HÍ Ritaskrá 2006 - Háskóli Íslands

HÍ Ritaskrá 2006 - Háskóli Íslands

HÍ Ritaskrá 2006 - Háskóli Íslands


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exploitation of enzymes for added-value products”. Haldin í<br />

Háskólabíói, Reykjavík, 30. júní-1. júlí <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Veggspjöld<br />

Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir, Agnar Steinarsson og Ágústa<br />

Guðmundsdóttir Próteinmengjagreining á þorsklirfum<br />

(Gadus morhua) meðhöndluðum með fiskipeptíðum.<br />

Raunvísindaþing, 3.-4. mars <strong>2006</strong> í Reykjavík.<br />

Sveinsdóttir, H., Steinarsson, A. and Gudmundsdóttir, Á. (<strong>2006</strong>).<br />

“Proteome analysis of Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua)<br />

treated with probiotic bacteria”. II International Congress<br />

on the Biology of Fish, 18.-22. júlí <strong>2006</strong> í St. John’s,<br />

Nýfundnalandi, Kanada.<br />

Sveinsdóttir, H. and Gudmunsdóttir, Á. (<strong>2006</strong>). Trypsins in early<br />

Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua). The Scandinavian<br />

Physiological Society, Annual Meeting, 11.-13. ágúst <strong>2006</strong> í<br />

Háskóla Íslands.<br />

Kennslurit<br />

Námsefni fyrir námskeiðin Hagnýtt erfðatækni (09.81.64) og<br />

Matvælaefnafræði 1 (09.81.44) hefur verið sett upp í<br />

Moodle-kerfinu og er að finna á netinu (www.moodle.hi.is).<br />

Guðjón Þorkelsson dósent<br />

Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti<br />

L. Picot, S. Bordenave, S. Didelot, I. Fruitier-Arnaudin, F. Sannier,<br />

G. Thorkelsson, J.P. Bergé, F. Guérard, A. Chabeaud and J.M.<br />

Piot . Antiproliferative activity of fish protein hydrolysates on<br />

human breast cancer cell lines. Process Biochemistry,<br />

Volume 41, Issue 5, May <strong>2006</strong>, pages 1217-1222.<br />

Bókarkaflar og kaflar í ráðstefnuritum<br />

Gudjon Thorkelsson. Curing and smoking of Icelandic lamb:<br />

Current practices and future outlook. Proceedings of the<br />

International Dry-Cured Meat Congress. Oslo 7.-9. júní<br />

<strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Gudjon Thorkelsson. Drying of lamb meat in the Faeroe Islands<br />

– process, main defects and prevention. Proceedings of the<br />

International Dry-Cured Meat Congress. Oslo, 7.-9. júní<br />

<strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Guérard F., Chabeaud A., Laroque D., Denes A., Vandanjon L.,<br />

Bourseau P., Jaouen P., Thorkelsson G. Towards the<br />

development of marine bio-ingredients with antioxidant<br />

properties: a case study. Second Joint Trans-Atlantic<br />

Fisheries Technology Conference-TAFT<strong>2006</strong>. Quebec City,<br />

Quebec, Canada, Oct 29th-1st Nov.<br />

Guðjón Þorkelsson. Íslenskt kjöt og kjötafurðir. Óhollusta,<br />

hollusta og sérstaða Vísindin heilla – Sigmundur<br />

Guðbjarnason 75 ára. Háskólaútgáfan, Reykjavík <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

A Chabeaud, Vandanjon L, Jaouen P, Bourseau, Delannoy C,<br />

Johannsson R, Thorkelsson G and Guerard F. Evaluation of<br />

antioxidant activities in by-product hydrolysates:<br />

fractionation and concentration of active molecules using<br />

ultra- and nanofiltration membranes. In Seafood Research<br />

from fish to dish. Edited by Joop Luten et.al. p. 419-426.<br />

ISBN-10: 90-8686-005-2. Wageningen Academic<br />

Publishers <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir<br />

Margrét Bragdóttir, Irek Klonowski, Guðjón Þorkelsson <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Fiskduft. Þurrkunaraðstæður og geymsluþol.<br />

Rannsóknastofnun fiskiðnaðarins, Rf-skýrsla 33-06, 19<br />

bls., lokuð.<br />

Guðjón Gunnarsson, Irek Klonowski, Guðjón Þorkelsson <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Frostþurrkun á sjávarfangi - Könnun á möguleikum.<br />

