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120 <strong>Barahin</strong>-e-ahmadiyya<br />

enough, no such doctrine can be found in the Vedas. There is no<br />

As for the assumption that the Muslims should ever revert to polytheism,<br />

this too can never happen, because Allah the Almighty has<br />

himself declared:<br />

That is: ‘Polytheism and idolatry has been so uprooted that it shall neither<br />

put forth new branches nor return to its previous state.’ (Surah<br />

Saba’, Part no. 22) ‡<br />

The truth of this prophecy is self-evident. despite the passage of<br />

a long time, idolatry and polytheism have not been able to replace<br />

Tauhid [oneness of God] in any land from which they were uprooted.<br />

And sane reason also bears full faith to the truthfulness of this prophecy<br />

for future, because if Muslims held fast to the doctrine of divine<br />

oneness while they were few and vulnerable—nay, they became even<br />

more firmly established upon it—how can they abandon it now when<br />

they are over two hundred million strong? What is more, even the<br />

polytheists in this age are drawing somewhat closer to the doctrine<br />

of divine oneness because of their exposure to the teachings of the<br />

holy Quran and their continuous association with the adherents of<br />

divine Unity. Wherever you look you will find the arguments for<br />

divine Unity valiantly bombarding the fictitious towers of idolatry<br />

and the zeal and fervour of the believers of Tauhid is sending nervous<br />

jitters in the hearts of the idolaters—the enlightened among whom are<br />

realizing the hollowness of the edifice of creature-worship. Everyday<br />

the powerful guns of divine oneness are blowing away the unsightly<br />

shacks of idolatry. Thus, it is no longer possible for the darkness of<br />

idolatry to envelop the world, as it did in the past when people were<br />

prone to confusing the creator with the created.<br />

Since it is not possible for the teachings of the holy Quran to be<br />

corrupted or interpolated, and there is no chance that the entire world<br />

will ever revert to the darkness of idolatry, it follows that the coming<br />

of a new divine law or new scripture [after the holy Quran] is also<br />

not logically possible, because that which is conditional upon the<br />

‡ Surah Saba’, 34:50 [Publishers]

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