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vojvodinjo. V predgovoru ni podatkov o izidu<br />

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V predgovoru Pisani-Dossi je v razdelku<br />

»alter prologus« zapisan stavek »...che io predito<br />

fior o uecudo mille chiamati magistri che<br />

non sono de tuti loro quatro boni scholari e de<br />

quilli quatro boni scholari non seria uno bon<br />

magistro«L&2&/"*:%:!&8:&N-$%:&8/$%"#&B"="L&4"&<br />

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in enega samega za mojstra. Te trditve ni najti<br />

v predgovoru Getty ne v prologu Morgan. Ven-<br />

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dobro ime.<br />

Nedvomno so bila najbolj vznemirljiva po-<br />

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29 Miser Azo da Castelbarcho (Morgan) / Missier Açço da Castell Barcho (Getty).<br />

30 Miß Zohanni di li ordelaffig (Morgan) / çuanne di Ordelaffi (Getty).<br />

31 Miß Jacomo da Besen (Morgan) / Missier Jacomo di Boson (Getty).<br />

32" F,($-/'"-/"?2+$2V/'"-2?,3"W"+2$E,0,"821%&,9"1,"4/"'24,"?2+"21$/?209"?2E24)2"2?8/0-<br />

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turnirju raje trikrat bojeval v oklepu kot pa enkrat samkrat brez oklepa z ostrim<br />

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assumed that Fiore’s student was victorious.<br />

_':3%&8B31E&$;&:*E&E'B832'E&632'*$238&*2&':3&>%$logue<br />

include Sir Açço da Castell Barcho 30 who fought<br />

]*':& B"223&8*&_%831";;*- 31 and the valiant and good<br />

,2*O:'&N*%&e"F$6$&8*&)$E$2- cU although there are no<br />

details on whom Jacomo faced in the duel.<br />

W2& ':3& H*E"2*Z4$EE*& >%$1$OB3-& *2& ':3& |"1'3%& >%$-<br />

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predito fior o uecudo mille chiamati magistri che<br />

non sono de tuti loro quatro boni scholari e de quilli<br />

quatro boni scholari non seria uno bon magistro«<br />

is written in which Fiore almost boasts having seen<br />

thousands of self-styled masters of which he would<br />

consider only four good scholars and just one a master.<br />

This claim is not included in the Getty nor the<br />

!$%O"2&>%$1$OB3.&b$]3@3%-&*2&':3&K3''C&"28&!$%O"2&<br />

prologues it is mentioned that Fiore was challenged<br />

Ill. 1: Grbovne podobe Lanzilotta Beccarie<br />

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'$& ;*@3& 8B31E-& BE*2O& FB'& "28& ':%BE'& ]3">$2E-& ]3"%ing<br />

only an arming doublet 33 and leather gauntlets<br />

(»chamois«) because he did not wish to fight nor<br />

practice with the masters who challenged him. These<br />

duels occurred in locations without any supportive<br />

%31"'*$2E& "28& ;%*328E-& IB'& ">>"%32'1C-& :*E& :$2$B%&<br />

was and remained secured.<br />

j*':$B'&"&8$BI'-&':3&6$E'&@3a*2O&>"%'&$;&P*$%3fE&<br />

1*;3&]3%3&:*E&1"'3%&C3"%E-&"'&':3&328&$;&':3&Q[ th and<br />

the beginning of the 15 th century during the period<br />

of time of the composition of his treatise or treatises.<br />

The »alter prologus« in the Pisani-Dossi version<br />

30 Miser Azo da Castelbarcho (Morgan) / Missier Açço da Castell Barcho (Getty).<br />

31 Miß Zohanni di li ordelaffig (Morgan) / çuanne di Ordelaffi (Getty).<br />

32 Miß Jacomo da Besen (Morgan) / Missier Jacomo di Boson (Getty).<br />

33 An arming doublet is a long-sleeved padded jacket worn under armour, often fitted<br />

with arming points to which plate armour would have been tied to. Fiore mentioned<br />

in his prologue that his preference was to fight in armour because it was far more<br />

forgiving should the combatant make a mistake by virtue of the protection offered<br />

by the plate armour. He stated that he would rather fight three times in armour in<br />

the barriers than a single unarmoured duel with a sharp sword.

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