11.10.2013 Aufrufe

Paradigmatische Bedeutungsrelationen

Paradigmatische Bedeutungsrelationen

Paradigmatische Bedeutungsrelationen


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Syntagmatische Bedeutungsbeziehungen<br />

[...] part of the meaning of the word ass in modern colloquial<br />

English can be by collocation:<br />

(i) An ass like Bagson might easily do that.<br />

(ii) He is an ass.<br />

(iii) You silly ass!<br />

(iv) Don't be an ass!<br />

One of the meanings of ass is its habitual collocation with an<br />

immediately preceding you silly, ...<br />

There are only limited possibilities of collocation with preceding preceding<br />

adjectives, among which the commonest are silly, obstinate, stupid,<br />

awful, occasionally egregious. ... (Firth, 1957:194f.).

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