Gammer Gurton's Needle - Faculty & Staff Web Pages

Gammer Gurton's Needle - Faculty & Staff Web Pages

Gammer Gurton's Needle - Faculty & Staff Web Pages


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<strong>Gammer</strong> <strong>Gurton's</strong> <strong>Needle</strong> 35<br />

<strong>Gammer</strong>: We have a parson, Hodge, thou knows, a man esteemed wise,<br />

Mast[er] Doctor Rat; 'Chi'll for him send, and let me have his advice.<br />

He will her shrive for all this gear, and give her penance straight;<br />

We's have our nee'le, else Dame Chat comes ne'er within Heaven's gate! 1<br />

Hodge: Yea, marry, <strong>Gammer</strong>, that Ich think best. Will you now for him send?<br />

The sooner Doctor Rat be here, the sooner we's have an end.<br />

And here, <strong>Gammer</strong>! Diccon's devil, as Ich remember well,<br />

Of cat, and Chat, and Doctor Rat a felonious tale did tell!<br />

'Chold you forty pound that is the way your nee'le to get again!<br />

<strong>Gammer</strong>: 'Chi'll have him straight! Call out the boy – we's make him take the pain! 2<br />

Hodge: What, Cocke, I say! Come out! What [the] devil! Canst not hear?<br />

[Cocke enters from <strong>Gammer</strong>'s house]<br />

Cocke: How now, Hodge? How does, <strong>Gammer</strong>? Is yet the weather clear?<br />

What would [you] have me to do?<br />

<strong>Gammer</strong>: Come hither, Cocke, anon!<br />

Hence swithe 3 to Doctor Rat, hie thee that thou were gone!<br />

And pray him come speak with me; 'Cham not well at ease.<br />

Shalt have him at his chamber, or else at Mother Bee's; 4<br />

Else seek him at Hob Filcher's shop, for as Ich heard it reported,<br />

There is the best ale in all the town, and now is most resorted. 5<br />

Cocke: And shall Ich bring him with me, <strong>Gammer</strong>?<br />

<strong>Gammer</strong>: Yea, by-and-by, 6 good Cocke.<br />

Cocke: Shalt see that [he] shall be here anon, else let me have [one] on the dock! 7<br />

[Cocke exits, running down the street]<br />

Hodge: Now, <strong>Gammer</strong>, shall we two go in, and tarry for his coming?<br />

What [the] devil, woman! Pluck up your heart, and leave off all this glooming!<br />

Though she were stronger at the first, as Ich think you did find her,<br />

Yet there you dressed the drunk sow that time you came behind her.<br />

1<br />

In other words, the preacher will force Dame Chat to confess, and then will give her a hard punishment (penance strait) and<br />

force her to return the needle – if she doesn't obey, the pastor will send her to hell.<br />

2<br />

We's make . . . pain: We'll have him (Cocke) go to the trouble [of finding the preacher].<br />

3<br />

Hence swithe: Go from here quickly<br />

4<br />

Shalt have . . . Bee's: You'll find him in his rooms, or else in Mother Bee's ale-house<br />

5<br />

There is . . . resorted: It has the best ale in town, and more people go there than to any other ale-house.<br />

6<br />

By-and-by: immediately, right now<br />

7<br />

Dock: tail; Cocke says, "You'll see I'll bring him right here, or swat me on the butt."

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