Quenya Reverse Wordlist - Ambar Eldaron

Quenya Reverse Wordlist - Ambar Eldaron

Quenya Reverse Wordlist - Ambar Eldaron


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Helge K. Fauskanger http://www.uib.no/People/hnohf/<br />

otta atto "father" (hypocoristic, = *"dad")<br />

(ATA, LR:49)<br />

ottogniroM Moringotto "Black Foe",<br />

Sindarin Morgoth. The oldest form is said to have<br />

been Moriñgotho (MR:194)<br />

ottom motto "blot" (MBOTH)<br />

ottor rotto "a small grot or tunnel" (PM:365)<br />

otuarabmaN Nambarauto "hammerer of<br />

copper [> metal]", masc. name (S Damrod) (RAUTÂ)<br />

otúl lúto "flood" (LT1:249)<br />

ouh huo "dog" (KHUG, see KHUGAN)<br />

out tuo "muscle, sinew, vigour, physical<br />

strength" (TUG)<br />

óv vó (actually spelt vô), also vondo, "son"<br />

(LT2:336; in mature <strong>Quenya</strong> yondo)<br />

oviac caivo ("k") "corpse" (MC:221; mature<br />

<strong>Quenya</strong> has loico or quelet)<br />

ovruC Curvo see Curufinwë<br />

oxa axo "bone", pl. axor in Markirya<br />

óy yó ["yô"], yond- see yondo.<br />

oydni indyo "grandchild, descendant"<br />

(ÑGYÔ/ÑGYON - read *inyo in Noldorin <strong>Quenya</strong>,<br />

that changed ndy to ny? Cf. <strong>Quenya</strong> for Quendya.)<br />

oyleN Nelyo see Nelyafinwë<br />

oyricaev vëaciryo ("k") "of sea-ship",<br />

genitive of #vëacirya ("k") (MC:216; this is "Qenya";<br />

see vëa # 2)<br />

oyroM Moryo see Morifinwë<br />

oytiP Pityo see Pityafinwë<br />

oyúy yúyo "both" (YÛ)<br />

pat tap- "stop, block" (the form tápë given<br />

in the Etymologies is translated "he stops, blocks",<br />

evidently the 3. person sg. aorist, though we would<br />

rather expect *tapë); pa.t. tampë (TAP)<br />

pelet telep- see telpë<br />

plus sulp- "lick" (LT1:266; rather lav- in<br />

mature <strong>Quenya</strong>)<br />

pot top- "cover" (1. pers. aorist topë<br />

"covers"), pa.t. tompë (TOP). Variant tup-, q.v.<br />

put #tup- "cover", isolated from untúpa,<br />

q.v. Variant top- in the Etymologies.<br />

r -r nominative plural ending regularly used<br />

on nouns ending in -a, -i, -ië, -o, -u, e.g. Ainur,<br />

Valar, tier.<br />

ra ar (1) "and" (AR 2 , SA, FS, Nam,<br />

RGEO:67, CO, LR:47, 56, MC:216)<br />

ra ar (2) "day", apparently short for árë,<br />

seen in the names of the Valinorean week, e.g. Ar<br />

Manwen "Day of Manwë".<br />

ra ar- (prefix) "outside" (AR 2 )<br />

ra, arA ar-, ara- a prefixed form of the stem<br />

Ara- "noble" (PM:344). In Aracáno "high chieftain",<br />

mothername (amilessë, q.v.) of Fingolfin (PM:360,<br />

cf. 344), Arafinwë "Finarfin" (MR:230)<br />

rabma ambar (1) ("a-mbar") (dat.sg.<br />

ambaron) "oikumenê [Greek: the earth as the human<br />

56<br />

habitation], Earth, world" (MBAR). <strong>Ambar</strong>-metta<br />

"the end of the world" (EO)<br />

rabma ambar (2) "doom" (variant of<br />

umbar?) in Turambar (SA:amarth); instrumental<br />

ambartanen "by doom" (Silm ch. 21, UT:138). The<br />

early "Qenya" lexicon has ambar "Fate", also<br />

amarto (LT2:348)<br />

rabma ambar (3) "in bosom" (locative -r),<br />

nominative "bosom" presumably *amba (MC:213;<br />

this is "Qenya")<br />

rabmI Imbar "the Habitation, = Earth," also<br />

"the principal part of Arda" (= the Solar System)<br />

(MR:337, also WJ:419 note 29)<br />

rabmu umbar (umbart-, as in dat.sg.<br />

umbarten) "fate. doom" (MBARAT), also name of<br />

tengwa 6 (Appendix E)<br />

rabmuL Lumbar name of a star (or planet),<br />

tentatively identified with Saturn (MR:435), evidently<br />

connected to lumbo, lumbulë (Silm)<br />

rabmuruT [Turumbar] (masc.name)<br />

(MBARAT) Changed by Tolkien to Turambar<br />

rac car- "make, do, build" (1. pers. aorist<br />

carin "I make, build"), pa.t. carnë (KAR); stem carë<br />

("k") in the phrase áva carë "don't do it" (WJ:371);<br />

carir "form", aorist pl. in the phrase i carir quettar<br />

"those who form words" (WJ:391). Past participle<br />

carna, q.v. Some doubtful forms in Fíriel's Song: past<br />

tense cárë ("káre") "made"; the form carnë (LR:362)<br />

is probably to be preferred in mature <strong>Quenya</strong>. Also<br />

*cárië with various suffixes: cárier ("kárier") is<br />

translated "they made"; actually it seems to be an<br />

augmentless perfect *"they have made", "they" being<br />

simply the plural ending -r. The literal meaning of<br />

cárielto ("kárielto") must also be *"they made" (cf. -<br />

lto).<br />

rac car- ("k") "make, build" (1. pers. aorist<br />

carin "I make, build"), pa.t. carnë (KAR)<br />

rac car (card-) ("k") "deed" (rewritten >)<br />

"building, house" (KAR)<br />

rác cár (cas-) ("k") "head" (KAS)<br />

racadlE Eldacar masc. name, *"Elfhead"???<br />

(Appendix A)<br />

racalaV Valacar masc. name, *"Valahead"???<br />

(Appendix A)<br />

racam macar (1) "swordsman" (VT39:11).<br />

In Menelmacar.<br />

racam macar ("k") (2) "tradesman"<br />

(MBAKH)<br />

racamleneM Menelmacar "Swordsman of<br />

the Sky", the Orion constellation (also called<br />

Telumehtar, Appendix E, first footnote)<br />

racatho #ohtacar- stem of the past tense<br />

ohtacárë (-"káre") "war-made", made war (+ allative<br />

= make war upon) (LR:47, SD:246; ohtacárië in<br />

LR:56). The past tense is probably *ohtacarnë in<br />

mature <strong>Quenya</strong>.<br />

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