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versely cuneate-trapeziform with a broad truncate-concave apex when<br />

viewed from above. Column of the genus (Fig. 30).<br />

Type in Herb. Ames no. 64847, isotype in herb. Chi. Nat. Hist.<br />

Mus., no. 1221980, rich forest on slopes near summit of Cerro San<br />

Isidro, above La Carbonera, state of Me'rida, alt. 2430-2745 m., April<br />

22, 1944, Julian A. Steyermark 56034, "epiphyte on trunk of Ladenbergia<br />

undata, leaves fleshy subcoriaceous, dull green above, pale<br />

below"; same data, Steyermark 56031.<br />

This species appears to be allied to the Ecuadorian Stelis lancea<br />

Lindl., but differs in its very unequal sepals and simple lip.<br />

Lepanthes exilis C. Schweinfurth, sp. nov.<br />

Herba epiphytica, caespitosa. Caules numerosi, pertenues, apice<br />

unifoliati, pluriarticulati, vaginis arctis glabris tubulatis omnino<br />

tecti. Folium lanceolatum vel elliptico-lanceolatum, acuminatum<br />

cum apice acriter tridenticulato, breviter petiolatum. Inflorescentiae<br />

axillares, saepissime plures, diffusae, multiflorae, quam folium plusminusve<br />

longiores. Flores parvi, membranacei, glabri. Sepalum<br />

dorsale ovatum, acutum, concavum. Sepala lateralia in laminam late<br />

ovatam profunde bidentatam connata. Petala perparva, transverse<br />

oblonga cum lobo posteriore subquadrato-oblongo comparate longo et<br />

lobo anteriore minuto, triangular!. Labellum petala subaequans, 3-<br />

lobatum; lobi laterales comparate magni, late flabellati; lobus medius<br />

minutus, villosus. Columna generis.<br />

Plant epiphytic, caespitose. Roots fibrous, glabrous, filiform,<br />

numerous. Rhizome abbreviated. Stems numerous, very slender,<br />

1-leaved at the apex, several- (up to 14-) jointed, entirely concealed<br />

by close tubular glabrous sheaths which terminate in ovate spreading<br />

marginate, minutely hispid mouths, about 5 (rarely) -13 cm. long.<br />

Leaf very shortly petioled; lamina lanceolate to elliptic -lanceolate<br />

(often narrowly so), coriaceous, acuminate to a sharply tridenticulate<br />

apex, shortly cuneate below, 3*1-6.5 cm. long, up to 1.3 cm. or less<br />

wide; petiole about 5 mm. or less long. Inflorescences axillary,<br />

solitary to about 15, diffuse, laxly or subdensely many-flowered,<br />

surpassing the leaf (sometimes nearly three times as long). Floral<br />

bracts minute, infundibuliform. Flowers very small, membranaceous.<br />

Sepals distinctly connate below, tawny yellow with pale yellow<br />

margins. Dorsal sepal ovate, acute, concave, 3-nerved, up to 4 mm.<br />

long and 2.2 mm. wide when expanded. Lateral sepals with their<br />

inner margins connate to half their length, each sepal very obliquely<br />

ovate, acute, 2-nerved; lamina of lateral sepals broadly ovate, about<br />

3.4 mm. long from the outer point of union with the dorsal sepal to<br />

the tip and 2.9 mm. wide near the base. Petals much smaller than<br />

the sepals, vermilion-orange, transverse, bilobed, about 0.8 mm. long<br />

and 1.9 mm. wide; posterior lobe much the larger, oblong-subquadrate<br />

with a very oblique obtuse apex; anterior lobe very small, triangular,<br />

obtuse. Lip adnate to the middle of the column, 3-lobed, orchid-rose;<br />

lateral lobes relatively large, broadly flabellate, the apex broadened

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