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16/08/02 Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion <strong>Background</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

Table 6.2 Fish species of conservation concern within the DRP<br />

(Harris & Gehrke 1997; Harris 1995)<br />

Family Scientific Name Common Name Catchment<br />

Status<br />

Atherinidae Craterocephalus fluviatilis Murray hardyhead<br />

Recorded<br />

N, M E FMAct, VEPBC<br />

Percichthyidae Maccullochella macquariensis trout cod Predicted *E FMAct<br />

Terapontidae Bidyanus bidyanus silver perch G, N, M, D, V FMAct, IUCNV<br />

B-D<br />

Ambassidae Ambassis agassizii olive perchlet M CC1<br />

Eleotridae Philypnodon grandiceps flathead gudgeon M CC1<br />

Galaxiidae Gadopsis marmoratus river blackfish G, N, C, M CC2<br />

Percichthyidae Maccullochella peelii Murray cod G, N, M, D, CC3<br />

B-D<br />

Plotosidae Tandanas tandanas freshwater catfish G, N, M, B-D CC4<br />

Key<br />

IUCNV = Classified as vulnerable under IUCN Red List Classifications (Fletcher and McVea 2001)<br />

VEPBC = Listed as vulnerable under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, 1999<br />

E FMAct = Listed as endangered under Schedule 3 of the Fisheries Management Act, 1994 an asterix denotes that the<br />

species is also listed as endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, 1999<br />

V FMAct = Listed as vulnerable under Schedule 5 of the Fisheries Management Act, 1994<br />

CC1 = of conservation concern due to reduced distribution and abundance inland (Fletcher and McVea 2001)<br />

CC2 = of conservation concern due to susceptibility to increased sediment load (Fletcher and McVea 2001)<br />

CC3 = of conservation concern due to reduced and fragmented distribution (Fletcher and McVea 2001)<br />

CC4 = of conservation concern due to scarcity in many inland habitats (Fletcher and McVea 2001)<br />

G = Gwydir River Catchment<br />

N = Namoi River Catchment<br />

C = Castlereagh River Catchment<br />

M = Macquarie River Catchment<br />

D = Darling River Catchment<br />

B-D = Barwon-Darling River<br />

The distribution and population size of many native fish species within the Murray-Darling<br />

system have contracted markedly as a result of changes in the rivers (Morton et al. 1995).<br />

Threats in this river system include river diversion, over-fishing, water quality (salinity,<br />

eutrophication) and the impact of introduced species, particularly Cyprinus carpio, Perca<br />

fluviatilis (redfin perch) and Gambusia holbrooki. The significant change in the natural<br />

pattern of high and low flows has also had an impact on the two fundamental food webs in<br />

the system. Biofilms on riverbanks are now constrained to a single narrow strip, rather than a<br />

broad band, because river heights are tightly controlled. Significant quantities of plant litter<br />

now lie unused on the floodplain and in anabranches for much longer periods. River flow<br />

diversion also creates another, little acknowledged, problem with many small fish being<br />

sucked from the river into irrigation systems and lost (Harris 1995).<br />

The construction of weirs and dams has had a significant effect on the life cycle of many<br />

species. Some species spawn in one part of the river system, use a different part as a nursery<br />

area and then disperse into a third area for growth into adults. Macquaria ambigua spawn<br />

during floods in lowland reaches of rivers, the young move into the floodplain or river-margin<br />

nurseries and finally travel upstream in river channels. Maccullochella peelii (Murray cod)<br />

make upstream spawning migrations using anabranches and flood-runners and then make a<br />

precise homing migration to their original territory. These fish therefore require the survival<br />

of each of these habitats and the maintenance of free passage between them. The scale of<br />


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