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16/08/02 Darling Riverine Plains Bioregion <strong>Background</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

Callitris glaucophylla forest - associated species Corymbia tessellaris, Eucalyptus populnea<br />

subsp. bimbil and Eucalyptus coolabah. The understorey contains Paspalidium jubiflorum;<br />

Eucalyptus coolabah / Casuarina cristata woodland - in Boomi West with an understorey<br />

containing Paspalidium jubiflorum.<br />

Macquarie Marshes Nature Reserve<br />

The Macquarie Marshes Crown Land was first declared a game reserve in 1900 and then<br />

declared a sanctuary (Birds and Animals Protection Act 1918-1930 and Fauna Protection Act<br />

1980). The reserve covers an area of 18 143 hectares and is divided into two sections: the<br />

Northern Marsh and Southern Marsh. The importance of the Marshes has been recognised by<br />

its inclusion in several agreements and registers including the Ramsar Convention, JAMBA<br />

and CAMBA. The plant communities in this reserve are described in Section 3.3.4.<br />

The Macquarie Marshes Nature Reserve protects part of the internationally important<br />

Macquarie Marshes, one of the largest remaining inland semi-permanent wetlands in south<br />

eastern Australia. The Marshes contain the largest area of reeds (Phragmites sp.) in south<br />

eastern Australia. The Nature Reserve includes significant stands of river red gum<br />

(Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and coolibah (E. coolabah). They are important to nine migratory<br />

bird species listed in the Japan-Australia and China-Australia Migratory Bird Agreements and<br />

eighteen endangered bird species. The Marshes are also a refuge for many native animals and<br />

are the western limit of the known distribution of Gould’s long eared bat (Nyctophilus<br />

gouldii) in NSW.<br />

A range of significant Aboriginal sites including oven mounds, surface campsites, scarred<br />

trees and artefacts exist within the Nature Reserve.<br />

Narran Lake Nature Reserve<br />

Narran Lake Nature Reserve is located between Brewarrina and Walgett in northern New<br />

South Wales and includes part of the terminal wetlands of the Narran River. The 5 538 ha<br />

reserve was dedicated in 1988 and an additional 3 547 ha adjoining the reserve is owned by<br />

the NPWS and managed as part of the reserve. The reserve covers the north-eastern third of<br />

the Narran Lake wetland system and does not include Narran Lake itself (NPWS 2000a).<br />

This Reserve is listed on the national estate and recognised as a wetland of international<br />

importance under the Ramsar convention. Approximately half of the nature reserve consists<br />

of wetlands subject to inundation by the Narran River, including two small lakes, Back and<br />

Clear Lakes, and extensive surrounding channelised wetlands. Aeolian lunettes and sandy<br />

levees border the wetlands. The other half of the reserve has gently undulating sandy and<br />

rocky ridges with several semi-saline playa lakes and drainage depressions.<br />

Aboriginal camp sites are present around the lake and the area also contains oven mounds and<br />

shell middens, scatters of stone artefacts associated with clay ground ovens and several small<br />

silcrete quarries on the colluvial ridge system.<br />

There are six dominant vegetation communities:<br />

Muehlenbeckia florulenta thickets - dense shrublands in the littoral zone of Clear and Back<br />

Lake; small areas of Phragmites australis between the lignum and sedges, ephemeral herbs<br />

and grasses grow on playa lakes and the main lake beds after floodwaters recede.<br />


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