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Pogonia stricta C. Schweinfurth, sp. nov.<br />

Herba terrestris, gracilis. Caulis sparsim ramosus, cum ramis<br />

strictis paucifloris, sine foliis sed minute bracteatus. Racemi bi-vel<br />

quadriflori. Flores lateraliter visi arcuati. Sepala carnosa. Sepalum<br />

dorsale fomicacum, longitudinaliter concavum, lanceolateoblongum.<br />

Sepala lateralia arcuato-falcata, caetera similia. Petala<br />

elliptic o-oblonga, leviter falcata, quam sepala paulo breviora sed<br />

latiora. Labellum tubulari-involutum, simplex, lance olato-oblongum,<br />

obtusum; discus basi minute bicallosum, cum fascia lata carnosa<br />

minute multipapillosa per medium. Columna apice dilatala, ala<br />

conspicua term in a ta.<br />

Plant terrestrial, very slender, at least 23 cm. high (up to the apex<br />

of the raceme) in the only complete plant present. Stem with 1 to<br />

several strict and more or less remote branches, produced below into<br />

an irregularly flexuous villous portion, leafless, provided remotely<br />

with minute appressed, triangular-ovate and acute or narrowly<br />

triangular-lanceolate and acuminate bracts which are 10 mm. or less<br />

long; branches short, 2- to 4-flowered, rarely up to 7.8 cm. long.<br />

Floral bracts strict, triangular-ovate, deeply concave, acuminate.<br />

Flowers small, narrowly campanulate and arcuate when seen from the<br />

side in natural position. Sepals fleshy, longitudinally concave,<br />

greenish yellow. Dorsal sepal fornicate, lanceolate-oblong, acute,<br />

apiculate, up to about 20 mm. long and 4 mm. wide when expanded,<br />

dorsally lightly carinate. Lateral sepals oblique and falcate,<br />

lanceolate-oblong, acute, about 20 mm. long and 4.8 mm. wide,<br />

dorsally carinate. Petals similar to the lateral sepals, ellipticoblong,<br />

falcate, acute, up to 18 mm. long and 5 mm. wide, 3-nerved<br />

(or 5-nerved in the middle), with minutely irregular margins, creamy<br />

yellow. Lip tubular-involute in natural position, simple, lanceolateoblong,<br />

obtuse, up to about 16.3 mm. long and 6.2 mm. wide below<br />

when expanded, with the lateral margins toward the apex minutely<br />

erose and crisped-undulate; disc minutely bicallose at base, with a<br />

broad central oblong-lanceolate acuminate fleshy band (entirely<br />

covered by crowded papillose keels) extending from the base nearly<br />

to the apex. Column small, from a slender base rather abruptly<br />

dilated above, terminating in a prominent triangular blunt wing which<br />

is lacerate on each side below, about 8 mm. or less high at the<br />

back (Fig. 25).<br />

Type in herb. Chi. Nat. Hist. Mus., no. 1203783, isotype in Herb.<br />

Ames, no. 64865, Brocchinia-Stegolepis-Heliamphora swamp on<br />

southwest-facing shoulder, Ptari-tepui, state of Bolivar, alt. 2200 m.,<br />

November 2, 1944, Julian A. Steyermark 59786, "lateral sepals with<br />

pale greenish in center, lip creamy white with rose-lavender or<br />

magenta".<br />

1 2<br />

By Charles Schweinfurth

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