Bushland Weeds Manual - Environmental Weeds Action Network

Bushland Weeds Manual - Environmental Weeds Action Network

Bushland Weeds Manual - Environmental Weeds Action Network


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Chapter 5 Perennial Broadleaf Herbs, Sedges and Succulents Weed Management Table<br />

Some suggested methods of management and control Similar natives often<br />

mistaken for weeds<br />

Reference<br />

Spot spray with 0.5 % glyphosate or metsulfuron methyl 0.2 g/10 L + 25 mL Pulse ® . 248, 21, 228, 167,<br />

242<br />

Dig out taking care to remove all bulbs. Remove and burn or deep bury flower heads to stop spread of seed. Spray with 1 % Grazon ® just<br />

before flowering.<br />

21, 101, 167, 242<br />

Dig out small infestations. Stem inject into base of leaves 1 partTordon ® / 5 parts diesel. (flowers only once, after 10 to 15 years, then dies) 21, 167, 242<br />

Difficult to control as it is a true deep-rooted perennial. Cut roots well below surface. Cultivation can spread plant fragments. Spot spray<br />

with 1 % glyphosate before flowering.<br />

Difficult to hand pull and resistant to chemicals, it is short-lived. Lontrel® ® 10 mL/10 L (500 mL/ha) + Pulse ® in early growth stages.<br />

Glyphosate 1% will control at all growth stages.<br />

A. nodiflora 248, 222, 167, 242<br />

143, 102, 167, 242,<br />

222<br />

30, 167, 242<br />

Hand pull small infestations. 143, 102, 167, 242,<br />

Hand pull small infestations. Metsulfuron-methyl 0.1 g /10 L +100 mL spray oil when flowering. 248, 228, 167, 242<br />

Dig out and destroy single plants before flowering. Suggest Lontrel ® 10 mL/10 L + wetting agent at early rosette stage or 0.5 % glyphosate. 30, 248, 222, 167,<br />

242<br />

Hand pull small infestations. Cut stems to ground level, paint 10 % glyphosate on larger infestations. 241, 167, 242<br />

Physical control where only scattered plants occur. Try 1 % glyphosate. 167, 242, 222<br />

As for C. edulis? C. virescens 167, 242<br />

Roll up large mats removing all roots (shallow-rooted) and stem fragments. Follow up with removal of any germinating plants. Spray with<br />

glyphosate at label rates.<br />

13, 83, 84, 167, 242<br />

Suggest metsulfuron methyl 0.15 g/10 L (5 g/ha) + Pulse ® before flowering. 300, 101, 167, 242<br />

Hand remove small populations (use gloves); Suggest metsulfuron methyl 0.7 g/10 L (20 g/ha) + Pulse ® before flowering or<br />

1 % glyphosate + Pulse ® .<br />

102, 167, 242<br />

Try 1 % glyphosate + Pulse ® . 167, 242, 222<br />

Try 1 % glyphosate + Pulse ® . 167, 242, 222<br />

Try 1 % glyphosate + Pulse ® . 167, 242, 222<br />

Intolerant of dense shade - apply glyphosate at label rate before the fifth leaf stage after this time herbicide is not translocated to tubers.<br />

Difficult to control.<br />

Spray seedlings with glyphosate; established plants will resprout from crown after glyphosate treatment. Seedlings normally only establish<br />

on bare moist soil.<br />

E. billardiereanum,<br />

E. hirtigerum<br />

332, 248, 241, 317,<br />

167, 242<br />

248, 96, 167, 242<br />

Hand remove small isolated infestations. Long tap root. Consider possible dune erosion. 248, 330, 167, 242<br />

Large infestations - spot spray- with herbicide metsulfuron methyl 0.1 g/15 L or metsulfuron methyl + 1 % glyphosate before flowering.<br />

Follow-up with hand removal for at least five years.<br />

Usually found in very disturbed sites; persistent and difficult to eradicate. Spot spray with 1.5 % glyphosate or metsulfuron methyl<br />

0.7 g/10 L (20 g/ha) + Pulse ® . On older plants apply just before flowering. Follow up on seedlings. Seed germinates throughout year;<br />

plants don't flower until around 2 years.<br />

Seedlings establishment restricted by soil cover, litter and competition. Spot spray at flowering (50 % bud - 50 % open flowering - do not<br />

spray after 50 % green bud) with Grazon® ® (triclopyr + picloram) at label rates. Biological control available from CSIRO.<br />

Establish native vegetation cover; dig out isolated plants; spray 2 % glyphosate-repeat application six weeks later. Burning plants after<br />

they have been knocked back by herbicide increases kill rate. Consider possibility of erosion.<br />

98, 173, 267, 248,<br />

167, 242<br />

23, 102, 167, 242<br />

55, 56, 8, 341, 57,<br />

167, 242<br />

167<br />

6, 241, 248, 167,<br />

242<br />

Dig out isolated plants. J. holoschoenus 167, 242<br />

Hand remove small patches. 167, 242<br />

248, 167, 242<br />

Weed of highly disturbed areas. Spot spray Lontrel ® at 10 mL/10 L + 25 mL wetting agent. 101, 228, 167, 242<br />


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