STANDARD - Survey Instrument Antique Center!

STANDARD - Survey Instrument Antique Center!

STANDARD - Survey Instrument Antique Center!


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184<br />

The 4"<br />

Complete Transit- Theodolite No. 4b.<br />

With Yoke Standards and Wye-Bearings. Without Compass.<br />

Size as in No. 4, page 182.<br />

For triangulatioii, filling- in details, etc., in secondary triangular<br />

tioii, also for explorers, engineers and surveyors where the large instruments<br />

described under No. 11, etc., become undesirable on account of their size and weight.<br />

The Yoke Standard frame is of our advanced pattern, cast in a single piece<br />

of aluminum * (unless ordered to be of brass composition), to gain great lateral stiffness,<br />

and is leatherized. The inverting telescope can be reversed over the bearings by<br />

turning the upper covers aside, and also in the usual way through the standards. The<br />

graduation of the horizontal circle and its verniers are protected by glass.<br />

If double opposite verniers are desired for the vertical circle the figures will then<br />

run from 0-90-0 and back (as in the regular field instruments), instead of clockwise with<br />

single opposite verniers enumerated below. A level is attached to the vernier arm<br />

(instead of to the telescope as in Xo. 4). This instrument will be made with three leveling<br />

screws only and packed lying down in its carrying case.<br />

Made to order only.<br />

Complete Transit-Theodolite No. 4 b, as in cut on opposite page.<br />


Horizontal circle 4-iiicli (at edge of graduation), graduated on heavy inlaid<br />

ring of solid silver, single opposite verniers read to minutes, one row of figures<br />

to 360; verniers at 90 to line of sight.<br />

Vertical circle 4-iiich, graduated on solid silver, single opposite verniers read<br />

to minutes, one row of figures 0-360 clockwise (unless ordered otherwise).<br />

Compound centers of bell metal.<br />

Telescope 7^-illch, Objects inverting, aperture l 1<br />

^ inch, power 18dia.<br />

in ratio 1 : 100<br />

Stadia wires, fixed,<br />

Spirit level 2^-indl, with reversible clamp and tangent screw to vernier arm<br />

Striding" level rests at points of contact in wyes.<br />

Reading glasses to horizontal and vertical circles.<br />

Plate levels both of standard length and very sensitive.<br />

Shifting center, to set instrument exactly over a given point.<br />

Punch mark on top of telescope, to enable to center the transit from a point above.<br />

Standards leatherized (see page 9).<br />

Extension tripod.<br />

The Mahogany case has a leather strap, hooks, etc. It contains a sun-shade, a wrench<br />

a screw-driver, an adjustable plumb-bob, a magnifying glass, an adjusting pin, and<br />

weighs about 7 Ibs.<br />

Weight of transit about 5 Ibs; weight of extension tripod 9 Ibs.<br />

Gross weight of transit packed securely for shipment in two boxes, about 50 Ibs.<br />

Price of Small Complete Transit-Theodolite No. 4b,<br />

as described<br />

above and shown in cut (with extra vertical wires if desired forstellarobservation)<br />

Codeword, Gorastis. $315.OO<br />

Extras to Transit No. 4b.<br />

Compound centers made of steel running in sockets of cast iron to insure freest motion with<br />

perfect fit . . . 20.00<br />

_<br />

Spirit level 4-inch with reversible clamp and tangent screw to telescope (see cut No. 4.) in additions<br />

to level to vernier arm shown in the opposite cut<br />

Plain prism and colored glass ( Fig. 7, page 175)<br />

Split-leg tripod<br />

12.OO<br />

8.OO<br />

in addition to extension tripod (latter furnished with . transit) .<br />

"Leather cover with shoulder straps<br />

" " " "<br />

without<br />

. .<br />

Hood to protect transit from rain and dust<br />

. 16.5O<br />

12.5O<br />

1O.5O<br />

l.OO<br />

Bottle of watch oil .... .35<br />

* If desired, the U-shaped standard frame can be made of brass, weighing about 1 Ib.<br />

more, no extra charge. If instrument is to be used near salt water, brass will prove<br />

more durable for this standard frame, as aluminum and its alloys are apt to be affected<br />

by salt water, saline and alkaline vapors and liquids.

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