follow the St. Francis Way.<br />

You cannot think of Rieti without picturing its majestic circle of walls, which can be seen from most city roads, and<br />

reveals the history of the town.<br />

Just the northern and eastern sections of the Medieval walls (dating from the first half of the 13th century – early<br />

14th century) have been completely preserved to the present day, and just a few of the many former city gates are still<br />

open, namely Porta Romana, Porta D’Arci and Porta Conca. Others have been closed off, such as the gate which was<br />

integrated in St. Benedict’s Monastery and the so-called “porta murata” (walled-up gate), where San Liberatore church<br />

was erected. The picturesque old town centre rests on a small hilltop, at the edge of the valley named Conca Reatina,<br />

and it unfolds around Piazza San Rufo, which is traditionally considered to be the exact centre of Italy. South of the old<br />

town flows the Velino River, which is one of the cleanest rivers in Europe, where geese and mallards nest.<br />


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