Rannsóknastofnun fiskiðnaðarins, Rf-skýrsla 5-06, 14 bls.,<br />

opin.<br />

Irek Klonowski, Volker Heinz, Stefan Toepfl, Guðjón<br />

Gunnarsson, Guðjón Þorkelsson <strong>2006</strong>. Notkun rafpúlsa til<br />

að bæta nýtingu sjávarafurða. Rannsóknastofnun<br />

fiskiðnaðarins, Rf-skýrsla 6-06, 14 bls.<br />

Fyrirlestrar<br />

Guðjón Þorkelsson. Kostir og gallar matvælavinnslu. Erindi á<br />

matvæladegi MNÍ, 20. október.<br />

Emma Eyþórsdóttir, Jóhannes Sveinbjörnsson og Guðjón<br />

Þorkelsson. Gæðamælingar á íslensku lambakjöti, erfðaog<br />

umhverfisþættir. Málþing um íslenska búfjárrækt til<br />

heiðurs Hjalta Gestssyni níræðum, 17. nóvember<br />

Fræðsluefni<br />

Guðjón Þorkelsson. Kostir og gallar matvælavinnslu. Matur er<br />

mannsins megin. Bls. 12, 1. tbl., 18.árgangur.<br />

Inga Þórsdóttir prófessor<br />

Greinar í ritrýndum tímaritum<br />

Combined effects of maternal smoking status and dietary intake<br />

related to weight gain and birth size parameters. BJOG An<br />

International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology<br />

<strong>2006</strong>;113:1296-1302. Olafsdottir AS, Skuladottir GV,<br />

Thorsdottir I, Hauksson A, Steingrimsdottir L.<br />

Tracking of overweight from early childhood to adolescence in<br />

cohorts born 1988 and 1994: overweight in a high birth<br />

weight population. International Journal of Obesity<br />

<strong>2006</strong>;30:1265-1271. Johannsson E, Arngrimsson SA,<br />

Thorsdottir I, Sveinsson T.<br />

Anthropometric predictors of serum fasting insulin in 9- and<br />

15-year-old children and adolescents. Nutrition,<br />

Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases <strong>2006</strong> 16:263-271.<br />

Thorsdottir I, Gunnarsdottir I, Palsson GI, Johannsson E.<br />

Effects of sociodemographic factors on adherence to<br />

breastfeeding and other important infant dietary<br />

recommendations. Acta Pædiatrica <strong>2006</strong>;95:419-424.<br />

Gudnadottir M, Gunnarsson BS, Thorsdottir I.<br />

Relationship between high consumption of marine fatty acids in<br />

early pregnancy and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.<br />

BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and<br />

Gynaecology <strong>2006</strong>;113:301-309. Olafsdottir AS, Skuladottir<br />

GV, Thorsdottir I, Hauksson A, Thorgeirsdottir H,<br />

Steingrimsdottir L.<br />

Validity of a questionnaire to assess fruit and vegetable intake<br />

in adults. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition <strong>2006</strong>:<br />

60:408-415. Kristjansdottir AG, Andersen LF, Haraldsdottir<br />

J, de Almeida MD, Thorsdottir I.<br />

Maternal diet in early and late pregnancy in relation to weight<br />

gain. International Journal of Obesity <strong>2006</strong> 30:492-499.<br />

Olafsdottir AS, Skuladottir GV, Thorsdottir I, Hauksson A,<br />

Steingrimsdottir L.<br />

Comparison of women’s diet assessed by FFQs and 24-hour<br />

recalls with and without underreporters: Association with<br />

biomarkers. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism<br />

<strong>2006</strong>;50:450-460. Olafsdottir AS, Thorsdottir I,<br />

Gunnarsdottir I, Thorgeirsdottir H, Steingrimsdottir L.<br />

Polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet and breast milk of<br />

lactating Icelandic women with traditional fish and cod liver<br />

oil consumption. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism<br />

<strong>2006</strong>;50:270-276. Olafsdottir AS, Thorsdottir I, Wagner KH,<br />

Elmadfa I.<br />

Lower Consumption of Cow Milk Protein A1 Beta-Casein at Two<br />

Years of Age, Rather than Consumption among 11-14 Years<br />

Old Adolescents, May Explain the Lower Incidence of Type<br />

1 Diabetes in Iceland than in Scandinavia. Annals of<br />

Nutrition and Metabolism <strong>2006</strong>;50:177-183. Birgisdottir BE,<br />

Hill JP, Thorsson AV, Thorsdottir I.<br />


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