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Herzzentrum Jahresbericht 2011 - Universitätsspital Basel

Herzzentrum Jahresbericht 2011 - Universitätsspital Basel

Herzzentrum Jahresbericht 2011 - Universitätsspital Basel


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09<br />

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69<br />

9.1<br />

Rosc-Schlüter<br />

BI, Häuselmann SP, Lorenz V, Mochizuki M, Facciotti F, Pfister O, Kuster GM. NOX2-derived<br />

reactive oxygen species are crucial for CD29-induced pro-survival signaling in cardiomyocytes. Cardiovasc Res.<br />

<strong>2011</strong> Dec 23. (Epub ahead of print)<br />

Sandhu RK, Kurth T, Conen D, Cook NR, Ridker PM, Albert CM. Relation of renal function to risk for incident<br />

atrial fibrillation in women. Am J Cardiol <strong>2011</strong>: Advance online publication.<br />

Schaer B, Sticherling C, Szili-Torok T, Osswald S, Jordaens L, Theuns DA. Impact of left ventricular ejection<br />

fraction on occurence of ventricular events in defibrillator patients with coronary artery disease. Europace<br />

<strong>2011</strong>; 13:1562-7<br />

• Invited articles / Reviews<br />

Balmelli C, Drexler B, Mueller C. Utile or futile: Biomarkers in the ICU. Critical Care <strong>2011</strong>; Mar 9;15(2):131.<br />

[Epub ahead of print].<br />

Bläuer C, Pfister O, Bächtold C, Junker T, Spirig R. Disease management for chronic heart failure patients. Ther<br />

Umsch. <strong>2011</strong> Feb;68(2):113-8. Review.<br />

Burri H, Fuhrer J, Zwicky P, Sticherling C, Gloor H, Babotai I, Bauersfeld U, Schläpfer. Richtlinien <strong>2011</strong> zur Kontrolle<br />

von Patienten mit implantierten Herzschrittmachern und Defibrillatoren. Cardiovasc Med <strong>2011</strong>; 14:16-19.<br />

9.2<br />

Schaub N, Reichlin T, Meune C, Twerenbold R, Haaf, P, Hochholzer W, Niederhauser N, Bosshard P, Stelzig C,<br />

Freese M, Reiter M, Gea J, Buser A, Mebazaa A, Osswald S, Mueller C. Markers of Plaque Instability in the Early<br />

Diagnosis and Risk Stratification of Acute Myocardial Infarction. Clin Chem Epub <strong>2011</strong> Nov 4.<br />

Christ M, Bertsch T, Popp S, Bahrmann P, Heppner H, Müller C. High-Sensitivity Troponin Assays in the Evaluation<br />

of Patients with Acute Chest Pain in the Emergency Department. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory<br />

Medicine <strong>2011</strong>; Sep 6. [Epub ahead of print].<br />

Shende P, Plaisance I, Morandi C, Pellieux C, Berthonneche C, Zorzato F, Krishnan J, Lerch R, Hall MN, Ruegg<br />

MA, Pedrazzini T, Brink M. Cardiac raptor ablation impairs adaptive hypertrophy, alters metabolic gene expression,<br />

and causes heart failure in mice. Circulation. <strong>2011</strong>;123:1073-1082.<br />

Sticherling C, Zabel M, Spencker S, Meyerfeldt U, Eckardt L, Behrens S, Niehaus M. Comparison of a novel<br />

single lead atrial sensing (A+)-ICD system with a dual chamber ICD system in patients without antibradycardia<br />

pacing indications: results of a randomized trial. Circulation Arrhythm Electrophysiol <strong>2011</strong>;4:56-63.<br />

Tay EL, Gurvitch R, Wijeysinghe N, Nietlispach F, Leipsic J, Wood DA, Yong G, Cheung A, Ye J, Lichtenstein<br />

SV, Carere R, Thompson C, Webb JG Outcome of patients after transcatheter aortic valve embolization. JACC<br />

