Quantum Information Theory with Gaussian Systems

Quantum Information Theory with Gaussian Systems

Quantum Information Theory with Gaussian Systems


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3 Optimal cloners for coherent states<br />

Proposition 3.6:<br />

The weighted single-copy fidelities for 1-to-n cloning of coherent states are optimized<br />

by non-<strong>Gaussian</strong> cloners. For 1-to-2 cloning, the optimal symmetric cloner<br />

yields fidelities f1,2 ≈ 0.6826. The optimal cloners are nonsingular except for the<br />

cases f1,2 = 1. The best <strong>Gaussian</strong> 1-to-2 cloners are described by rotation invariant,<br />

squeezed <strong>Gaussian</strong> wave functions. They are nonsingular for weight 1<br />

5<br />

and correspond to the singular cloners beyond this regime. In the symmetric case<br />

λ = 1<br />

. The best symmetric <strong>Gaussian</strong> 1-to-n cloners<br />

2 , the fidelities are f1,2 = 2<br />

3<br />

yield fidelities fi = (2 − 1/n) −1 .<br />

Numerical optimization<br />

< λ < 4<br />

5<br />

In order to approximately calculate the largest eigenvalue of F in (3.29b), we numerically<br />

compute the expectation value 〈φn| F |φn〉 of F in a state obtained from<br />

the iteration φn+1 = F φn/F φn. This power iteration effectively suppresses the<br />

parts of φ0 outside the eigenspace to the largest eigenvalue, so 〈φn| F |φn〉 approximates<br />

the largest eigenvalue of F. From the resulting function φn, the singlecopy<br />

fidelities can be computed as the expectation values of the constituents of F,<br />

f1 = 〈φn| e −(Q2 1 +Q2 2 )/2 |φn〉 and f2 = 〈φn| e −(P2 1 +P2 2 )/2 |φn〉. Varying the weight λ<br />

yields the points on the solid curve in Fig. 3.2.<br />

The starting point for the power iteration is a rotation invariant <strong>Gaussian</strong> function<br />

φc(x, y) ∝ exp(−c (x 2 + y 2 )). The squeezing value c is taken from the optimal<br />

<strong>Gaussian</strong> cloner where available, i.e. for 0.2 < λ < 0.8 (see the discussion of optimal<br />

<strong>Gaussian</strong> 1-to-2 cloners below). Samples for the solid curve in Fig. 3.2 from<br />

this regime are taken in the interval 0.25 ≤ λ ≤ 0.75 <strong>with</strong> increment 0.05 and an<br />

iteration depth of eight steps. Alternatively, we start from the state φc resulting<br />

from the iteration for λ = 0.79 <strong>with</strong> nine steps and scale the squeezing parameter<br />

c by a heuristically determined factor of (− log l) 9 . Sampling the parameter l for<br />

0.24 ≤ l ≤ 0.36 and 0.64 ≤ l ≤ 0.76 <strong>with</strong> increment 0.02 yields further points on the<br />

outskirts of the curve. The fidelity pairs obtained by this method are well separated<br />

from the points representing the singular cloners and the iteration does not tend towards<br />

a singular state. Moreover, the eigenstate to the largest eigenvector is a pure<br />

state <strong>with</strong> wave function φ(x). It is unique by the following argument: Both operators<br />

exp −(Q 2 1 + Q 2 2)/2 and exp −(P 2 1 + P 2 2 )/2 correspond to positive integral<br />

kernels, hence replacing any wave function ψ(x) by |ψ(x)| yields larger expectation<br />

values while preserving the norm. Assume two states ψ1(x) ≥ 0 and ψ2(x) ≥ 0<br />

were both eigenstates to the largest eigenvalue. Then so is any linear combination<br />

p1 ψ1(x) − p2 ψ2(x). However, since |p1 ψ1(x) − p2 ψ2(x)| yields larger expectation<br />

values, the conclusion is ψ1(x) ≡ ψ2(x) and the eigenstate to the largest eigenvector<br />

is unique.<br />

Addendum: On suggestion of a referee, we complement this discussion <strong>with</strong> more<br />

details. Note that the following paragraphs have been added after acceptance of the<br />

thesis.<br />

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All expressions arising in the iteration φn+1 = F φn/F φn have been ob-

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