STANDARD - Survey Instrument Antique Center!

STANDARD - Survey Instrument Antique Center!

STANDARD - Survey Instrument Antique Center!


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186<br />

4>4 "<br />

Complete Mine Transit No. 4k.<br />

With Yoke Standards and Wye-Bearings. Without Compass.<br />

For use where Transits sizes Xo. 2, 3 and 6 are considered too heavy and No. 4 anrt 4b<br />

too light in weight.<br />

The Transit shown in the cut on opposite page is best fitted for underground work<br />

on account of its fully enclosed vertical circle. However, with a change from this latter<br />

type to any of our open forms of vertical circle, such as described and illustrated<br />

on pages 155, 159, 193 and 200, this instrument is equally well adapted for engineering<br />

and surveying work of all kinds, and its price will be correspondingly lower.<br />

The Yoke standard frame carrying the Wye-bearings, combined with the larger horizontal<br />

circle, is of a type permitting of the placing of the plate levels of standard<br />

length and character, in a manner more satisfactory than in the 4-inch Transit No. 4<br />

described and illustrated on pages 182 and 183. This frame is of aluminum, and being<br />

cast in a single piece, gives great lateral stiffness to the telescope and its attachments<br />

and is leatherized or japanned as we deem it best. If desired, this frame can be fur-<br />

nished in brass, when the weight of the instrument will be increased about one pound.<br />

If the front plate level is desired to be in the center of the Yoke standards, as shown<br />

in the cut of the Engineers 1<br />

Transit No. 1m, then the height of the Yoke frame is<br />

of the latter will be like that illustrated<br />

thereby raised ^-inch and the external shape<br />

in No. 4 b Transit. The telescope reverses through the standards as usual.<br />

Instead of three level ing" screws, this instrument can have four, when a reduction<br />

of 10.00 will be made from the price given below.<br />

Made to order only.<br />

Complete Mine Transit NO. 4k. As in cut, with three leveling screws.<br />


Horizontal .circle 4%-inch (at edge of graduation), graduated on heavy inlaid ring of solid<br />

silver; double opposite verniers read to minutes, two rows of figures to 360 in opposite directions;<br />

figures inclined in the direction verniers should be read, verniers at 30 to line of sight,<br />

glass covered.<br />

Vertical circle 4-inch, fully enclosed, edge graduation on solid silver, glass covered,<br />

double opposite verniers read to minutes, figured from 0-90-0 and back.<br />

with reflectors for horizontal and vertical circles.<br />

Detachable reading glasses<br />

Compound centers bell metal.<br />

Telescope iy2 -incl\, objects inverted, aperture 1%-inch, poAver 18 dia.<br />

Stadia wires, fixed, in ratio 1 : 100.<br />

Spirit level 4%-inch, with clamp and tangent screw to telescope.<br />

Plate levels of standard length and very sensitive.<br />

Gradienter attachment.<br />

Shifting center, to set instrument exactly over a given point.<br />

Punch mark on top of telescope, to enable to center the transit from a point above.<br />

Illuminator shade.<br />

Extension tripod.<br />

<strong>Instrument</strong> packed to stand upright in carrying case.<br />

The mahogany case has a leather strap, hooks, etc. It contains a sun -shade, a wrench, a screwdriver,<br />

an adjustable plumb-bob, a magnifying glass, an adjusting pin, and weighs about 5 Ibs.<br />

Weight of transit about 5 Ibs. ; weight of tripod about 9 Ibs,<br />

Gross weight of transit packed securely for shipment in two boxes, about 45 Ibs.<br />

Code word, Grallus. Price, $336.OO<br />

This transit with an open face graduation to the vertical circle<br />

with double opposite verniers shown on page 155, but without reading glasses,<br />

Code word, Grumla. Price, $316.OO<br />

Extras to Transit No. 4k.<br />

<strong>Center</strong> of steel running in sockets of cast iron, insuring freest motion with perfect fit . . 1818.0O<br />

Striding level resting at points of contact in wyes as in No. n (applicable only when there is<br />

no Style I interchangeable telescope ordered for this instrument) 22.OO<br />

Iievel and spring tangent screw to vernier frame for the control of vertical angles as in<br />

No. 4b, in place of the level to the telescope, no extra charge.<br />

!Level and spring tangent screw to vernier frame in addition to fixed level to telescope, 1O.OO<br />

Solar attachment with small telescope as on page 172 but with counterpoise .... 52.OO<br />

Prism and colored glass (only plain form, Fig. 7, page 1 75, permissible) 8.OO<br />

Short focus lens, pages 101, 203, one<br />

8.5O<br />

Patent interchangeable auxiliary telescope, style I, page 189* 37 .OO<br />

Split-leg tripod in addition to extension tripod furnished with the transit 16.5O<br />

Bracket in box, page 203 14.0O<br />

Trivets, page 204<br />

....<br />

Lateral adjuster and trivet combined for three leveling screws ; page 205 .... 36.OO<br />

Leather cover with shoulder 13.OO<br />

straps<br />

' "<br />

without " " 11.OO<br />

Hood to protect transit from rain and dust<br />

l.OO<br />

Bottle of fine watch oil<br />

35<br />

* The post to which the auxiliary telescope attaches to the main telescope is shown in cut; but this post is<br />

not furnished with instrument unless the interchangeable auxiliary telescope is ordered with the transit.

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