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ÖÖI 8x 3 ^c- 0 - Acehbooks.org

ÖÖI 8x 3 ^c- 0 - Acehbooks.org


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• S U M A T R A . 91<br />

Katcopong. Refembles the nettle in growth; it's fruit, the blackberry.<br />

The leaf, being chewed, is ufed in drefling fmall, frefh wounds. Seeup.<br />

Bears the refemblance of a wild fig, in leaf and fruit. It is applied to the<br />

Neas fcurf or leprofy, when not inveterate. Succoodoodoo. Has the appearance<br />

of a wild rofe. A decoction of it's leaves is ufed for curing a<br />

diforder in the fole of the foot, refembling the ringworm, called maU<br />

toos. Padoovrooang. An herb with a pointed, ferrated leaf, bitter almoft<br />

as rue. An infufion of it is taken for the relief of diforders in the<br />

bow r els. Cal/oo. The bark and root are applied to cure the ceodees or<br />

itch, rubbing it on the part affe&ed. Maratnpocyan. The young fhoots<br />

of this, are rubbed over the body and limbs after violent fatigue, having<br />

a refreïhing, and corroborating quality. Make make. Plant with a<br />

white, umbellated bloflbm. The leaf is applied to reduce fwellings.<br />

Cbappo. Wild fage. It refembles the fage of Europe, in color, tafte,<br />

fmell and virtues, but grows to the height of fix feet, and has a large,<br />

long and jagged leaf, with a bloflbm refembling that of groundfil. Murveebcongan.<br />

A vine. The leaves broad, roundilh and fmooth. The juice<br />

of the ftalk is applied to cure excoriations of the tongue. Ampi- ampi.<br />

A vine, with leaves refembling the box, and a fmall flofculous flower. It<br />

is ufed as a medicine in fevers. Cadoo. An herb. The leaf in fliape and<br />

tafte refembles the betel. It is Jaurned to preferve children newly born<br />

from the influence of evil fpirits (Jin). Goombay. A fhrub with monopetalous,<br />

ftellated, purple flowers, growing in tufts. The leaves are<br />

ufed in diforders of the bowels, f'aboolan boocan. A fhrub with a femiflofculous<br />

flower, applied to the cure of fore eyes. Cachang parang. A<br />

bean, the pods of which are of a huge fize : the beans are of a fine<br />

crimfon. Ufed in pluretic cafes. Seepeet. A flirub with a large oval<br />

leaf, rough to the touch and rigid. An infufion of it is drank in iliac<br />

afFeclions. Daoun fcdingin. Leaf of a remarkable cold quality. It is<br />

applied to the forehead, to cure the head-ach, and fometimes in hot fevers.<br />

Long pepper is ufed for medicinal purpofes. Turmeric alfo, mixed<br />

with rice, reduced to powder, and then formed into a pafte, is much<br />

«fed outwardly, in cafes of colds, and pains in the bones; and chunam,<br />


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