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C 226<br />

3718. Without the smokers is there a sufficiency of labour in the Peninsula<br />

?-No, that is absolutely certain. Even the Chinese will tell yuu that.<br />

That is the reason why they want registration. They do not want abulition.<br />

If they had this registration they would be able to keep their opium-smokers<br />

on.<br />

3719. You are speaking of whom at present ?-The owners. They are<br />

anxious to have registration, not abolition altogether, which would do away<br />

with coolie labour.<br />

3720. Mr. Ie/I.-If a notice were posted in the shipping offices in<br />

Amoy, "No opium-smokers allowed", it would be difficult to obtain labour?­<br />

I should think so.<br />

3721. Sir David Galloway.-Is there any comparison between the effects<br />

of alcohol and opium ?-No comparison. In the one you have definite tissue<br />

changes, and in the other you have not, except in very grave cases of morphine<br />

injection. I have never discovered in a post-mortem examination any tissue<br />

changes.<br />

3722. As a member of society which is the more acceptable, tbe opiumsmoker<br />

to excess or the man who takes alcohol to excess ?-I would rather<br />

be in the company of the opium-smoker to excess than with the alcoholic<br />

subject. The former is peaceful and quiet. He certainly smokes away his<br />

earnings, but so does the drunkard. One gives you no trouble, but the other<br />

man is up to all sorts of tricks and very possibly does you harm physically.<br />

3723. Have you ever met highly intellectual men who were smokers ?­<br />

Yes, two or three. One, a very acute business man, was not a moderate<br />

smoker, but more on the inveterate side. He died in Penang some time ago.<br />

I knew two or three others in Ipoh. I will not mention any names, but they<br />

are intellectual, quite good business men, and very difficult to deal with<br />

sometimes, in the way of being too acute, in spite of their opium-smoking.<br />

One celebrated his seventieth birthday the other day and had three thousand<br />

guests at various places. Though he had had his quantum of opium, and<br />

he is not a moderate smoker, he came round that night, and was quite intelligible,<br />

very amusing at times. He came round to each table and had his<br />

glass of champagne.<br />

3724. Looking back over the men you have known in the Federated<br />

Malay States, you must recollect at least half-a-dozen, who though opiumsmokers,<br />

made their way in life from coolies to millionaires practically ?-Yes,<br />

and most of them were opium-smokers.<br />

3725. Did you know Mr. T. T. S. in Singapore?-Yes_<br />

3726. You will probably remember him as one of the most intellectual<br />

Chinese you ever met, and a member of the Straits Philosophical Society?­<br />

Yes.<br />

3727. Mr. Lim Nee Soon.-How many employees have YOI1 at<br />

present ?-At present I have about two or three hundred coolies.<br />

3728. All of them Chinese ?-Practically ninety per cent.<br />

3729. How many per cent are smoking opium ?-I should say about<br />

twenty-five per cent.<br />

3730. Do the smokers get any malaria fever ?-I have already pointed<br />

out that last instance when we had that outbreak, the smokers came out to<br />

work when the others were laid up. Then we had another attack of influenza,<br />

and these opium-smokers to my surprise were out to work.<br />

3731. Are smokers and non-smokers getting the same pay?-Oh yes_<br />

But these are all very moderate smokers.<br />

3732. How much do your coolies get a day?-They vary between eighty<br />

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