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vodenje samostrelcev in topništva ter je tudi<br />

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njemu poimenovali ulico – Via Fiore dei Liberi.<br />

O%>'-& $=%"3#:3-& 4$/>!:3*-& 3"/".>#:#$L& 4"& #:&<br />

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presega namen našega sestavka.<br />

-/'"'2D/'"02-4)/8"4")%1(',0",0/'209"3/?8%&"42"2+18,$,9"+%"Z,/=>)/'%*/8",W>%-%",W"<br />

'/0(1/")8%+,=,-/"+2$E/E%"0/3%"_5%'467/)/8"5,$49"Meister Johann Liechtenauers<br />

Kunst des langen Schwertes, Frankfurt 1985). Vse do danes ne poznamo nobenih<br />

spisov niti dokumentov, ki bi razgrinjali biografske podatke mojstra Nikolaja ali<br />

mojstra Johannesa.<br />

@Q"78/+>2+'/"%'%$,W/"0/3/&%$=%",'"8%W,412&%$=%"F%))%"#%$%4%"_;/$E,-%9"%&E*4)"QRR!b"<br />

42"?21%W%$/9"+%"&")%18%)',>",'"42+2D',>"D/4/+,$,>"',"02E23/"'%-),"'2D/'/"(12J,-/"<br />

Mexinensis v takšni obliki zapisa, kot jo zasledimo v razpravi. Odkril pa je imena,<br />

1,"42"mD$,W*n"],28/-/&,0"W%?,4209",'"4,=/8"D,")2"$%>12"D,$2"F/=>$,'/'4,4"_F/=>/$/'9"<br />

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-/0")21*"8/1/"F24/$b9"F/j/'),%/"?2'4"_72')6N%,')/6F%j/'=/9"]8%'=,-%b9"F,4'/'4,4"<br />

(Meissen, Saška) in Metensis (Metz, Lorena). Uveljavila se je domneva, da je To-<br />

D$/0",W>%-%$",W"'/0(1/E%"D28,$'/E%",W823,$%."`/'+%8"4/"W+,9"+%"42"'/+%&'/"8%W?8%&/"<br />

(Ariella Eleman, Toronto, in Fabrice Cognot, Belgija, 2006) razpršile to domnevo z<br />

razlago, da se škofija Mexinensis pravzaprav lahko nanaša na Messino, kar lahko<br />

potrdi naslednje delo: Johann Georg Theodor Grässe, Orbis Latinus, Lexikon lateinischer<br />

geographischer Namen des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit, Braunschweig<br />

@A:Q."h%0/'")/E%"4?,4%"',"8%W-%4',),"],28/-/&/"D,2E8%J,-/9"&/'+%8"-/"23,)'29"+%"D2+2"<br />

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&/3"?2+%)12&9"1,",W>%-%-2",W"?202V',>"WE2+2&,'41,>"&,82&9"?2)8/D',>"W%"8%W-%4',)/&"<br />

Fiorejeve biografije.<br />

13 Luigi Zanutto, zgodovinar, ki je raziskoval Fiorejevo preteklost in napisal knjigo o<br />

svoji raziskavi. Luigi Zanutto, Fiore di Premariacco ed i ludi e le feste marziali e<br />

civili in Friuli, Videm 1907.<br />

@T""Y%'*))2"-/"2+18,$")/"?2+%)1/"&"4?,4,>9"1,"-,>"-/"'%(/$"&"2D3,'41/0"%8>,&*"`,+0%9"`vv9"<br />

f. 208 v, z datumom 30. september 1383. V teh spisih piše, da je Fiore po posvetu<br />

