Quenya Reverse Wordlist - Ambar Eldaron

Quenya Reverse Wordlist - Ambar Eldaron

Quenya Reverse Wordlist - Ambar Eldaron


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Helge K. Fauskanger http://www.uib.no/People/hnohf/<br />

odnor rondo "a vaulted or arched roof, as<br />

seen from below" (and usually not visible from<br />

outside); "a (large) hall or chamber so roofed"<br />

(WJ:414; in the Etymologies, stem ROD, the gloss is<br />

simply "cave")<br />

odnorrasaC Casarrondo "Khazad-dûm",<br />

Moria (WJ:388, 389)<br />

odnoy yondo "son" (YÔ/YON); cf. the<br />

patronymic ending -ion. Early "Qenya" has yô, yond-<br />

, yondo "son" (LT2:342). According to LT2:344,<br />

these are poetic words, while yondo is the normal<br />

word for "son" in mature <strong>Quenya</strong>. According to<br />

LT2:344, yondo means "male descendant, usually<br />

(great) grandson", but in mature <strong>Quenya</strong>, yondo<br />

means "son", and the word is so glossed in LT2:342.<br />

odnulu ulundo "monster, deformed and<br />

hideous creature" (ÚLUG)<br />

odnum mundo (1) "bull" (Letters:422)<br />

odnum mundo (2) "snout, nose, cape"<br />

(MBUD)<br />

odnuruaL Laurundo "Glorund" (><br />

Glaurung). Also Undolaurë. (LT2:341)<br />

odnus sundo "base, root, root-word" (SUD),<br />

sc. a Quendian consonantal "base"<br />

odnut tundo "hill, mound" (TUN)<br />

odram mardo "dweller" (LT1:251)<br />

odrom mordo (1) "shadow, obscurity, stain"<br />

(MOR)<br />

odrom mordo (2) "warrior, hero" (LT1:268 -<br />

probably obsoleted by # 1 above)<br />

oel lëo "shade, shadow cast by any object"<br />

(DAY)<br />

oev vëo "man" (WEG; etymologically<br />

connected to vëa "manly, vigorous"; the more neutral<br />

word for "man" is nér.)<br />

ogna ango pl. angwi "snake"<br />

(ANGWA/ANGU)<br />

ognal [lango (2) "throat"] (followed by<br />

*langwi - this evidently indicates that the pl. of lango<br />

is NOT langwi, but rather langor. Contrast ango<br />

"snake", pl. angwi. But whatever the case, lango was<br />

changed to lanco.) (LANG, see LANK)<br />

ognal lango (1) "broad sword", also "prow<br />

of a ship" (LAG)<br />

ognat tango "twang" (TING/TANG)<br />

ognu ungo "cloud, dark shadow" (UÑG)<br />

oh ho "from" (3O); cf. hó-<br />

óh hó- verbal prefix; "away, from, from<br />

among", the point of view being outside the thing,<br />

place, or group in thought (WJ:368)<br />

ohtogñiroM Moriñgotho oldest form of<br />

Moringotto, Morgoth (MR:194)<br />

oio oio "an endless period" (CO) or "ever"<br />

(SA:los). Oiolairë "Ever-summer" (name of a tree,<br />

UT:167; also in the name Coron Oiolairë, "Mound<br />

of Ever-summer", assimilated corol- in the<br />

53<br />

contraction Corollairë) (SA:coron); Oiolossë<br />

"Everwhite, Ever-snowwhite", a name of Taniquetil<br />

(OY), hence the translation "Mount Everwhite" in<br />

Tolkien's rendering of Namárië. See also SA:los.<br />

Explicit "mount" in Oron Oiolossë "Mount<br />

Everwhite" (WJ:403). Ablativic genitive Oiolossëo<br />

"from Mount Everwhite" in Namárië (Nam,<br />

RGEO:67, OY)<br />

oipia aipio "plum tree, cherry tree" (GL:18)<br />

ól ló "night, a night" (DO3/DÔ)<br />

olám málo "friend" (MEL)<br />

olam malo "pollen, yellow powder" (SMAL)<br />

olia ailo "lake, pool" (LT2:339; mature<br />

<strong>Quenya</strong> has ailin)<br />

oll -llo ablative ending, "from" or "out of",<br />

e.g. sindanóriello "out of a grey land", Rómello<br />

"from the East", Mardello *"from Earth" (FS). Pl. -<br />

llon or -llor (in elenillor); dual -lto (Plotz)<br />

ollac callo ("k") "noble man, hero" (KAL)<br />

olle [ello] "call, shout of triumph" (GYEL (<<br />

GEL) )<br />

olley yello "call, shout of triumph" (GYEL)<br />

olleyn nyello "singer" (NYEL)<br />

ollil -lillo or -lillon ending for partitive pl.<br />

ablative (Plotz); see -li<br />

ollo ollo "cliff, seaward precipice" (also oldô<br />

- is this to be understood as the older form?)<br />

(LT1:252)<br />

ollocidnihT Thindicollo (Þindicollo)<br />

original form of Sindicollo, before the shift th > s<br />

(PM:337, there spelt with the special letter Þ, not the<br />

digraph th)<br />

ollocidniS Sindicollo (Þ) "Grey-cloak", title<br />

of Elwë (Elu). Sindarin Thingol. (WJ:410, MR:217).<br />

(Sindi- in this name is a compound form of sindë,<br />

q.v.) Original form Thindicollo (WJ:333). The<br />

Silmarillion appendix (SA:thin(d) ) gives Sindacollo.<br />

ollogniS Singollo (Þ) contraction of<br />

Sindicollo (Silm)<br />

olluc +cullo ("k") "red gold" (KUL)<br />

olóc cólo ("k") "burden" (VT39:10)<br />

oloy yolo- "stink" (GL:41)<br />

oluc [culo, culu ("k") "gold" (substance)]<br />

(KUL; the word culu also occurred in early "Qenya"<br />

[LT1:258], but in the Etymologies it was struck out.<br />

Use malta.)<br />

olús súlo "goblet" (SUG; see SUK)<br />

om -mo ending frequent in names and titles,<br />

sometimes with an agental significance (WJ:400)<br />

omalaC #Calamo pl. Calamor ("k") (Q? -<br />

not Sindarin!) *"Light-Ones" = Light-Elves? (KAL)<br />

omáN Námo (1) "Judge", name of a Vala,<br />

normally called Mandos, properly the place where he<br />

dwells (WJ:402)<br />

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