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Prenesite datoteko - Vojaški muzej


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18 Ta pridevnik se zdi pretirano<br />

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15" 78,0."F%*8,=/"G//'9"Das Rittertum9"HI44/$+28J"@AAA9"4)8."KKA"4$.L"7>,$,??/"M2')%mine,<br />

War in the Middle Ages, Oxford 1984, str. 255–259.<br />

16 DeVries 1996, str. 86–99; Matthew Strickland – Robert Hardy, The Great Warbow,<br />

Stroud 2005, str. 178–179; Contamine 1984, str. 230–231.<br />

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12 ! V O J A Š K A Z G O D O V I N A<br />

inevitably became more total than in the previous<br />

era of the High Middle Ages. That resulted in exceptionally<br />

high casualties on the side of the defeated.<br />

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noble families in all French states directly felt its<br />

F$2E3dB32F3E.&7*2O&H:*1*>&WG&1$E'&"&F$2E*83%"I13&"28&<br />

hardly replaceable part of his military capabilities.<br />

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severe human losses were unacceptable and inevitably<br />

shook the nobility’s conception of their exclusive<br />

right to the military sphere. 15<br />

The development of warfare in the first half of the<br />

14 th century indicated new guidelines which were<br />

already recognised by some contemporaries. The<br />

defeat against Scottish spearmen convinced English<br />

commanders to abandon the tactics of frontal cavalry<br />

charge and to copy Scottish defence formations<br />

composed of heavily-armed soldiers and dismounted<br />

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Western Europe witnessed a fundamental military<br />

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Italy and Central Europe in a different way and at a<br />

different pace. This was not caused by a slower transfer<br />

of ideas and military innovations which spread<br />

"E'$2*E:*2O1C&dB*F,1C-&IB'&]"E&%"':3%&"&%3EB1'&$;&8*;ferent<br />

social circumstances. It is not certain if these<br />

changes can be described as revolutionary. 18 This ad-<br />

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results. European commanders started to avoid<br />

decisive battles; heavily armed cavalry frequently<br />

dismounted from their horses and fought on foot if<br />

the conditions were not suitable for a cavalry charge.<br />

W2&F$2'%"E'-&*2;"2'%C&]"E&>%$;3EE*$2"1*E38&"28-&"E&"&<br />

F$2E3dB32F3-&]"E&%38BF38&*2&2B6I3%&*2&':3&E3F$28&<br />

15 Cf. Maurice Keen, Das Rittertum9"HI44/$+28J"@AAA9"?."KKA"JJ.L"7>,$,??/"M2')%0,'/9"<br />

War in the Middle Ages, Oxford 1984, pp. 255–259.<br />

16 DeVries 1996, pp. 86–99; Matthew Strickland – Robert Hardy, The Great Warbow,<br />

Stroud 2005, pp. 178–179; Contamine 1984, pp. 230–231.<br />

17 Cf. Strickland – Hardy 2005, pp. 182–265.<br />

18 Cf. Keen 1999, pp. 142–144, 202–203.

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