Bushland Weeds Manual - Environmental Weeds Action Network

Bushland Weeds Manual - Environmental Weeds Action Network

Bushland Weeds Manual - Environmental Weeds Action Network


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96<br />

Chapter 8 Herbicide Use in <strong>Bushland</strong><br />

Legislation<br />

In Western Australia, state and local government<br />

workers, consultants, contractors and volunteers who<br />

use herbicides are all bound by legislation governing<br />

pesticide use (The Health (Pesticides) Regulations 1956).<br />

These regulations are in place to protect the applicator,<br />

public and environment from the misuse of herbicide.<br />

Herbicide labels: The first point of reference and<br />

most easily obtained legal document is the herbicide<br />

label. The user has a legal obligation to read and follow<br />

the instructions on the label. Directions of use,<br />

protection of environment, storage and disposal and<br />

personal protective equipment must be adhered to.<br />

This includes using herbicides only for the weeds,<br />

situations and states or territories permitted on the<br />

label. Herbicide treatments of many bushland weeds<br />

are not listed for use on the labels. In Western<br />

Australia the only herbicide registered specifically for<br />

use in bushland situations is Fusilade 212 ® on Perennial<br />

Veldgrass (Ehrharta calycina). For this reason it may be<br />

necessary to apply for an off-label permit.<br />

Off-label permits: An off-label permit allows<br />

‘registered products to be used for a purpose or in a<br />

manner that is not included on the approved label’.<br />

Permits for off-label use of a registered herbicide can<br />

be obtained from the National Registration Authority<br />

(NRA). The Western Australian Department of<br />

Agriculture obtained a minor use off-label permit for a<br />

number of herbicides to be used specifically on<br />

environmental weeds in bushland. The permit (No.<br />

PER4984) is valid from 13 September 2001 to 30<br />

September 2006 unless cancelled and is available<br />

online at http://permits.nra.gov.au/PER4984.PDF. Any<br />

person wishing to use a herbicide product and<br />

application method in a manner outlined on the permit<br />

must read the permit.<br />

Licencing: Anyone applying herbicide for financial<br />

gain is required, by law, to be licenced with the<br />

Pesticide Safety Section, Health Department of Western<br />

Australia, and work for a registered company. This<br />

includes herbicide contractors and any bush<br />

regenerator who hires themselves out to community<br />

groups or government departments. Registration<br />

ensures that these people have undertaken<br />

appropriate training in the storage, preparation and<br />

use of herbicides. Contractors must also clearly<br />

display signs warning the public that herbicide is being<br />

used in the area.<br />

Water catchments: According to the Health<br />

Department, six herbicides may be used in Water<br />

Catchment Areas (WCA) as defined by the Water<br />

Corporation of Western Australia. These are 2,4-D,<br />

amitrole, glyphosate, hexazinone, picloram and<br />

triclopyr. They may only be used when no other means<br />

is suitable for eradication of a weed and several<br />

restrictions apply. These include:<br />

• Application is limited to injection or spot spraying<br />

with a large droplet spray.<br />

• Herbicides cannot be mixed within 50 metres of<br />

reservoirs, rivers or streams.<br />

• No application is to be made within 20 metres of<br />

reservoirs, rivers or streams except during<br />

summer months where these are dry.<br />

The full details and definition of WCA are available in<br />

‘Circular PSC88 Use of Herbicides in Water Catchments’<br />

This document is available online at http://www.public.<br />

health.wa.gov.au/environ/applied/PSC88.DOC). The<br />

circular is dated 1993, and is currently undergoing<br />

revision by the relevant government departments.<br />

In 1995, the Western Australian Department of<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Protection released a report on the<br />

acute toxicity of Roundup 360 ® to selected frog<br />

species (Bidwell and Gorrie 1995). Following the<br />

subsequent review of glyphosate use by the NRA,<br />

Monsanto introduced Roundup Biactive. This<br />

herbicide is registered for use in aquatic situations<br />

under certain conditions in all states of Australia. The<br />

minor use off-label permit PER4984 also allows the<br />

use of glyphosate in aquatic situations in accordance<br />

with label instructions.<br />

<strong>Bushland</strong> care<br />

Before applying herbicides it is essential to familiarise<br />

yourself with the site conditions. Compile a list<br />

including soil type, soil pH, proximity to open water,<br />

depth to groundwater, potential for run-off, occurrence<br />

of rare species (flora and fauna) etc. Base the decision<br />

to use herbicides on conservation targets for the site,<br />

potential behaviour of herbicides at the site in<br />

question, and the health and safety of applicators and<br />

others in the vicinity. Herbicides are poisons and<br />

should be used with caution.<br />

Minimising damage<br />

Following the label instructions does not mean offtarget<br />

damage will not occur. The degree of off-target<br />

damage depends on the herbicide used, soil type and<br />

landform, weather, application method and skill of the<br />

operator. Several steps can be taken to minimise the<br />

risks of herbicide damage to the environment:<br />

• Ask yourself if spraying is necessary (record<br />

reasons for choosing herbicide).<br />

• A protocol for storing, mixing, transporting,<br />

handling spills and disposing of unused herbicides<br />

and containers should be in place before<br />

purchasing herbicides.<br />

• Ensure that the person applying herbicide is<br />

trained in the safe storage, handling, preparation<br />

and use of the herbicide in question.<br />

• The person applying herbicide should have a good<br />

understanding of the issues surrounding weed<br />

control in native bushland (the possibility of rare<br />

and endangered species, the effects of trampling,<br />

damage caused by over-spraying, importance of<br />

correct identification of target weed).<br />

• Select a method that minimises off-target damage.<br />

Targeted techniques such as injection or wiping<br />

are most appropriate. If spraying is unavoidable<br />

use a large droplet spray to minimise drift. Use of<br />

in-line pressure regulators before the spray nozzle<br />

will help minimise droplet drift. Large-leafed plants<br />

like Arum Lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica) can have<br />

herbicide applied to individual leaves using a<br />

small, hand held, one litre garden sprayer. Hoods<br />

that direct herbicide onto the target plant are also<br />


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