01.10.2018 Aufrufe

»feine adressen – finest« – Berlin 3 18

Event: VKBI-Sommerfest · Hotel: Spa-Suite, Steigenberger · Automobile: Der neue Porsche Macan · Travel: Malediven

Event: VKBI-Sommerfest · Hotel: Spa-Suite, Steigenberger · Automobile: Der neue Porsche Macan · Travel: Malediven


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finest investment | 19 b<br />

The Current Situation on the Gold Market -<br />

A Comment by Wolfgang Wrzesniok-Roßbach, CEO of Degussa Goldhandel<br />

Currently, the price of gold is falling, particularly as a<br />

result of sales in the USA. There, not only hedge funds but also<br />

private investors (directly and indirectly via pension funds) are<br />

exiting the gold market. There are various reasons for this behavior:<br />

On the one hand, it is the low volatility of the gold market<br />

that discourages investors because it does not promise any shortterm<br />

profit opportunities; on the other hand, the robust US economy<br />

generally reduces fear of the future and thus the need for<br />

hedging.<br />

Another factor that should not be underestimated is the fact that<br />

the traditionally sceptical, but at the same time very precious-metals<br />

affine population groups in the US believe that President<br />

Trump is »one of their own« in the White House and are therefore<br />

also likely to buy less gold at the moment.<br />

The low level of demand in the USA is reflected in massive outflows<br />

of gold in the form of coins, which are floating from the<br />

USA to Europe in particular and have ensured that the premiums<br />

for coins in Germany have fallen sharply at times and that the<br />

business of minting companies around the world is thus also<br />

suffering.<br />

Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that central banks from countries<br />

currently in crisis could also sell gold. Traditionally, however,<br />

such sales are only made public after a long delay, so that at the<br />

moment it can only be speculated about.<br />

First and foremost, Turkey would be a candidate for such behaviour,<br />

as in the light of the economic and financial problems, it will<br />

certainly have a need for foreign exchange. It is also interesting to<br />

note that Turkish private investors are currently selling gold and<br />

thus buy the lira (which has now become much cheaper). Since the<br />

Turkish population has traditionally been extremely affine to gold,<br />

such behaviour could also have (albeit limited) effects on the world<br />

market price.<br />

In order to turn the mood around in favour of gold worldwide in<br />

consideration of the higher supply, a disruptive shock event is probably<br />

needed on the economic and financial markets. The possible<br />

dangers for these markets are already being discussed (too high<br />

share prices, further developments in Turkey with effects on southern<br />

European banks, debt levels in China, economic problems in<br />

South Africa, Venezuela, Argentina, etc.). Should something happen<br />

here, the price of gold will presumably rise very quickly,<br />

because then the speculators, who currently have uncovered minus<br />

positions on the gold market, will also have to cover them fast.<br />

By the way, German customers are not discouraged by the recent<br />

fall in prices. They are taking advantage of the fall in prices to<br />

make massive purchases, and we were not the only ones who had<br />

the best sales in the last 1.5 years in July. And the traditionally<br />

quiet holiday month of August was also very satisfactory.<br />

All in all, we expect the market to remain rather calm for the time<br />

being. Initial profit taking by short speculators, an end to central<br />

bank sales (and at the same time purchases by other central banks<br />

such as Russia, China, etc.) and a stable demand on the part of<br />

private customers will prevent the gold price from continuing to fall<br />

significantly in value. However, should there be a sudden and<br />

massive disruption in the economic or financial markets, the price<br />

of gold will quickly rise by 10 percent and more.<br />

www.degussa-goldhandel.de<br />

Das Tor für Visionäre.<br />

rhe-grundbesitz.com<br />

Investment-Immobilien: Wohn- und Geschäftshäuser, Büroimmobilien, Baugrundstücke<br />

Investment-Immobilien: Wohn- und Geschäftshäuser, Büroimmobilien, Baugrundstücke

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