TK6 JOY OF PASTRY Mar2013.pdf

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44<br />

ervé Lemonon, Executive Pastry Chef at<br />

Grand Lapa Macau, gleefully sinks his hands<br />

into a stainless steel bowl full of almond flour and<br />

sugar, clenches two fistfuls of powder, pops his hands open<br />

and begins mixing things up by wiggling his fingers. He looks<br />

like he’s having the time of his life.<br />

“I wake up every day inspired by the wonder of the world<br />

around me,” he says.<br />

Chef Hervé radiates joy. His staff love him. Every morning<br />

there is a scuffle as various chefs on his team vie with<br />

each other to see who will get to help him prepare the buffet.<br />

“He isn’t just a chef,” says Junior Chef de Partie Roberto<br />

Macalalad. “He is also like a father.”<br />

“I’ve been here for twelve years. I came here as an<br />

apprentice,” says Assistant Pastry Chef Leong Kin Man.<br />

“We have great teamwork. It’s like a family.”<br />

An atmosphere of calm concentration prevails in the<br />

kitchen, until somebody cracks a joke. Then all the chefs<br />

erupt into a raucous round of banter. There is a lot of teasing,<br />

and laughing, and then things quiet down again as everybody<br />

focuses on the work.<br />

Hervé fills a piping bag with a mixture of whipped cream,<br />

lemon zest, butter and melted chocolate. Turning away from<br />

the petits fours he is decorating, he checks the glaze on a<br />

beautiful mango caramel cake a junior chef has finished.<br />

| TASTING KITCHEN | march 2013<br />

Chatting, laughing, animated, he swings around to another<br />

chef, who is dexterously spreading apricot jam on layers of<br />

puff pastry. Hervé calls out: “Ah Lei is the fastest Napoleon<br />

maker in Macau!” And then with magic speed and precision<br />

his own hands go to work, squeezing, piping out gloriously<br />

perfect dollops of mousse to top each tiny chocolate tart.<br />

Jr Demi Chef de Partie Kelly Ng is also piping, drawing<br />

lovely Chinese characters onto chocolate plaques. Other chefs<br />

are busy preparing raspberry and cherry mousse cakes, truffles,<br />

egg tarts and Black Forest gateaux, each working steadily at his<br />

or her station, occasionally passing each other instruments.<br />

Every now and then, chefs slip in and out through the<br />

sliced plastic curtains that protect a treasure vault of a cold<br />

storage room. Trolleys there are laden with cakes waiting to be<br />

released to customers upstairs. “It’s a great feeling when the<br />

cake you just made is sold or eaten straight away,” says Hervé.<br />

The joy and pride the chefs take in their work is contagious.<br />

Waiters coming from upstairs to collect bread, kitchen<br />

porters carrying buckets – everybody lights up as they come<br />

into Hervé’s pastry kitchen.<br />

There is a moment when the whole kitchen goes quiet.<br />

Everyone in the room is melting something: Hervé is melting<br />

caramel, Roberto a redcurrant glaze, Kelly chocolate,<br />

and Ah Lei a saucepan of apricot jam. The kitchen is silent<br />

apart from a very quiet bubbling.<br />

“ I wake up every day inspired by the wonder of the world around me.<br />

每天醒来,周遭世界的奇妙都会带给我灵感。”<br />

澳门金丽华酒店行政饼房总厨 Hervé Lemonon 开心地将双<br />

手插到盛满杏仁粉和糖的钢碗里,再一下子张开抓满了粉<br />

的双手,开始揉面。一副乐在其中的样子。<br />

他说: 「每天醒来,周遭世界的奇妙都会带给我灵感。」<br />

总厨 Hervé 整个人散发着喜悦。他的工作人员都很喜欢他。<br />

每天早上他组里不同的厨师都争先恐后想与他一起准备当<br />

日的自助午餐。初级主厨 Roberto Macalalad 表示, 「他不<br />

只是厨师,也像父亲。」<br />

助理饼房厨师梁健文表示 :「 我在这里已经十二年了。<br />

一开始是当学徒。我们的团队合作气氛很好,像个大家庭。」<br />

厨房里通常是大家安静地聚精会神,直到有人说了个<br />

笑话。接着,所有厨师们会突然喧笑戏谑成一团。有很多<br />

的相互打趣和大笑。然后,随着大家又开始专注工作,一<br />

切又回归寂静。<br />

Hervé 将混入了柠檬皮、牛油和巧克力酱的鲜奶油装<br />

进奶油袋,装饰好花式小蛋糕后,转身检查一位新手厨师<br />

刚做好的芒果焦糖蛋糕上的糖衣,然后又兴高采烈地转身<br />

对正灵巧地将杏桃果酱铺在层层酥皮上的另一位厨师喊<br />

道,「阿李是全澳门做法式千层酥最快的人!」 然后,双手<br />

又以神奇的速度和精确度开始工作,在每个小巧克力挞上<br />

挤出完美的一圈慕斯。<br />

初级助理主厨吴紫君 (Kelly) 也正用奶油袋在巧克力片<br />

上画出美丽的中文字。其他厨师则忙着准备覆盆子和樱桃<br />

慕斯蛋糕、蛋挞和黑森林蛋糕。每个人都在自己的工作台<br />

上稳健作业,偶尔帮忙把用具递给别人。<br />

厨师们偶尔会进出像是有塑料门帘保护宝库般的冷藏<br />

储存室。里面的推车上放满了等着拿到楼上给宾客的蛋糕。<br />

Hervé 表示 : 「刚做好的蛋糕一下子就卖完或被客人吃光,<br />

感觉很棒!」<br />

厨师们对所做成品的喜悦感和骄傲感极具渲染力。从<br />

下楼拿面包的服务生到拿水桶进来的厨房搬运工,每个人<br />

一进到 Hervé 的糕点厨房都是笑容满面。<br />

有时整个厨房会突然安静。每个人都在融东西:<br />

Hervé 在融焦糖,Roberto 在融红醋栗糖衣,Kelly 在融巧<br />

克力,阿李在融一锅杏桃果酱。除了小声的冒泡声之外,<br />


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