02.12.2012 Aufrufe

Plenarvortragende - Institut für Theater

Plenarvortragende - Institut für Theater

Plenarvortragende - Institut für Theater


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Abstracts<br />

Erika Hughes (Madison, WI)<br />

Erika Hughes is a dissertator at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of <strong>Theater</strong> and<br />

Drama, and is currently a Visiting Scholar on a yearlong fellowship at the Universität Bonn. Next year she<br />

will attend the Hebrew University in Jerusalem as a George Mosse Exchange Fellow. She is interested in<br />

twentieth century female German performers, and has published articles on Hanya Holm and Valeska Gert.<br />

In addition, she has delivered conference papers at the Mid-America <strong>Theater</strong> Conference and the University<br />

of Wisconsin History of Science Colloquim. Currently her research interests focus on the GRIPS <strong>Theater</strong><br />

Company of Berlin and the children’s play “Ab heute heißt du Sara”, and exploring its role as a mechanism<br />

for building a “usable” memory in post-War West Berlin. She is the recipient of numerous fellowships,<br />

including a DAAD Intensive Language Course, a Center for German and European Studies Travel Grant, and<br />

a Tisch School of the Arts Scholarship at New York University.<br />

Mediating Authenticity: An Examination of Onstage Realities<br />

The paper examines the children‘s play “I Never Saw Another Butterfl y” by Celeste Raspanti. Based<br />

on the collection of children‘s drawings and poems from the concentration camp Theresienstadt with<br />

the same title, the play tells the story of children using art as a means through which to cope with the<br />

cruelty surrounding them. Drawing and writing become the theatrical actions around which the plot<br />

revolves. The play does not attempt to convey the horrors of the holocaust through a child‘s eyes, but<br />

rather centers around the recording of this experience – an experience which cannot be authentically<br />

recreated onstage – serving to fi ll a void where authenticity cannot function.<br />

Kollegienhaus, Raum D / 13.10. / 10.00 – 10.30 Uhr<br />

60 <strong>Theater</strong> & Medien

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