mestnega sveta dobil nalogo, da skrbi za samostrelce in topništvo.<br />

48 ! V O J A Š K A Z G O D O V I N A<br />

63a*232E*E& 8*$F3E*E}& '%"2E1"'38& "E& |"28& "I$@3& "11-&<br />

2"631C& 6"E'3%& e$:"223E& NBB32BE- QU who was a<br />

scholar of Master Nicholas of Toblem of the Diocese<br />

of Mexinensis«. 13 &k2;$%'B2"'31C-&':3%3&"%3&2$&;B%':3%&<br />

details on these two gentlemen in Fiore’s treatise and<br />

':3%3;$%3-& 2$& ;B%':3%& *11B6*2"'*$2& $2& ':3*%& I*$O%"phies<br />

can be extracted from the prologue.<br />

W2'3%3E'*2O1C-&P*$%3&8$3E&2$'&31"I$%"'3&$2&':3&83F-<br />

"83E&$;&:*E&$]2&6*1*'"%C&E3%@*F3-&8B31E&"28&E]$%8E-<br />

6"2E:*>& *2E'%BF'*$2& O*@32& "28T$%& %3F3*@38& *2& ':3&<br />

>%$1$OB3.& b$]3@3%-& ?"2B''$ 14 revealed that Fiore<br />

may have been in service of Udine during the civil<br />

]"%&]:*F:&I%$,3&$B'&*2&QcYc&;$11$]*2O-&$%&6$%3&"F-<br />

FB%"'31C-&I3*2O&>%$@$,38&IC&':3&"EF32E*$2&$;&P*1*>>$&<br />

d’Alençon to the Patriarchate of Aquileia two years<br />

earlier in 1381. Fiore was recorded as being in charge<br />

$;&':3&F%$EEI$]632&"28&"%'*113%C&$%&I"11*E'"&F%3]E-&<br />

as well as procuring arms and gunpowder for the<br />

defense of the towns in the alliance with Udine. 15<br />

43'"*1E&$;&':3&F*@*1&]"%&"%3&;3].&b$]3@3%-&k8*23&8*8&<br />

>%3@"*1-& "28& ':3& @*11"O3& $;& H%36"%*"FF$-& k8*23& "28&<br />

Cividale must have been the towns in the alliance<br />

that honoured Fiore’s part in the war by naming<br />

a street after him in each location – Via Fiore dei<br />

D*I3%*.&_':3%&"%F:*@38&8$FB632'E&EBOO3E'&':"'&P*$%3&<br />

]"E&"1E$&*2&H"8B"&*2&QcVX&"28&H"@*"&*2&QcVV-&IB'&<br />

further detailed examination of these instances is<br />

12 This has been a source of great discussion in the historical fencing community. The<br />

X28+"m4**/'2n"0%P",'+,=%)/"F%4)/8"a2>%''/4"X%4"2J"#/80%'"28,E,'9"028/"4?/=,fically,<br />

from Swabia. One line of thought is that Johannes of Swabia may in fact be<br />

Johannes Liechtenauer, a swordsmaster from the mid-14th century However, the<br />

timing is not quite right, as Fiore would only have been born around that time. To<br />

add to the confusion, Fiore wrote that Master Johannes was a student of Master<br />

Nicholas of Toblem, which would mean that Master Nicholas was Liechtenauer’s<br />

instructor, and there is no mention of Master Nicholas in German treatises, although<br />

Liechtenauer’s lineage has been mapped out with respect to German longs-<br />

X28+")8%+,),2'"_5%'467/)/8"5,$49"Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des langen<br />

Schwertes, Frankfurt 1985). To date, there are no other records nor documents<br />

which offer clues to flesh out Master Nicholas’ or Master Johannes’ biographical<br />

data.<br />

13" 78/$,0,'%8P"/j%0,'%),2'"DP"?8%=),),2'/8"%'+"8/4/%8=>/8"F%))"#%$%4"_;/$E,*09"U*gust<br />

2005) indicated that the Diocese Mexinensis was not found in period and<br />

02+/8'")/j)4"%4"4?/$$/+",'")>/")8/%),4/."52X/&/89">/"+,+"+,4=2&/8"'%0/4"m=$24/n"<br />

to Fiore's written text which may be one of Mechlinensis (Mechelen in Belgium),<br />

Megenensis / Meginensis campus (the former district of Mayenfeld on the lower<br />

F24/$"8,&/8b9"F/j/'),%/"?2'4"_72')6N%,')/6F%j/'=/",'"]8%'=/b9"F,4'/'4,4"_F/,4sen<br />

in Saxony), and Metensis (Metz in Lorraine). The going forward assumption<br />

was that Toblem was of German heritage. However, recent discussions (Ariella<br />

Eleman, Toronto, and Fabrice Cognot, Belgium, 2006) appear to have vapourized<br />

that assumption with suggestions that the Diocese of Mexinensis may in fact be<br />

referring to Messina and which may be supported by Johann Georg Theodor Grässe,<br />

Orbis Latinus, Lexikon lateinischer geographischer Namen des Mittelalters<br />

und der Neuzeit, Braunschweig 1972. This paper is not intended to crystallize the<br />

biography of Fiore, however, it is evident that the fragments of information found in<br />

Fiore’s prologue will require further significant direct and related research effort,<br />

as well as a detailed linguistic study of Friulian, in order to tease out more details<br />

originating from supporting historical sources necessary to flesh out Fiore’s biography.<br />

14 Luigi Zanutto, an historian who conducted research into Fiore’s past and authored<br />

a book on his research. Luigi Zanutto, Fiore di Premariacco ed i ludi e le feste<br />

marziali e civili in Friuli, Udine 1907.<br />

15 Zanutto discovered these pieces of information in the records found in the Municipal<br />

Archive of Udine, VII, f. 208v dated September 30, 1383. They indicated<br />

that after deliberation by the town council Fiore was tasked to take charge of the<br />

crossbowmen and artillery.

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