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Prenesite datoteko - Vojaški muzej

Prenesite datoteko - Vojaški muzej


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."2"%$2"3-& 0:=$*-& 2& 8*"*-;3-=& 8:8*"2-=& 1"=/$&<br />

32" N0,)>"O"H/`8,/4"QRR!9"4)8."Q:OQS9"M2')%0,'/"@AST9"4)8."@TB"4$.9"@AKOQR:."72&/-<br />

3/&%'-/"2E'-/'/"023,"-/"D,$2"&4%-"+/$20%"8/W*$)%)"1%12&24)'/-(/E%",'"023'/-(/E%"<br />

402+',1%."72+2D'2"12)"()/&,$'/"+8*E/",'2&%=,-/9"?2&/W%'/"W"2E'-/',0"282V-/09"42"<br />

)*+,"W8'%),"402+',1"&/8-/)'2",W'%($,";*8E*'+=,9",'"4,=/8"2182E"$."@TQR."78,0."5%$$"<br />

1997, str. 68 sl., 88.<br />

33 Hall 1997, str. 95; R. T. W. Kempers, Haquebuts from Dutch Collections, v: The<br />

Journal of the Arms & Armour Society, XI/2 (1983), str. 56–89; Zanimive izsledke<br />

/0?,8,3',>"?8/,W1*42&"?8/+4)%&$-%")*+,"4?$/)'%"4)8%'"(&,=%841/E%"8%W,412&%$=%",'E."<br />

Ulricha Bretscherja, Ulrich Bretscher's Black Powder Page http://www.musketeer.<br />

ch/blackpowder/history.html (obiskano 14. 9. 2008).<br />

34" M>8,4),'/"+/"7,W%'9"The Book of Deeds of Arms and of Chivalry9"d',&/84,)P"7%81"<br />

1999, str. 110–111, 116–119, 122–123.<br />

35 Smith – DeVries 2005, str. 18–19, 113.<br />

16 ! V O J A Š K A Z G O D O V I N A<br />

culminated in the armies of the extraordinarily rich<br />

4B,3E&$;&)B%OB28C-&]:$E3&"%'*113%C&]"E&E$&2B63%ous<br />

that even by its mere appearance it could persuade<br />

a poorly motivated enemy to surrender. The<br />

Burgundians employed it deliberately as a means of<br />

intimidation. Heavy artillery bombardment of cities<br />

and fortifications as a show of force became their<br />

favourite method. 35<br />

More radical tactical innovations were contrib-<br />

B'38& IC& ':3& 0+3F:& bBEE*'3E& *2& ':3& Q[USE.& /'& ':3&<br />

I3O*22*2O&$;&"2&$>32&%3I311*$2&*2&Q[QV&':3&bBEE*'3&<br />

O323%"1&e"2&n*(,"&F$B18&8%"]&$21C&$2&"&E6"11&F$%3&<br />

of trained soldiers. The great majority of the rest<br />

of his followers had neither any combat experience<br />

2$%&O$$8&3dB*>632'.&b$]3@3%-&':3&bBEE*'3E&3a>1$*'38&<br />

their humble military potential by using effective<br />

'"F'*FE-& ]:*F:& %3>%3E32'38& "& F$6I*2"'*$2& $;& '3E'38&<br />

"28& E$63& 23]& 313632'E-& *2& >"%'*FB1"%& ':3& *2'3O%"tion<br />

of firearms within the entire tactical system. A<br />

E>3F*"1*'C&$;&n*(,"fE&B2*'E&]"E&':3&BE3&$;&1"%O3&]"Oons<br />

that were additionally reinforced with planks<br />

and wooden superstructures. They could be joined to<br />

each other and arranged in a chain of mobile bunkers<br />

– the wagenburg. In order to coordinate the op-<br />

3%"'*$2& $;& "11& "@"*1"I13& 'C>3E& $;& ]3">$2E-& F%3]E& *2&<br />

]"O$2E& ]3%3& 3dB*>>38& ]*':& F%$EEI$]E-& :"28& OB2E-&<br />

@"%*$BE& >$13"%6E-& "28& ':3C& "1E$& BE38& "& F$2E*83%able<br />

amount of light artillery. Covered wagons and<br />

large pavise shields offered them excellent protection<br />

against missiles which could have otherwise quickly<br />

inflicted huge losses to less well protected infantry<br />

unit in a static formation. 36 The wagenburg became<br />

"& 6$I*13& ;$%'*;*F"'*$2-& "28& *'E& 83;3283%E& ]3%3& "83quately<br />

armed for close and distant combat. 37<br />

Participants in crusades to Bohemia could not<br />

find appropriate recourse to the Hussite method of<br />

]"%;"%3-& C3'& ':"'& 8*8& 2$'& >%3@32'& ':36& ;%$6& F$>Cing<br />

it. This method of warfare was soon reflected in<br />

Central Europe in the equipment and the hiring of<br />

0+3F:&63%F32"%*3E- 38 and taking over Hussite tactical<br />

35 Smith – DeVries 2005, pp. 18–19, 113.<br />

36 As it had been often demonstrated in the Late Middle Ages, even unarmoured and<br />

relatively poorly trained infantry units armed with long spears and polearms could<br />

fight successfully as long as they remained in defensive formations. On the other<br />

hand, massed infantry was very vulnerable to missiles. That was proved by the English<br />

in battles during the 1330s against Scottish spearmen (the battles of Dupplin<br />

Moor in 1332 and Halidon Hill in 1333). Strickland – Hardy 2005, pp. 182–189.<br />

37 Volker Schmidtchen, Kriegswesen im späten Mittelalter, Weinheim 1990, p. 85 ff.;<br />

Hall 1997, p. 107–114; Contamine 1984, p. 124.<br />

38 Günter Düriegl, Das Wiener Bürgerliche Zeughaus – Die Geschichte einer Waffensammlung,<br />

in: Das Wiener Bürgerliche Zeughaus; Rüstungen und Waffen aus 5<br />

Jahrhunderten (ed. Günter Düriegl, Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien, exhibition<br />

catalogue), Wien 1977, p. 12; Robert Waissenberger, Die wehrhaften Bürger<br />

Wiens, ibid., pp. 22–26; Günter Düriegl, Die wehrhaften Bürger Wiens und ihre<br />

Waffen, in: Wehrhafte Stadt; Das Wiener Bürgerliche Zeughaus im 15. und 16.<br />

Jahrhundert (ed. Günter Düriegl, Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien, exhibition<br />

catalogue), Wien 1986, p. 7.

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