EU och krishantering - Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap

EU och krishantering - Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap

EU och krishantering - Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap

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FOI-R--3551--SEReferenserBrattberg, E. and Rhinard, M. (2012), The <strong>EU</strong> and MSB: Implications ofEuropean Crisis Management for Swedish Societal Security (Stockholm:Swedish Institute for International Affairs).Council of the European Union, Draft multi-annual work programme for CSDPcivilian capability development, 9676/1/12.DG ECHO:s hemsida, Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection, Disaster RiskReduction [2012-11-08].DG ECHO:s hemsida, Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection, Specialisedagencies of the Member States [2012-11-28].European Commission, 29th meeting of the Directors-General for CivilProtection of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, and of thecandidate countries, Nicosia, 29-30 October 2012, Working Document forAgenda Item 2.European Commission, Communication from the Commission to the EuropeanParliament and the Council, The <strong>EU</strong> approach to resilience: Learning from foodsecurity crises, COM (2012), 586 final.European Commission, <strong>EU</strong> puts resilience at the heart of its work on fightinghunger and poverty, Press Release, 3 October 2012.European Commission, Proposal for a Council Directive on consular protectionfor citizens of the Union abroad, COM (2011) 881 final.European Commission, Staff Working Document <strong>EU</strong> Host Nation SupportGuidelines, SWD (2012) 169 final.Europeiska kommissionen, Kommissionens beslut av den 20 december 2007 omändring av beslut 2004/277/EG, Euratom om tillämpningsföreskrifter för rådetsbeslut 2007/779/EG, Euratom om inrättande av en gemenskapsmekanism förräddningstjänsten.European Commission and European Union External Action Service, Conferencefor National Crisis Coordination Centres, Towards an enhanced collaborationbetween the <strong>EU</strong> and its Member States in managing multi-sector crises, 30-31May 2012.European Parliament, Report on the <strong>EU</strong>’s mutual defence and solidarity clauses:political and operational dimensions, 2012/2223(INI).Europeiska kommissionen, Förslag till Europaparlamentets <strong>och</strong> Rådets beslut omen civilskyddsmekanism för unionen, KOM (2011) 934 slutlig.59

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