Cardiovasc Interv. <strong>2011</strong>;4(2):228-34<br />

Theuns DA, Schaer BA, Soliman OI, Altmann D, Sticherling C, Geleijnse ML, Osswald S, Jordaens L. The prognosis<br />

of implantable defibrillator patients treated with cardiac resynchronization therapy: comorbidity burden<br />

as a predictor of mortality. Europace <strong>2011</strong>;13:62-69.<br />

Fuhrer J, Babotai I, Bauersfeld U, Burri H, Gloor H , Schläpfer J, Sticherling C, Zwicky P. Richtlinien <strong>2011</strong> zur Herzschrittmacher-<br />

und Defibrillatortherapie und perkutanen Katheterablation. Cardiovasc Med <strong>2011</strong>; 14:86-91.<br />

Grapow MT, Carrel TP, Eckstein FS. [Surgical treatment options in end-stage heart failure]. (http://www.ncbi.<br />

nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21271540 ). Ther Umsch. <strong>2011</strong> Feb;68(2):95-102. Review. German.<br />

Jeger RV, Pfisterer ME. Primary PCI in STEMI-dilemmas and controversies: multivessel disease in STEMI patients.<br />

Complete versus Culprit Vessel revascularization in acute ST--elevation myocardial infarction. Minerva Cardioangiol.<br />

<strong>2011</strong> Jun;59(3):225-33.<br />

Kissel CK, Kaiser C. The BASKET study program: continued evaluation of the efficacy and safety of drugeluting<br />

stents. Interv. Cardiol <strong>2011</strong>;3(4):461-66.<br />

Kühne M, Conen D. Aktuelle therapeutische Interventionen und Empfehlungen bei Vorhofflimmern. Kolloquium<br />

Innere Medizin <strong>2011</strong>;9:20.<br />

Tobler D, Crean A, Redington A, Van Arsdell G, Calderone C, Nanthakumar K, Stambach D, Dos L, Oechslin<br />

E, Silversides C, Wald R. The Left Heart After Pulmonary Valve Replacement in Adults Late After Tetralogy of<br />

Fallot Repair. Inter J Cardiol <strong>2011</strong>, doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.<strong>2011</strong>.04.007.<br />

Tobler D, Yalonetski S, Crean A, Granton J, Burchill L, Silversides C, Wald R. Right Heart Characteristics and<br />

Exercise Capacity in Adults with Ebstein Anomaly: New Perspective from Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging<br />

Studies. Inter J Cardiol <strong>2011</strong>, doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.<strong>2011</strong>.08.004.<br />

Tobler D, Greutmann M, Greutmann-Yantiri M, Librach L, Colman J, Kovacs A. End-of-life Care in Adults with<br />

Congenital Heart Disease: Care Delayed – Care Denied. Palliat Med Epub <strong>2011</strong> Juni 21.<br />

Tricoci P, Huang Z, Held C, Moliterno DJ, Armstrong PW, Van de Werf F, White HD, Aylward PE, Wallentin L,<br />

Chen E, Lokhnygina Y, Pei J, Leonardi S, Rorick TL, Kilian AM, Jennings LH, Ambrosio G, Bode C, Cequier A,<br />

Cornel JH, Diaz R, Erkan A, Huber K, Hudson MP, Jiang L, Jukema JW, Lewis BS, Lincoff AM, Montalescot<br />

G, Nicolau JC, Ogawa H, Pfisterer M, Prieto JC, Ruzyllo W, Sinnaeve PR, Storey RF, Valgimigli M, Whellan DJ,<br />

Widimsky P, Strony J, Harrington RA, Mahaffey KW; TRACER Investigators. Thrombin-receptor antagonist vorapaxar<br />

in acute coronary syndromes. N Engl J Med. 2012 Jan 5;366(1):20-33. Epub <strong>2011</strong> Nov 13.<br />

Uthoff H, Breidthardt T, KLima T, Aschwanden M, Arenja N, Socrates T, Heinisch C, Noveanu M, Frischknecht<br />

