27.12.2013 Aufrufe

Untersuchungen zum autonomen Nervensystem bei Patienten mit ...

Untersuchungen zum autonomen Nervensystem bei Patienten mit ...

Untersuchungen zum autonomen Nervensystem bei Patienten mit ...


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37. Khurana, R. K. (2002)<br />

Dysautonomia<br />

Schuster Atlas of Gastrointestinal Motility in Health and Disease,<br />

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38. Lackner, J. M.Gurtman, M. B. (2004)<br />

Pain catastrophizing and interpersonal problems: a circumplex analysis<br />

of the communal coping model<br />

Pain, 110, 597-604<br />

39. Lackner, J. M.Gurtman, M. B. (2005)<br />

Patterns of interpersonal problems in irritable bowel syndrome patients: a<br />

circumplex analysis<br />

J Psychosom Res, 58, 523-532<br />

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Quality of life in irritable bowel syndrome<br />

Pharmacoeconomics, 19, 643-653<br />

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Non-pharmacological treatments in the irritable bowel syndrome<br />

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Abnormal vagal cholinergic function and psychological behaviors in<br />

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43. Levine, B. S., Jarrett, M., Cain, K. C., Heitkemper, M. M. (1997)<br />

Psychophysiological response to a laboratory challenge in women with<br />

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44. Longstreth, G. F. (1998)<br />

Is a history of abuse linked to the aetiology and course of functional<br />

dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome? Yes<br />

Functional Dyspepsia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, 183-189<br />

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Composite autonomic scoring scale for laboratory quantification of<br />

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Mayo Clin Proc, 68, 748-752<br />

46. Lucini, D., Di Fede, G., Parati, G., Pagani, M. (2005)<br />

Impact of chronic psychosocial stress on autonomic cardiovascular<br />

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Hypertension, 46, 1201-1206<br />


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