saqarTvelos samedicino Jurnali Medical Journal of Georgia

saqarTvelos samedicino Jurnali Medical Journal of Georgia

saqarTvelos samedicino Jurnali Medical Journal of Georgia

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55diagnostic search and on this reason evolution <strong>of</strong> all data’s, is necessary. But in the same time differentialdiagnosis <strong>of</strong> the early stages <strong>of</strong> liver cells and nephrons lesions evolution character can be conducted only on theground laboratory tests not on the biochemical tests data. On objective evidence we can observe connectionbetween liver and kidneys function, as they are organs that are phylogeneticcally and morph<strong>of</strong>unctionally interrelatedand interdependent.Additionally, liver and kidneys are the common system <strong>of</strong> physiological philters <strong>of</strong> the body and due to thatreason, their conjugate disturbances have obtained an interest because <strong>of</strong> considerable importance in performingprophylactic actions aiming to prevent liver-kidney insufficiency until specifical treatment is begun.ЛИТЕРАТУРА:1. Гусева Н.Г. Ревматические болезни и опухоли. Паранеопластический синдром // Нов. мед. журнал.– 1998. - № 3-4. - С. 8-10.2. Давыдов М.И., Аксель Е.М. Злокачественные новообразования в России и странах СНГ в2002 г. М., 2004, 196 с.3. Кушлинский Н.Е., Трапезников Н.Н. Современные возможности клинической биохимии вонкологии. Последние факты и новые концепции // Клиническая лабораторная диагностика. 2000. - №9.- С.3-5.4. Мамедов М.К., Оруджли Р.Н., Гиясбейли С.Р. Азерб. журнал онкологии и смежных наук,Баку, 2000, т.6, №1-2, С.10-17.5. Шакирова И.Н. Паранеопластические синдромы. // Журнал невр.психиатр, 1999, №10, С.55-62;6. Якубовская Р.И. – Российский онкологический журнал. 2000. - №6. - С.42-50.7. Canadian Cancer Statistics 1999. – Toronto: Canadian Cancer Society, 1999, 76 p.8. Naschits J. E., Rosner I., Rozenbaum M. et al. Rheumatic syndromes: clues to occult neoplasia. //Semin. Arthritis Rheum. – 1999. – Vol. 29, ¹ 1. – P. 43-55.9. Radzikovski E. Zespoly paranowotworowew przebiegu raka pluca. Dyagnostika i leczenie. // Pneumonal.Allergol. Pol. – 1999. - Vol. 67, ¹ 5-6 – P. 271 – 279.10. Shimizu E., Yamamoto A. [Lung canser and paraneoplastik syndromes]. // Nippon Naika GakkaiZasshi. – 1999. – Vol. 88, ¹11. – P. 2252 – 2259.11. Soubrier M., Sauron C., Souweine M. et al. Crowth factors and proinflammalory cylokines in therenal involvement <strong>of</strong> POEMS syndrome. // Am. J. Kidney Dis. – 1999. – Vol.45. – P. 34-39.

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