Журнал "Почки" том 10, №2

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Òåìà íîìåðà / Cover Story

Materials and methods

We analyzed the data of CKD WIT, CKD-REIN [3, 5],

and ECIWIC [4] trials for CKD 1–2, adding the data of a

randomized clinical parallel-group trial of CKD WIT conducted

in patients with CKD G3 and HYD45 conducted

in patients with CKD G4–5 during 12 months. All patients

at each stage were divided into two groups: 1) coaching to

increase water intake, 2) coaching to maintain water intake.

The primary outcome was the change in kidney function

by eGFR from baseline to 12 months. The secondary

outcome was a 1-year change in urine RFR. The subjective

assessment of the quality of health (QH) has been estimated.

CIWI aimed to achieve the diuresis of 1.7–2 L.

Overall outcomes were assessed at 0, 6 and 12 months of

the trial. RFR was evaluated using 0.45% sodium chloride

oral solution.

Results and discussion

CIWI may help preserve renal function loss and decline

of eGFR in CKD G1 and G2 but isn’t beneficial in CKD

G3–5 [3–5] (Fig. 1).

Of 124 patients randomized (mean age 53.2 years; men

83 (67 %)), no one died; mean change in 24-hour urine volume

was 0.6 L per day in CKD G1 group with CIWI and

0.5 L in G2.

No statistically significant data on eGFR depending

on CIWI were obtained (Table 1). However, the trend suggests

that CIWI improves eGFR in CKD G1 (from 95 to

96 ml/min/1.73 m 2 ) and preserves eGFR decline in CKD

G2 (78–78). Although coaching to maintain the same water

intake didn’t preserve physiological and pathological eGFR

decreasing in CKD G1–2 (G1 from 96 to 93, G2 from 76 to

73; t = 0.6; p = 0.29; P 0.05 for all groups).

An individual analysis of the RFR has shown that patients

with RFR more than 50 % (G1 — 19 patients (61 %), G2 —

13 patients (42 %)) had reliable preservation of eGFR with its

increase of 1.5 ml/min/1.73 m 2 on CIWI, while patients with

low functional renal reserve had a drop of eGFR at 1.1 ml/

min/1.73 m 2 within 12 months. Patients with low normal serum

sodium levels have shown worse results on CIWI.

The reduction of albumin-to-creatinine ratio does not

depend on the eGFR but strongly correlates with RFR (CC

0.81). Patient-reported overall QH has been insignificantly

higher in CIWI groups.

The randomized clinical parallel-group trial CKD WIT

for CKD stage 3 analyzed 631 patients. Our randomized



n = 62

Figure 1. The effectiveness of CIWI in CKD G1 and G2

Table 1. Changes in eGFR in CKD 1–5 (mL/min/1.73 m 2 )


n = 62


n = 631

CKD stage

CKD G4–5,

n = 62

With CIWI +1.2 0 –2.2 –3.3

Without CIWI –3.0 –3.2 –1.9 –2.1

RR G1-G5


(95% CI 0.619–3.255, NNT 9.5)


(95% CI 0.136–0.854, NNT 5.0)

Òîì 10, ¹ 2, 2021

www.mif-ua.com, http://kidneys.zaslavsky.com.ua 9

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