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C '94<br />

3213. A drunken Chinaman is worse than an opium-smoking Chinaman<br />

?-Y es; when a Chinaman is drunk he is in a reckless litale of mind;<br />

be beats his wife and the members of his family. Some Chinese have the<br />

impression that they can get off with a lighter senten,'e from the Magistrates<br />

if they plead drunkenness.<br />

3214. You do not think, then, that if you stopped your coolies absolutely<br />

from smoking opium, they would simply do their work and then go to bed ?­<br />

Every Chinese coolie having money feels itchy in the palm of his hands amI<br />

wants to spend it. The opium smoker is more law-ahiding because he fears<br />

he will get no opium in the prison; on the other hand. the drunkard does not<br />

care what he does. Womanising is worse than opium smoking. and gamhling<br />

is very bad also. I put the four well-known evils in this order-womanising<br />

is the worst, gambling comes next; drinking next and. last of all opium<br />

smoking. The womaniser's disease is visited upon his children and family:<br />

the gambler squanders his father's inheritance; the drunkard acts and behaves<br />

recklessly; on the other hand the opium smoker is steady. eHe thinks very<br />

carefully before he acts.<br />

3215. Mr. Chan.-Does the opium smoker think very carefully before<br />

he takes to opium ?-He does; in most cases the opium smoker takes to opium<br />

on account of failing health or sickness. In Hongkong the non-smokers<br />

suffer from plague more than the smokers. From this it would appear that<br />

opium has a certain amount of medicinal value.<br />

3216. He would take to it because of sickness?-Y es; when I was<br />

27 years of age I was a spirit farmer in Laboean-Deli, a very feverish place.<br />

I suffered from constant fever, and I think I had to swallow about 2 pOlmds<br />

of quinine during three years. That did not cure me, so I was forced to take<br />

opium and the results were soon apparent. I thought I was going to die<br />

then; I was carried on board ship for Penang as I was unable to walk. Since<br />

that time I have taken to opium.<br />

3217. Sir David Galloway.-Have you kept well ?-I have had no more'<br />

feveJ. I was strong enough to go with a prospecting party to Renong in<br />

Siam, which has a rotten climate, and I was not afraid of the fever because<br />

of being an opium smoker.<br />

3218. Chairman.-Did the other members of the party smoke opium,<br />

or not ?-All were opium smokers except two, who died. The average<br />

mining coolie takes to opium-smoking more for the sake of preserving his<br />

life than for playing with it. In the Federated Malay States there is primary<br />

jungle, primitive work and an unmodified climate. Seventy per cent of<br />

woodcutters are opium smokers. Without opium I doubt if they could stand<br />

the conditions.<br />

3219. How do the woodcutters, right in the jungle, get their opium?­<br />

They send in a maD to purchase for them.<br />

3220. Do you remember the compact amongst the miners in Kinta<br />

to refuse to engage opium smokers. 15 years ago?-Yes, that did not succeed.<br />

3221. Why did it not succeed?- Because they could not get enough<br />

skilled labour.<br />

3222. Do you think mentally opium has any effect on opium smokers ?-<br />

I manage my own mine. '<br />

3223. Do you feel cloudy-not smart ?-When I have an over-dose<br />

I am not so bright as at other times; the same thing applies to liquor.<br />

3224. Mr. McLean.-How much do you smoke a day?-About 6 chees<br />

a day; sometimes I take more; sometimes less; if I am not feeling quite fit<br />

,I take a little more.<br />

3225. Sir David Gallowoy.-WheD you began to smoke. how much did<br />

you take ?-About 2 chees a day. .:-<br />

3226. Had you to steadily increase it?-Yes; but for 10 years I have<br />

been taking 6 chees a day. '

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