02.02.2016 Aufrufe

SFP 1-1

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The Government's Case<br />

To begin with, it is important to demonstrate that a substantial, if not most of the Government's<br />

case is based on collections of NPD speeches, declarations or other such materials. This serves<br />

to prove that Government's attempt to the NPD is in effect, if a charge is based on nothing else,<br />

an attempt to curtail the NPD's right to free expression.<br />

On the 3 rd of December 2013 Germany's Union Assembly (Bundesrat) officially submitted<br />

it's lawsuit of the NPD to Germany's Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVG))<br />

(Balk 2014). The following is a sample of charges brought by the Bundesrat's officially submitted,<br />

265 page document, Antrag nach Art. 21 Abs. 2 GG i.V.m §§ 13 Nr. 2, 43 ff. BverGG.<br />

As an initial confirmation of this paper's thesis, that the charges are largely based on public<br />

statements, we read on pages eighteen to nineteen,<br />

„Der Antrag ist maßgeblich aus allgemein zugänglichen Materialien informiert. [...]<br />

Von besonderem dokumentarischem Wert sind zahlreiche programmatische Äußerungen,<br />

[...]” (Möllers/Waldhoff 2013: 18-19).<br />

Included is evidence from police investigations, described as,<br />

„[...] von der Polizei vorgenommene [...] Beobachtung öffentlicher Veranstaltungen<br />

der Antragsgegnerin (NPD), die es der Polizei gestatten, mit Hilfe von Notizen oder<br />

anderen Formen der Aufzeichnung Aktivitäten der Partei zu dokumentieren” (Möllers/Waldhoff<br />

2013: 19-20).<br />

In addition the charge sheet cites, “[...] Erkenntnisse aus der empirischen sozialwissenschaftlichen<br />

Forschung [...]” (Empirical Social Studies), as well as, „Sachverständigergutachten”<br />

(Expert testimony) (Möllers/Waldhoff 2013: 20, 22). As a result we conclude, that the<br />

Government's case rests on three Pillars of evidence. One, NPD statements and speeches, two,<br />

Police records of speeches, three social studies and expert testimony. Next, we examine three<br />

examples given in the paper, to evaluate the nature of NPD speech and activities.<br />

One: Anti-Semitism<br />

In the section A. Sachverhalt/III Ideologie/5. Insbesondere Antisemitismus, the following evidence<br />

is presented. The paper list's „[...] offen antisemitische Äußerungen, auch wenn einzelne<br />

Begriffe entsprechend konnotiert sind”. Such as „fremdreligiösen Bauten”, „Zinswucher”,<br />

„Weltdiktatur des Großkapitals”, or „Bundesrepublik als ‚Judenrepublik‘”, „jüdisch-amerikanische<br />

Interessen” and „Krummnasen für Juden“ (Möllers/Waldhoff 2013: 52).<br />

Two: Parlamentary Statements<br />

The following are exerts from the section A. Sachverhalt/IV. Politische Aktivität, in 1. Parlamentische<br />

Aktivität (Landtage). In evidence is the „Verachtung des demokratisch-parlamentischen<br />

Systems” (Möllers/Waldhoff 2013: 60), by quoting the NPD's Tino Müller, who stated:<br />


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