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49<br />

for Senegal because of the very rapid growth of Dakar, the high<br />

population density in the central Groundnut Basin, and the agricultural<br />

potential of the under-populated southern part of the<br />

country. Recommends the Government develop a region as first<br />

priority, and then encourage and guide spontaneous migration.<br />

Suggests that the Government's efforts to intensify farming will<br />

result in an increase in farm size and a reductior in the man/land<br />

ratio, creating therefore a higher agricultural underemployment ;n<br />

the Groundnut Basin and inducing more migration toward towns. Irrigation<br />

in the Senegal River Basin will have an important impact<br />

on migration flows, but will probably not provide an opportunity<br />

for massive resettlement of farmers from the Groundnut Basin. It<br />

is argued that the Government cannot do much to relive the population<br />

pressure in the central Groundnut Basin, but migration into<br />

Dakar can be affected by small changes in relative rural and urban<br />

terms of trade.<br />

188. Dubresson, A. "Les travailleurs Sonink6 et Toucouleur dans l'ouest<br />

parisien," Cahiers O.R.S.T.O.M. (S6rie Sciences Humaines) 12(2)<br />

1975, pp. 189-208.<br />

Article examines migrant workers in Paris, 64% of whom are<br />

Soninke and 14%, Tukulor. Though their wages are among the lowest<br />

and rate of under-emDloyment the highest, they manage to send<br />

money to families in their home areas.<br />

189. Elkan, W. Rural Migration, Agricultural Settlement and Practice in<br />

Senegal. Durham: Durham University, Department of Economics,<br />

T976,-17 p. (Working paper no. 4).<br />

There is widespread belief that overcrowding in the Groundnut<br />

Basin is the major cause of migration to towns. This paper<br />

examines out-migration from the Groundnut Basin, Casamance, and<br />

from the Fleuve Region to France, and back.<br />

190. ILO. L'emploi au S~n6gal. Geneva: ILO, (for CILSS), February 1977,<br />

25 p.<br />

Report is one of a series prepared by ILO's Programme des<br />

Emplois et des Competences Techniques pour l'Afrique, for CILSS.<br />

191. Jonge, Klaas, et. al. Les Migrations en Basse Casamance (Sengal).<br />

Projet d'une Recherche Multidisciplinaire sur les Facteurs Socio­<br />

6conomiques Favorisant la Migration en Basse Casamance et sur ses<br />

Cons6quences pour les Lieux d'Origine. Rapport Final. Leiden,<br />

The Netherlands: Afrika-Studiecentrum, 1978, 180 p.; bibl.<br />

This multi-disciplinary study of migration analyzes the<br />

inter-relations of social, economic and demographic factors<br />

which influence the rate and direction of migration from the<br />

Casamance Region.

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