Amiga Computing - Commodore Is Awesome

Amiga Computing - Commodore Is Awesome

Amiga Computing - Commodore Is Awesome


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E586DXsm Emulation Module<br />

The new E5B8DX emulation module otters a high speed<br />

• 5136DX (FPU. MMU, and new instruction set) emulation<br />

with complete low-level architecture support, giving you<br />

the ability to run DOS. OS12, NT. Windows 3.x. and even<br />

Chicago! There is support for MDA. CGA, EGA, VGA,<br />

SVGA video modes (dependant on hardware. AGA or a<br />

supported graphics card is required for VGA/SVGA)<br />

sound, joysticks, floppy drives. hard drives, extended<br />

memory. and morel<br />

Macintosh® Emulation Module<br />

The Macintosh emulation module is a 'generic Macintosh<br />

with the speed of the emulation depending on the<br />

processor your <strong>Amiga</strong> is using. An A3000 is equivalent to<br />

a MAC ltd. An A4000 is equivalent to a Quadra 900.<br />

Support for up to 16 colours is provided for non-AGA<br />

machines_ A4000 owners can use a lull 256 colours! Up<br />

to 24 bit (16 million+) colours is supported using third<br />

party video boards_ Built in multiple file transfer allows for<br />

quick and easy transfers between the <strong>Amiga</strong> and MAC<br />

emulation. Support tor <strong>Amiga</strong>DOS devices, Scanners. CO<br />

ROM. MIDI, SyQuest removable drives. Printers. Modems<br />

etc. Full stereo sound is supported tool Requires<br />

Macintosh ROMs (not supplied).<br />

The possibilities with a multi-plattorm machine are<br />

endless. Now you can take advantage of a whole host of<br />

great software previously unavailable, and use them to<br />

compliment e a ch o t h e r. By u p g ra d in g yo u r Am ig a (e xt ra<br />

memory, faster processor, etc) you instantly upgrade your<br />

emulation tool All major graphics cards are supported for<br />

improved video performance such as: CyberGraphics,<br />

Picasso II, EGS-Spectrum. Vivid-24. Rainbow II, Rainbow<br />

Visiona Paint, Merlin. Retina, Retina Z3, Piccolo_<br />

PiccoloSD64 E0S110124, and OpalVision!<br />

Blifte rsoft a re the e xclusive Europe a n distributors for<br />

Utilities U nlimite d We provide a full te chnica l support<br />

se rvice , a s we ll a s softwa re upgra de s to a ll officia l U K<br />

boards. Check before you buy,<br />


EMPLANT OPTI ON A (Apple Ta lk ports)<br />



r586DX.. M OD U LE<br />


E249.95<br />

E299.95<br />

£299.95<br />

E349.95<br />

C119_95<br />

PICASSO II is the leading graphics card on the <strong>Amiga</strong>. It<br />

offers unrivalled support and retargetable graphics on any<br />

Zorro based <strong>Amiga</strong>. Workbench emulation otters 256<br />

colours, even on non-AGA machines (Requires 0531) at<br />

resolutions up to 16011(1280. Supports HiColour (16 WI)<br />

and True Colour (24 bit) graphics • 16 million colours'<br />

There is no longer a Chip RAM limitation and screen<br />

configuration is provided through PicassoMode, which<br />

allows the creation of custom screens quickly and simply.<br />

PABLO is the new Video Encoder option for Picasso II,<br />

expandingil with two additional video ports, one standard<br />

Composite Sync Signal. and one S-VHS (Y-C) compatible<br />

port. All PAL compatible video devices can be plugged<br />

into Pablo, such as a colour TV or a video recorder. Pablo<br />

has 15KHz overload protection and is supplied with<br />

cables/adapters, Animation examples and a 24 bit<br />

, animation player.<br />

, PICASSO H 2MB<br />

ithz.<br />

PAB<br />

LO<br />

£299.95<br />

E129.95<br />

OS 3.1<br />

AMIGA<br />

OS 3.1<br />

Many o f t h e la t e st so ilwa re re q u ire s t h e la t e st o p e ra tin g<br />

