Quenya Reverse Wordlist - Ambar Eldaron

Quenya Reverse Wordlist - Ambar Eldaron

Quenya Reverse Wordlist - Ambar Eldaron


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Helge K. Fauskanger http://www.uib.no/People/hnohf/<br />

caused fear to the Elves during the March; by the<br />

Exiles recognized as the cognate of Sindarin orch and<br />

used to mean "Orc". The Sindarin-influenced form<br />

orco was also used. (WJ:390)<br />

ocruar rauco ("k") "a powerful, hostile, and<br />

terrible creature", especially in the compound<br />

Valarauco "Demon of Might" (WJ:415, cf.<br />

SA:raukor. In the Etymologies, stem RUK, the gloss<br />

is "demon".) In the compound Valaraucar "Balrogs",<br />

the pl. of rauco is surprisingly #raucar instead of<br />

*raucor.<br />

ocruT Turco see Turcafinwë<br />

ocsur rusco "fox" (PM:353)<br />

ocuac cauco ("k") "humpback" (LT1:257)<br />

ocuaN Nauco ("k") "Dwarf" (capitalized in<br />

WJ:388, but not in Etym, stem NAUK). Naucalië<br />

(not *Naucolië) the "Dwarf-people" as a whole. From<br />

nauca. See also Picinaucor.<br />

ocuan-aytiP #Pitya-nauco pl. Pitya-naucor<br />

"Petty-dwarves" (cf. nauco) Also Picinaucor<br />

(WJ:389)<br />

ocuaniciP #Picinauco pl. Picinaucor ("k")<br />

"Petty-dwarves" (cf. nauco). Also Pitya-naucor<br />

(WJ:389)<br />

ocuaralam malarauco "balrog, demon"<br />

(RUK - rather valarauco in mature <strong>Quenya</strong>)<br />

ocuaralaV Valarauco ("k") "Demon of<br />

Might" (here vala- assumes its basic meaning "power,<br />

might"), Sindarin balrog (WJ:415). Pl. Valaraucar<br />

(sic, not -or) "Balrogs" (SA:val-, SA:rauco). Earlier<br />

forms from the "Qenya Lexicon" are Valcaraucë,<br />

Malcaraucë (q.v.); these should probably be ignored<br />

in mature <strong>Quenya</strong>.<br />

ocuit tiuco ("k") "thigh" (TIW)<br />

odlatsA Astaldo "the Valiant", a title of<br />

Tulkas (Silm, MR:438); replaced Poldórëa.<br />

odlE Eldo archaic variant of Elda, properly<br />

one of the "Marchers" from Cuiviénen, but the word<br />

went out of use (WJ:362, 374)<br />

odlemadlE #Eldameldo pl. Eldameldor<br />

"Elf-lovers" (WJ:412)<br />

odles seldo (meaning not clear, perhaps the<br />

masculine form of seldë "child", hence *"boy") (SEL-<br />

D)<br />

odlic cildo ("k") "one saw" (MC:220; this is<br />

"Qenya"; cf. cildë)<br />

odliH #Hildo pl. Hildor "the Followers", an<br />

Elvish name of Mortal Men as the Second-born of<br />

Ilúvatar (WJ:387).<br />

odlin nildo "friend" (apparently masc.;<br />

contrast nildë) (NIL/NDIL)<br />

odlogn ngoldo see noldo<br />

odlognI Ingoldo masc. name; possessive<br />

Ingoldova "Ingoldo's" (VT39:16)<br />

odlon noldo "one of the people of the<br />

Noldor", "one of the wise folk, Gnome". Cf. the gloss<br />

52<br />

"Gnome" in early "Qenya" (LT1:262). Also name of<br />

tengwa 19. Originally pronounced ngoldo (also spelt<br />

ñoldo by Tolkien, ÑGOLOD); initial ng had become<br />

n in Third Age pronunciation (Appendix E). Pl.<br />

Noldor ("Ñoldor"), "the Wise", name of the second<br />

clan of the Eldar (WJ:380, 381)<br />

odna ando "gate", also name of tengwa 5<br />

(AD, Appendix E)<br />

odnam mando "custody, safe keeping"<br />

(MR:350) or "prison, duress" (in Mandos, q.v.)<br />

(SA:band); Mando "the Imprisoner or Binder",<br />

usually lenghtened Mandos (MBAD (ÑGUR,<br />

GOS/GOTH, SPAN) )<br />

odnamagnA Angamando "Iron-gaol",<br />

Sindarin Angband (MR:350). The Etymologies gives<br />

Angamanda "Angband, Hell", lit. "Iron-prison"<br />

(MBAD). Older "Qenya" has Angamandu "Hells of<br />

Iron" (or pl. Angamandi) (LT1:249)<br />

odnamalaC Calamando ("k") "Light<br />

Mando" = Manwë (MBAD, (KAL, MANAD) )<br />

odnamiroM Morimando "Dark Mando" =<br />

Mandos (MBAD)<br />

odnaN #Nando pl. Nandor name of the<br />

Green-elves (Laiquendi). The primitive word<br />

*ndandô, whence <strong>Quenya</strong> Nando, implied "one who<br />

goes back on his word or decision", since the Nandor<br />

left the March from Cuiviénen to Aman. Adj.<br />

Nandorin. (WJ:412)<br />

odni indo "heart, mood" (ID, obsoleting<br />

earlier "Qenya" indo "house" in LT2:343); "state"<br />

(perhaps especially state of mind, given the other<br />

glosses) (VT39:23); indo-ninya a word occurring in<br />

Fíriel's Song, translated "my heart". Read *indonya<br />

in mature <strong>Quenya</strong>?<br />

odnil lindo "singer, singing bird" (LIN 2 )<br />

odnilem melindo "lover" (m.) (MEL)<br />

odniliut tuilindo "swallow", etymologically<br />

"spring-singer" (TUY, LIN 2 , LT1:269, LT2:388)<br />

odniloc colindo "bearer", in cormacolindor<br />

(q.v.)<br />

odnim mindo "isolated tower" (MINI)<br />

odnimoroc coromindo ("k") "cupola, dome"<br />

(KOR)<br />

odniruT Turindo (masc. name, see Túrin).<br />

(TUR)<br />

odniS Sindo (Þ) name of Elwe's brother<br />

(THIN)<br />

odno ondo "stone" as a material (UT:459,<br />

GOND). Pl. ondor in an earlier variant of Markirya;<br />

partitive pl. locative ondolissë "on rocks" in the final<br />

version<br />

odnoh hondo "heart"; hondo-ninya "my<br />

heart", changed to indo-ninya (FS, earlier version)<br />

odnomiaT Taimondo, also Taimordo<br />

"Orion" (LT1:268; Orion is called Telumehtar or<br />

Menelmacar in mature <strong>Quenya</strong>)<br />

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