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At an early stage of the disease-during the first week<br />

or ten days-and in relapses, a condition of bacteriaemia<br />

exists, and the typhoid bacillus can be demonstrated<br />

by blood culture. It is also present in the spleen,<br />

occurring in clumps. Typhoid bacilli arc frequently<br />

present in large numbers in the gall bladder. 'fIley<br />

may localise in the kidney and appeal" in the urine,<br />

sometimes producing a marked bacilhn·ia. Localisation<br />

1l1ay also occur ill bone-lnal'l'Ow.<br />

'fhe bacillus is found in other lesions occurring as<br />

complications or sequelae of typhoid fever-c.g. acute<br />

suppnrative osteitis, abscess of the kidney, acute<br />

cholecystitis, brollcho-pneumonia, empyema, ulcerative<br />

endocarditis. Even in the suppurative lesions it<br />

may be present in pure culture.<br />

Infcction is by ingestion; from the small intcstinc thc<br />

organism passes by thc lymphatics to the mcsenteric glanus,<br />

and invades the lJluod pUi;sibly via the thuracic duet; tlw<br />

liver, gl\ll bladder, Rplcen, kiuney, honc-n1[t1'l'ow, etc., then<br />

beeomc infeded from thc circulation; from the gall bladdcr<br />

a furthcr inva:;ion of the illtestine l'esults and the bacilli lllay<br />

thell appear ill the facecs in appreciable llllIlllJers (vide p. a:Jl).<br />

In 2 to 5 per cent. of cOllvalcscents, the typhoid<br />

bacillus persists in the body sometimcs for indefinite<br />

periods. In such " carriers" the bacilli are pl'cscnt in<br />

the gall bladder, or in foci in the kidney, and are<br />

excrcted in the faeces or urine.<br />

B. typhOSU8 cannot exist as a saprophyte outside<br />

the body, but it can survive long enough to be transmitted<br />

by some vehicle of infection-e.g. sewage and<br />

polluted water, shell-fish, and vegetables contaminated<br />

with human excretal matter, house flies, articles of<br />

food contaminated by carriers, etc. Milk is a good<br />

culture medium for the typhoid bacillus, so that<br />

contamination of milk-e.g. by carriers engaged in<br />

dairy work - is a likely source of outbreaks of the<br />

disease.<br />

Serological React,ions.-'l'he serum. or aninlftls im.munised<br />

with typhoid bacilli contains agglutinating<br />

antibodies (vide p. aD) which are specific for the

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