system. Now you can upgrade to KickStad 3,1 for virtually<br />

any <strong>Amiga</strong>. Non-AGA machines can deliver a 256 colour<br />

Workbench with 0S3.1 and Picasso II<br />

053.1 FOR AMIGA 500 OR 2000 E 8 4 . 9 5<br />

053•1 FOR AMIGA 1200. 3000 OR 4000 £ 9 4 . 9 6<br />

Peon goofy ewers, AkS0 mt. thai WM.. 3<br />

mend - Wo moth recommend dee • ordesecree enernAl. reconvenes =moony<br />

5 owner. rttcrrertxtirds<br />

e rem we creende enecharg• are derneded modreedly CMIXnenlii.<br />

m o o n<br />

M e n g<br />

e ARIADNE<br />

t o<br />

Ever wanted to set up a network but been afraid of the<br />

complexity Involved? Now there is a simple but effective<br />

solution for any Zorro based <strong>Amiga</strong>. In addition. Anadne<br />

has two extra parallel ports and includes <strong>Commodore</strong>s<br />

industry standard software solution ENVOY.<br />

Ariadne offers 100ase-2 (Thin ethernet coax cable) and<br />

10Base-T (Twisted pair. western jacket), Socket for a boot<br />

ROM, SAN A-I l co m p a tib le d rive r f o r ethernet a n d p a ra lle l<br />

port, 32Kb cache to support the CPU and full manuals.<br />

You can hook up additional <strong>Amiga</strong>'s to the parallel ports<br />

with Liana.<br />

ARIA ONE E 1 9 9 . 9 5<br />

LIANA<br />

Liana is the ideal solution for a quick, easy yet efficient<br />

connection between Iwo <strong>Amiga</strong>'s. Simply plug the special<br />

cable into the parallel port, install the software and you are<br />

ready to go. Now you can share hard drives etc. without<br />

on a small budget The software supplied is ENVOY.<br />

LIANA E 5 9 . 9 5<br />

PICCOLO SD64<br />

The Piccolo SD64 graphics board is a state al the art<br />

Zorro 11/11I (auto-sensing) graphics card with a built in<br />

<strong>Amiga</strong> video pass-through and expansion port for<br />

forthcoming modules (such as video encoder).<br />

Using the latest 64 bit Alpine graphics processor, 64 bit<br />

bhtler and last Zorro Ill interlace, incredible 24-bit speeds<br />

are achieved.<br />

Piccolo SD64 comes with the latest EGS system and 24bit<br />

paint package as well as loaders/savers for many<br />

common packages and a slideshow program. A full<br />

Workbench emulation is also part of the package.<br />

The b o a rd is a va ila b le a s a 2 M b o r 4 M b syst e m . wit h n o<br />

chip RAM limitations.<br />

The maximum pixel clock is 110 MHz and user definable<br />

resolutions to 1600x1280 are achievable<br />

The 2Mb board can display a maximum at 800x600 in lull<br />

24 bit colour, whilst the 2Mb board can display 1024x768<br />

(interlace).<br />

PICCOLO 5054 2Mb<br />

PICCOLO 5064 4ittb<br />


We can now arrange<br />

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demonstration of any product at<br />

our new premises. All<br />

demonstrations by appointment<br />

only so please call first<br />

CyberStorm <strong>Is</strong> a fully modular system offering huge<br />

increases in power and expansion capabilities. This<br />

design allows processor upgrades from the base 40MHz<br />

040 system to the world beating 50MHz 0601 With<br />

additional upgrades such as the SCSI-II and the I10<br />

module. CyberStorm offers unequalled possibilities.<br />

The CyberStorm carrier board inserts into the 200 pin<br />

<strong>Amiga</strong> last slot, and has ports for the CPU, Memory and<br />

1(0 modules. The CPU module is prepared for clock<br />

speeds to 80MHz, with active cooling and an extra<br />

expansion port for future modules (ie DSP board). The<br />

CyberStorm memory board can carry 4 SIMMs using<br />

standard 72 pin modules, single or double sided and<br />

either 4,8,16,or 32Mb (Max 128Mb). Data transmission of<br />

>50Mbisec is achieved. The CyberStorm I/0 module<br />

consists of a Fast SCSI-II interlace with up to 7Mtws<br />

Asynchronous, 10Mb<br />

, bus terminations, 10Mbitis Ethernet controller (10Basel<br />

s . with SANA driver and BNCIDSub 15 connectors and high<br />

S) speed 2MBaud RS232 Serial interface The CyberStorm<br />

SCSI<br />

y n<br />

module<br />

c h r o<br />

has<br />

n o<br />

the same specification as the SCSI<br />

us interface on the I/0 module.<br />

t r a n s f<br />

e CyberStorm r s 040 40 MHz No proc.. E449-95<br />

CyberStorm 0 4 0 4 0 M Hz<br />

1729.95<br />

a n<br />

CyberStorm 060 50 MHz<br />

E899.95<br />

d<br />

Cyt3erStorm Z3 SCSI module<br />

049.95<br />

A c t<br />

CyberStorm I/O module<br />

E349-95<br />

i<br />

CyberStorm<br />

v e<br />

upgrade 040 to 060 E39e.95<br />

CyberVision 2Mb<br />

E299,95<br />

CyberVision 4Mb<br />

E369,95<br />

The CyberVision64 graphics card compnses of a 64 bit<br />

graphics processor and Butter with 32 bit Zorro III bus<br />

interlace. It is available in 2Mb or 4Mb versions (using<br />

common memory modules), offering up to 1600x1200<br />

Interlaced, 1280x1024 non-interlaced and 135MHz video<br />

bandwidth. Planar-to-Chunky pixel conversion is<br />

performed by on board hardware, some 6-8 faster than<br />

typical software solutions and accelerating Workbench<br />

emulation. Support for draggable and virtual screens,<br />

expandable bus for future cards (video, JPEG, MPEG..)<br />

and <strong>Amiga</strong> video pass-through.<br />

The CyberStorm 060 and CyberVision64<br />

should be available by the end of March. We<br />

have back-ordered - Reserve your unit NOW!<br />

CIF611<br />

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VI<br />

S<br />

IZOtt<br />

PhotoWorX & FolloWorX<br />

PholoWorX software to read PholoCd<br />

format, save, image process etc_ E 4 9 , 9 5<br />

FolioWorX player tor PholoCD arid PortFolio<br />

CD's, both <strong>Amiga</strong> and CO32 versions (specify) E39.95<br />

glittersoft<br />

6 Drakes Mews, Crownhill,<br />

Milton Keynes. MK8 OER<br />

01908 261466<br />

01908 261477<br />

01908 261488<br />

01908 261499<br />

Orders Only<br />

Technical & Queries<br />

Fax<br />

BBS (24 Hour)<br />

Order by AccessNisa.Delta,Switch<br />

or Postal ceder/Cheque<br />

Prices and speolications rrey change withota notice All prices<br />

incsude VAT All trade marks acknowledged. Nis advisable to<br />

telephone to conrirrn pricing/availability on any product<br />

a g<br />

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