B, Baumann U, Jaeger KA, Mueller C. Central venous pressure and impaired renal function in patients with<br />

acute heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail <strong>2011</strong>; Apr;13(4):432-9. Epub 2010 Nov 18.<br />

Winkler B, Mueller-Schweinitzer E, Elezi F, Grussenmeyer T, Rueter F, Matt P, Konerding MA, Grapow MT, Eckstein<br />

FS. Effects of the novel polymer gel LeGoo on human internal thoracic arteries. Ann Thorac Surg. <strong>2011</strong><br />

Dec;92(6):2235-9.<br />

Yalonetski S, Tobler D, Greutmann M, Crean A, Wintersperger B, Nguyen E, Oechslin E, Silversides C, Wald R.<br />

Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the Assessment of Ebstein Anomaly in Adults. Am J Cardiol, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Mar 1;107(5):767-773.<br />

Kühne M, Sticherling C. Innovative techniques: cryoballoon ablation for pulmonary vein isolation of atrial<br />

fibrillation: a better way to complete the circle? J Innovations in Card Rhythm Manag <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

Matt P, Eckstein F. Novel pharmacologic strategies to prevent aortic complications in Marfan syndrome. Journal<br />

of Geriatric Cardiology (<strong>2011</strong>) 8: 254−257.<br />

Metzler B, Winkler B. SYNTAX, STS and EuroSCORE - How good are they for risk estimation in atherosclerotic<br />

heart disease? Thromb Haemost. <strong>2011</strong> Dec 21;107(3)<br />

Perrone-Filardi P, Achenbach S, Möhlenkamp S, Reiner Z, Sambuceti G, Schuijf JD, Van der Wall E, Kaufmann<br />

PA, Knuuti J, Schroeder S, Zellweger MJ. Cardiac computed tomography and myocardial perfusion scintigraphy<br />

for risk stratification in asymptomatic individuals without known cardiovascular disease: a position<br />

statement of the Working Group on Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT of the European Society of Cardiology<br />

Eur Heart J. <strong>2011</strong> Aug;32(16):1986-93.<br />

Pfister O, Buser P, Brunner-La Rocca H. Heart failure in the elderly. Ther Umsch. <strong>2011</strong> Feb;68(2):107-12. Review.<br />

Pfisterer M, Nietlispach F, Jeger R, Kaiser C; BASKET Investigators. Drug-eluting coronary stents in clinical<br />

practice: lessons from the «BAsel Stent Kosten-Effektivitäts Trials» (BASKET). A review of the BASKET trials.<br />

Swiss Med Wkly. <strong>2011</strong> Aug 31;141-9. Review<br />

Pfisterer M, Kaiser C, Jeger R, No One-Size-Fits-All: A Tailored Approach to Antiplatelet Therapy after Stent.<br />

Circulation <strong>2011</strong> published online December 16.<br />

Reiter M, Reichlin T, Twerenbold R, Mueller C. Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction Using Highly Sensitive<br />

Cardiac Troponin Assays. European Cardiology <strong>2011</strong>;7:18-20.<br />

Riediger C, Nietlispach F, Rüter F, Fassl J. [Transcatheter aortic valve implantation: what do anesthetists need to<br />

know?]. Anaesthesist. <strong>2011</strong> Dec;60(12):1095-108<br />

Zellweger MJ, Kaiser C, Jeger R, Brunner-La Rocca HP, Buser P, Bader F, Mueller-Brand J, Pfisterer M. Coronary<br />

artery disease progression late after successful stent implantation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 Feb 28;59(9):793-9.<br />

Reuthebuch O, Rüter F, Matt P, Eckstein F. Moderne operative Techniken - Off-Pump-Koronarrevaskularisation<br />

bei ausgeprägter Atherosklerose. Journal für Kardiologie – Austrian Journal of Cardiology <strong>2011</strong>; 18 (11-12),<br />


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