ÖÖI 8x 3 ^c- 0 - Acehbooks.org

ÖÖI 8x 3 ^c- 0 - Acehbooks.org

ÖÖI 8x 3 ^c- 0 - Acehbooks.org


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eafe.<br />

Infanity.<br />

*5$ S U M A T R A.<br />

tially, in a country where the diforder makes its appearance at diftant<br />

intervals only ; unlefs thofe periods could be feized, and the attempts<br />

made, when and where there might be well founded apprehenfion of its<br />

being communicated in the natural way. A diftemper much refembling<br />

the fmall pox, and in its firft ftages miftaken for it, is not uncommon.<br />

It caufes an alarm, but does not prove mortal, and is probably what we<br />

term the chicken pox.<br />

The venereal difeafe, though common in the Malay bazars, is in the<br />

inland country almoft unknown. A man returning to his village, with<br />

the infection, is fhunned by the inhabitants as an unclean and interdidhd<br />

perfon. The Malays cure it with the decodion of a china root, called<br />

by themgadicng, which caufes a falivation.<br />

When a man is by ficknefs, or othervvife, deprived of his reafon, or when<br />

fubjecT: to convulfion fits, they imagine him pofTefied by an evil fpirit,<br />

and their ceremony of exorcifm, is by putting the unfortunate wmch.<br />

into a hut, which they fet fire to about his ears, fuffering him to make<br />

his efcape through the flames in the beft manner he can. The fright,<br />

which would go nigh to deftroy the intellects of a reafonable man, may<br />

perhaps have, under contrary circumflances, an oppofite effeö:.<br />

Sciences.<br />

The flcill of the Sumatrans in any of the fcienees, is, as may be pre»<br />

Arithmetic. fumed, very limited. Some, however, I have met with, who, in arithmetic,<br />

could multiply and divide, by a fingle multiplier or divifor, feveral<br />

places of figures. Tens of thoufands flaxa J are the higheft clafs of<br />

numbers the Malay language has a name for. In counting over a quantity<br />

of fmall articles, each tenth, and afterwards each hundredth piece,<br />

is put afide; which method is juft confonant with the progrefs of fcientific<br />

numeration, and probably was the origin of it. When they may<br />

have occafion to recollect at a diftance of time, the fale of any commodities<br />

they are carrying to market, or the like, the country people often<br />

aflift their memory, by tying knots on a firing, which is produced when<br />

they want to fpecify the number. The Peruvian quipos were, I fuppofe»<br />

an improvement upon this fimple invention.<br />


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