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663<br />

Households 24<br />

-, by type of building 56<br />

-, housing conditions 57<br />

Housing 54-68<br />

Housing, Faroe Islands 512<br />

-, Greenland 540<br />

rent ... 232, 234, 236-241, 252, 255<br />

Housing construction 61<br />

Housing subsidies 290<br />

Human consumption, food and<br />

beverages 227<br />

Human sterilizations 46<br />

Humidity 49<br />

-, Faroe Islands 506<br />

-, Greenland 528<br />

Immigration, see Migration, external<br />

Imports 172-173, 497<br />

-, balance of payments 257<br />

-, by country of origin ... 188, 190-191<br />

-, by end-use 173-174<br />

-, by mode of transport 206<br />

-, bySITC 175-181<br />

-, Faroe Islands 513-515, 518, 520, 525<br />

-, Greenland 543-545<br />

-, quantity index 196<br />

-, unit value index 196, 198<br />

-, volume index 196<br />

Income, assessment... . 475-480, 486<br />

-, employee households 232<br />

-, national 504<br />

-, per family 483<br />

-, personal 461, 466<br />

-, personal, Greenland 549-552<br />

-, -, gross 475-480, 482, 484-485, 487-<br />

488<br />

-, -, taxable... 475-480, 482, 484-485<br />

-, private households 236-241<br />

-, special 492<br />

-, tax 461-466, 468<br />

Income and property<br />

assessments 70-75, 482-494<br />

Income deductions 483-486, 489<br />

-, Greenland 552<br />

Index, agricultural prices 101<br />

-, agricultural production 101<br />

-, agricultural wages 321<br />

-, construction costs 243-244<br />

-, consumer prices 252, 254<br />

-, consumer prices, Faroe Islands . 519<br />

-, export unit values 196, 198<br />

-, export volume 196<br />

-, exports, Faroe Islands 518<br />

-, import unit values 196, 198<br />

-, import volume 196<br />

-, imports, Faroe Islands 518<br />

-, industrial production (volume) 137<br />

-, man-hours worked in<br />

manufacturing 131<br />

-, manufacturing labour costs.. .. 326<br />

-, net retail prices 256<br />

-, prices, wage regulating... . 255-256<br />

-, prices of farms 81<br />

-, raw material prices 245<br />

-, real property prices 79-80<br />

Index, retail sales<br />

-, share prices<br />

-, wholesale prices<br />

Indirect taxes<br />

Industrial accidents<br />

Industrial disputes<br />

Industrial injuries insurance<br />

320<br />

Industrial production . . . . 136-138, 151<br />

Industrial profit and loss statistics . 152<br />

Industrial sales 136-138<br />

Industrial wages 321, 323<br />

Industry, see Manufacturing, etc.<br />

Infant deaths<br />

Inheritance<br />

Input, agricultural<br />

Insurance<br />

Insurance, industrial injuries<br />

-, labour costs<br />

-, sick-day benefit<br />

-, unemployment<br />

Interest, paid<br />

-, received<br />

Interest rates<br />

Intermediate consumption,<br />

agriculture<br />

Investment<br />

-, agricultural<br />

-, Faroe Islands<br />

-, Greenland<br />

-, manufacturing<br />

Iron products, exports<br />

-, imports<br />

-, output<br />

Irrigation<br />

Islands<br />

Jobs, vacant 307-308<br />

Joint-stock companies, accounts 170-171<br />

-, number 280-283<br />

-, share capital 280-283<br />

-, VAT statistics 122<br />

Justice 336-346<br />

Kastrup airport 219<br />

Kerosene, imports 175<br />

-, supply 229<br />

Labour costs, average 158<br />

-, construction industry 128<br />

-, manufacturing industries 326<br />

-, shipping trade 327<br />

Labour costs, see also Wages and Salaries<br />

Labour force, agriculture 97<br />

-, construction 123, 126-127<br />

-, Greenland 538-539<br />

-, manufacturing 129-130<br />

J<br />

K<br />

L<br />

159-161<br />

279<br />

245<br />

504<br />

319<br />

318<br />

40<br />

493<br />

100<br />

284-289<br />

320<br />

158<br />

295<br />

307<br />

484-486, 489<br />

484-486<br />

261, 279<br />

102<br />

503<br />

103-105<br />

525<br />

555<br />

131, 133<br />

182<br />

175<br />

138<br />

98<br />

3<br />

Labour, of Danish Employers'<br />

Confederation 332<br />

-,P&T 225<br />

-, social services 292-293, 299<br />

Labour market, training courses.. 362<br />

Labour market and earnings. . 307-332<br />

Labour market supplementary pension<br />

scheme 290, 299<br />

Lagting, Faroe Islands 523<br />

Land, tax 467<br />

-,use 84,90<br />

-, value 68-78<br />

Landsting, election, Greenland. .. 557<br />

Law courts 337, 344<br />

Lead, exports, Greenland 545-546<br />

-, production, Greenland 541<br />

Leather articles, exports 182<br />

-, imports 175<br />

-, production 138<br />

Legal abortions 45<br />

Lending, central government 415<br />

Lending rates, of Danmarks<br />

Nationalbank 261<br />

-, of private banks 261<br />

Liabilities, central government 432, 434<br />

-, foreign 259<br />

Libraries, public 370<br />

-, technical and scientific 371<br />

Licensed premises 172<br />

Life assurance, sums insured 287<br />

Life expectancy 40-41<br />

-, Faroe Islands 510<br />

-, Greenland 534<br />

Life table 41<br />

-, Faroe Islands 510<br />

-, Greenland 534<br />

Live births 38<br />

-, Faroe Islands 508-509<br />

-, Greenland 533, 535<br />

Livestock 95-96<br />

-, Faroe Islands 512<br />

-, Greenland 542<br />

Livestock products, output 98<br />

-, prices 106<br />

-, sales 102<br />

Local government 2<br />

-, accounts 438-449<br />

-, accounts, Greenland 559<br />

-, assets and liabilities 453<br />

-, borrowing 460<br />

-, budgets 454-457<br />

-, capital expenditure 451<br />

-, current and capital expenditure 452<br />

-, current and capital revenue 452<br />

-, current expenditure 450<br />

-, expenditure 413-414, 417<br />

-, taxation 438-449, 469-474<br />

Local government employees,<br />

earnings 329<br />

Lorries, see Goods motor vehicles<br />

M<br />

Machinery, agricultural 97<br />

-, exports 182, 192<br />

-, imports 173, 175<br />

-, prices 246<br />

-, production 138

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