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be taken, otherwise the infection rnay be disseminated,<br />

with danger to the operator and other workers.<br />

Details will be given of the procedure in conducting<br />

an autopsy in the usual manner, and also the method<br />

used when dealing with highly infectious organisms.<br />

As the primary reason for the autopsy is to recover<br />

organisms previously injected into the animal in<br />

addition to observing the lesions, the examination<br />

must be conducted with strict aseptic precautions:<br />

Materials required:<br />

A suitable animal board, on which the carcase can<br />

be fixed in the supine position.<br />

Instrumenis.-Thl'ee scalpels; scissors, ordinary<br />

size, four pairs; mouse-toothed forceps, four pairs;<br />

small bone forceps if the skull is to be opened; a<br />

searing iron-a 4 oz. soldering bolt is excellent for<br />

the purpose; sterile capillary pipettes; sterilc Petri<br />

dishes; stcrile test-tubes, and tubes of media.<br />

The knives are sterilised in strong lysol, and the<br />

metal instruments by boiling in a sterilising bath-e.g.<br />

an enamelled" fish-kettle." When ready for use, the<br />

tray of instruments is lifted out of the steriliseI' and<br />

laid on a spread towel which has previously been<br />

soaked in 1 : 1000 solution of perchloride of mercury.<br />

It is our practice, where cultures have to be made,<br />

first to immerse the animal completely in weak lysol<br />

solution (3 per cent.) for ten minutes. This not only<br />

destroys most of the surface organisms, but prevents<br />

the dust in the fur from getting into the air and COlltaminating<br />

other materials. The animal is now fixed<br />

to the board, and towels moistened with antiseptic<br />

are placed over the head and lower extremities.<br />

The instruments are removed from the steriliseI'. A<br />

long median incision through the skin of the abdomen<br />

and chest is now made, and the skin widely dissected,<br />

exposing the abdominal and chest muscles. With<br />

another set of instruments the peritoneal cavity is<br />

opened, and the abdominal wall is reflected to each<br />

SIde. With fresh instruments remove the spleen and

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