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This species is apparently allied to Pogonia paludosa Reichb. f.,<br />

but is dissimilar in having branched stems, short floral bracts and<br />

differently colored flowers with a dissimilar lip.<br />

Pogonia triflora C. Schweinfurth, sp. nov.<br />

Herba terrestris, gracilis. Caulis basi excepta glaber, parte inferiore<br />

remote bivaginata, parte superiore remote bifoliata. Folia<br />

parva, stricta, amplexicaulia; folium basale anguste ellipticum<br />

et acutum; folium superius linear!- la nceola turn et acuminatum.<br />

Racemus perlaxe triflorus cum brae te is floralibus conspicuis, strictis,<br />

lanceolatis vel ovato-lanceolatis, acuminatis. Flores parvi,<br />

rosei. Sepalum dorsale fornicatum, expansum anguste oblongolanceolatum,<br />

acutum. Sepala lateralia expansa similia. Petala<br />

sepalis similia sed paulo breviora et latiora, cum marginibus superioribus<br />

leviter et irregulariter denticulatis. Labellum expansum<br />

anguste oblongo-ovatum, prope apicem trilobatum; lobi laterales<br />

apice abrupte angulati; lobus medius triangulari-ovatus; discus<br />

fascia mediana lata percursus, basi minute bicallosus. Columna<br />

gracilis, perianthii segmentis distincte minor.<br />

Plant terrestrial, slender. Stem glabrous except at the very base<br />

which is apparently lanuginose, provided in the lower portion with<br />

two remote ovate or ovate-oblong amplexicaul sheaths and above<br />

with two remote leaves, about 19 cm. high up to the base of the<br />

floriferous portion. Leaves two, appressed, amplexicaul, narrowly<br />

elliptic or linear-lanceolate, 'acute or acuminate, the upper and<br />

larger blade about 3.6 cm. long and 6 mm. wide. Raceme very loosely<br />

3-flowered, with the rachis about 5 cm. long. Floral bracts conspicuous,<br />

strict, lanceolate (lowermost) to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate,<br />

amplexicaul, deeply concave, the lowermost about 3.2 cm.<br />

long and 9 mm. wide. Flowers rather small, "rose-orchid", apparently<br />

nodding in age. Segments membranaceous. Dorsal sepal<br />

fornicate in natural position, when expanded narrowly oblong-lanceolate,<br />

acute, about 2.4 cm. long and 5 mm. wide. Lateral sepals<br />

closely similar. Petals similar to the sepals but slightly shorter and<br />

broader, about 2.2 cm. long and 6 mm. wide, with the upper margins<br />

lightly and irregularly denticulate. Lip deep rose, when expanded<br />

oblong-ovate in outline, distinctly 3-lobed near the apex, about 2.25<br />

cm. long and 9 mm. wide; lateral lobes with abruptly angulate obtuse,<br />

spreading tips; mid-lobe small, triangular-ovate; disc traversed by a<br />

broad median thickened band (with irregular margins) which extends<br />

from the base about to the middle of the mid-lobe, minutely bicallose<br />

at the base. Column, slender, slightly dilated upward, about 1.6 cm.<br />

long (Fig. 26).<br />

Type in herb. Chi. Nat. Hist. Mus., no. 1203772, southwest-facing<br />

slopes between base of mountain at Quebrada Ka-hua-paru and<br />

Glycon swamp, Mount Roraima, state of Bolivar, alt. 1220-1980 m.,<br />

October 1, 1944, Julian A. Steyermark 59014.

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