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This species is remarkable for its small coriaceous ovate leaves<br />

and for die medium keel or septum in the center of the fleshy lip.<br />

It<br />

appears to be somewhat allied to the widely distributed Prescottia<br />

stachyodes (Sw.) Lindl. which has larger membranaceous leaves and<br />

an ecarinate membranaceous lip.<br />

Erythrodes confusa C. Schweinfurth, sp. nov.<br />

Herba terrestris, alta. Caulis gracilis, pluriarticulatus cum articulis<br />

inferioribus radiciferis et superioribus foliiferis. Folia ellipticolanceolata,<br />

acuminata, basi sensim angustata, petiolata; petiolus in<br />

vaginam laxam infundibuliformem productus. Racemus erectus, dense<br />

mukiflorus. Flores parvL Sepalum dorsale lanceolato-ellipticum.<br />

Sepala lateralia oblongo-lanceolata, leviter falcata, antice late<br />

decurrentia. Petala oblique lineari-oblanceolata. Labellum in<br />

calcar pergracile productum; lamina supra medium utrinque constricta,<br />

cum lobo anteriore suborbiculari-ovato, conspicue apiculato;<br />

calcar elongatum, supra plusminusve incrassatum.<br />

Plant terrestrial, tall, about 35 cm. in length to the tip of the<br />

raceme. Stem rather slender, many-jointed, glabrous except near the<br />

apex, dark purple, the lower portion producing at the joints pairs of<br />

long simple lanuginose roots, the upper portion loosely leafy. Leaves<br />

about eight, shortly petioled; lamina elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate,<br />

gradually narrowed below, membranaceous, many-nerved with three<br />

prominent sulcate nerves, dull above, silvery gray beneath, up to 10<br />

cm. long and 2.65 cm. wide (the uppermost and lowermost leaves<br />

much smaller); petiole indistinct, about 2.7 cm. or less long, sulcate,<br />

gradually dilated below into a loose infundibuliform sheath. Inflorescence<br />

a dense, terminal, many-flowered raceme, about 4.3 cm.<br />

long. Floral bracts lanceolate, long-acuminate, concave, sparingly<br />

ciliolate. Flowers small, membranaceous, with a few scattered hairs<br />

without and with a slender glandular-pubescent ovary. Sepals dull<br />

lavender-brownish without, pale green at base and buff in upper half<br />

within. Dorsal sepal lanceolate-elliptic, acuminate, concave, 1-<br />

nerved, (indistinctly 3-nerved near the base), up to 7 mm. long and<br />

2.2 mm. wide in the middle. Lateral sepals oblong-lanceolate,<br />

acuminate with inrolled margins, lightly falcate, long-decurrent at the<br />

base in front, 1-nerved (indistinctly 3-nerved toward the base), a<br />

little smaller than the dorsal sepal. Petals adherent to the dorsal<br />

sepal, very obliquely linear-oblanceolate, acute or acuminate, up to<br />

7 mm. long and 1.1 mm. wide above, 1-nerved, the same color as the<br />

sepals. Lip produced into an elongate spur; lamina divided by an<br />

abrupt constriction into two pans; basal part oval, concave, with a<br />

little fold on each side at the constriction; anterior part suborbicularovate,<br />

abruptly acute or apiculate, about 2.5 mm. long and 2.6 mm.<br />

or less wide; spur very slender, more or less dilated above, up to<br />

1 .4 cm. long, white. Column dilated upward, terminating in an obtuse<br />

oblong-triangular wing (Fig. 29).

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