English – Quenya - Ambar Eldaron

English – Quenya - Ambar Eldaron

English – Quenya - Ambar Eldaron


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Helge K. Fauskanger http://www.uib.no/People/hnohf/<br />

BUTTERFLY wilwarin (wilwarind-) <strong>–</strong><br />

WIL/MC:222, 223/LT1:273<br />

BUTTOCKS hacca (hams) <strong>–</strong>GL:47<br />

BY as a prep. introducing the agent in a<br />

passive construction may be rendered by ló<br />

(nahtana ló Turin *“slain by Túrin”, VT42:24) or<br />

by the instrumental case (turún’ ambartanen<br />

CALACIRIAN Calaciryan (prob.<br />

*Calaciryand-), full form Calaciryandë (i.e., "the<br />

region of Eldamar...in and near the entrance to<br />

the ravine [of Calacirya], where the Light was<br />

brighter and the land more beautiful") <strong>–</strong>RGEO:70<br />

cf. LotR:252<br />

CALL (noun) yello (shouth, cry of triumph)<br />

<strong>–</strong>GYEL, VT45:16<br />

CAMEL ulumpë <strong>–</strong>QL:97<br />

CAN (vb.), see BE ABLE<br />

CANDLE lícuma (taper) <strong>–</strong>MC:223<br />

CANOPY (vb) telta- (overshadow,<br />

screen), CANOPY (noun) telimbo (sky) <strong>–</strong>TEL,<br />

LT1:268<br />

CANNIBAL-OGRES Sarquindi (sg<br />

#Sarquindë?) <strong>–</strong>LT2:347<br />

CAPE mundo (nose, snout), stem<br />

*mundu- given the primitive form mbundu.<br />

(Note: mundo also means "ox", and as such the<br />

word may not have a distinct stem-form.) CAPE<br />

(OF LAND) nortil (stem *nortill-), said to be<br />

"only used of the ends of promontories or other<br />

seaward projections that were relatively sharp<br />

and spike-like". <strong>–</strong>MBUD, VT47:28<br />

CAPTAIN hesto <strong>–</strong>VT45:22<br />

CARANTHIR Morifinwë, short form<br />

Moryo (not equivalent in sense to his Sindarin<br />

name, which is the cognate of his "mother-name"<br />

[q.v.] Carnistir.) <strong>–</strong>PM:353<br />

CARCANET firinga (necklace) <strong>–</strong><br />

LT2:346/GL:36<br />

CAROUSAL yulmë (drinking) (Note: a<br />

homophone means "smouldering heat") <strong>–</strong><br />

WJ:416<br />

CARPENTER samno (Þ) (wright, builder)<br />

<strong>–</strong>STAB<br />

?CARPET farma (reading of gloss<br />

uncertain; another, even more difficult gloss<br />

begins in "st-" and may possibly read "string" or<br />

"stray") <strong>–</strong>VT46:15<br />

CARRIER (the sign used to "carry" short<br />

vowel-symbols in the Tengwar system) anar (the<br />

C<br />

“by doom mastered”, UT:138). BY meaning<br />

“near; next to” may be rendered by ara “beside”<br />

(*coa ara ëar, “a house by the sea”). BY THIS<br />

MEANS, see SO.<br />

<strong>–</strong>BY-mas (final element in place-names,<br />

see <strong>–</strong>TON) <strong>–</strong>LT1:250<br />

word for "sun", which would require an initial<br />

vowel-carrier in the Tengwar mode used for<br />

<strong>Quenya</strong>) <strong>–</strong>VT45:6<br />

CARRY <strong>–</strong> GL:38 has yulu-, but in WJ:416<br />

the same stem (there spelt JULU) is said to<br />

mean "drink", indicating that yulu- "carry" had<br />

probably been abandoned in Tolkien's later<br />

<strong>Quenya</strong>. Use rather #col-; see BEAR.<br />

CART norollë <strong>–</strong>GL:31<br />

?CASSIOPEIA Wilwarin (the identification<br />

of this constellation is not certain. Wilwarin<br />

means "butterfly".) <strong>–</strong>Silm:426<br />

CASTLE OF CUSTODY <strong>–</strong> this is<br />

mentioned as the approximate meaning of<br />

Mandos (stem Mandost-) <strong>–</strong>MR:350<br />

CAT yaulë; an earlier source also lists the<br />

word mëoi, but this word looks strange within the<br />

context of LotR-style <strong>Quenya</strong> (it would be sole<br />

singular form in <strong>–</strong>oi) <strong>–</strong>PE16:132, LT2:348<br />

CATCH (noun) atsa (hook, claw) <strong>–</strong>GAT<br />

CAUSE (vb) tyar-; CAUSE (noun<br />

"reason") casta <strong>–</strong>KYAR, QL:43<br />

CAVE felya, rondo, rotelë, rotto (small<br />

grot, tunnel), ARTIFICIAL CAVE hróta (dwelling<br />

underground, rockhewn hall) <strong>–</strong>PHÉLEG, ROD,<br />

LT2:347, PM:365, VT46:12<br />

CAVITY (hollow) súma (bosom) <strong>–</strong>MC:223<br />

CEASE hauta- (take a rest, stop), pusta-<br />

(stop, put a stop to), tyel- (end) <strong>–</strong>KHAW, PUS,<br />

KYEL<br />

CELEBORN Telporno (Letters:425) or<br />

Teleporno (UT:266). (The latter is stated to be<br />

the Telerin form, while Telporno must be the<br />

form used in Noldorin <strong>Quenya</strong>. Cf. Altáriel vs.<br />

Alatáriel; see GALADRIEL.)<br />

CELEBRIMBOR (= "Silver-fist")<br />

Telperinquar (possibly *Telperinquár-. Cf.<br />

quárë "fist"). <strong>–</strong>Silm:429<br />

CELEBRINDAL ("Silver-foot", Idril's<br />

epithet) Taltyelemna ("Taltelemna" in the printed<br />

Etymologies is a misreading, see VT45:25)<br />

Wordlist last updated July 5th, 2008 14 Presented by http://www.ambar-eldaron.com

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