HÍ Ritaskrá 2006 - Háskóli Íslands

HÍ Ritaskrá 2006 - Háskóli Íslands

HÍ Ritaskrá 2006 - Háskóli Íslands


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Science Conference in Reykjavik 3-4 March <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Programme of talks and posters.<br />

Eiríksson, J., Knudsen, K. L., Larsen, G., Heinemeier, J. &<br />

Símonarson, L. <strong>2006</strong>. Comparison of tephrochronological<br />

and radiocarnon based age models for marine<br />

sedimentary records in the northern North Atlantic. Eos<br />

Trans AGU, 87 (52) Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP33A-1773.<br />

Eiríksson, J., Larsen, G., Símonarson, L. A., Knudsen, K. L:,<br />

Bartels-Jónsdóttir, H. B. & Gudmundsdóttir, E. R. <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Focus on climate change at the Earth Science Institute,<br />

University of Iceland. University of Iceland Natural Science<br />

Conference in Reykjavik 3-4 March <strong>2006</strong>. Programme of<br />

talks and posters.<br />

Knudsen, K. L., Eiríksson, J., Jiang, H., Bartels-Jónsdóttir, H. B.<br />

& Ran, L. <strong>2006</strong>. Holocene Climatic Variability off North<br />

Iceland: A Comparison of the Thermal Maximum and the<br />

Last 2000 Years. Eos Trans AGU, 87 (52) Fall Meet. Suppl.,<br />

Abstract PP43A-1221.<br />

Bartels-Jónsdóttir, H. B., Knudsen, K. L., Schönfeld, J.,<br />

Eiríksson, J. <strong>2006</strong>. Modern distribution of benthic<br />

foraminifera from the Tagus prodelta and estuary,<br />

Portugal. FORAMS <strong>2006</strong> – International Symposium on<br />

Foraminifera, September 10.-15. <strong>2006</strong>, Natal, RN-Brazil,<br />

Anuário do Instituto de Geociências, Vol 29-1, p. 266-267.<br />

Knudsen, K.L., Eiríksson, J., Heinemeier, J., Larsen, G. &<br />

Símonarson, L. A. <strong>2006</strong>. Temporal changes in marine<br />

reservoir ages as a tracer of oceanographic shifts in the<br />

Iceland Sea. 2nd Carlsberg Dating Conference, Carlsberg<br />

Academy, November 15.-17. <strong>2006</strong>, Programme and<br />

abstracts, p. 35.<br />

Bartels-Jónsdóttir, H. B. B., Knudsen, K. L. & Eiríksson, J. <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

A two thousand year record of climate and hydrography on<br />

the North Icelandic Shelf. University of Iceland Natural<br />

Science Conference in Reykjavik 3-4 March <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Programme of talks and posters.<br />

Eiríksson, J., Knudsen, K. L., Larsen, G., Heinemeier, J. &<br />

Símonarson, L. <strong>2006</strong>. Comparison of tephrochronological<br />

and radiocarnon based age models for marine<br />

sedimentary records in the northern North Atlantic. Eos<br />

Trans AGU, 87 (52) Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP33A-1773.<br />

Eiríksson, J., Larsen, G., Símonarson, L. A., Knudsen, K. L:,<br />

Bartels-Jónsdóttir, H. B. & Gudmundsdóttir, E. R. <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Focus on climate change at the Earth Science Institute,<br />

University of Iceland. University of Iceland Natural Science<br />

Conference in Reykjavik 3-4 March <strong>2006</strong>. Programme of<br />

talks and posters.<br />

Knudsen, K. L., Eiríksson, J., Jiang, H., Bartels-Jónsdóttir, H. B.<br />

& Ran, L. <strong>2006</strong>. Holocene Climatic Variability off North<br />

Iceland: A Comparison of the Thermal Maximum and the<br />

Last 2000 Years. Eos Trans AGU, 87 (52) Fall Meet. Suppl.,<br />

Abstract PP43A-1221.<br />

Bartels-Jónsdóttir, H. B., Knudsen, K. L., Schönfeld, J.,<br />

Eiríksson, J. <strong>2006</strong>. Modern distribution of benthic<br />

foraminifera from the Tagus prodelta and estuary,<br />

Portugal. FORAMS <strong>2006</strong> – International Symposium on<br />

Foraminifera, September 10.-15. <strong>2006</strong>, Natal, RN-Brazil,<br />

Anuário do Instituto de Geociências, Vol 29-1, p. 266-267.<br />

Ritstjórn<br />

Í ritstjórn BOREAS<br />

Kai Logemann rannsóknastöðustyrkþegi<br />

Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti<br />

Drift Probabilities for Icelandic Cod Larvae, ICES J. Mar. Sci.<br />

<strong>2006</strong>, 64, 1-11. Brickman, D., G. Marteinsdottir, K.<br />

Logemann og I. Harms.<br />

Fyrirlestrar<br />

METACOD: The role of sub-stock structure in the maintenance<br />

of cod metapopulations. Fisheries Society of the British<br />

Isles Symposium on Fish Population Structure:<br />

implications to conservation. 10.-14 júlí <strong>2006</strong>, Aberdeen,<br />

Skotlandi. Guðrún Marteinsdóttir, David Brickman, Steven<br />

Campana, Anna Danielsdottir, Asta Guðmundsdottir, Ingo<br />

Harms, Ingibjorg Jonsdottir, Kai Logemann, Chris<br />

Pampoulie, Daniel Ruzzante, Kristinn Saemundsson,<br />

Lorna Taylor, Vilhjalmur Thorsteinsson, Hedinn<br />

Valdimarsson.<br />

Abundance and growth of larval cod – Passive transport under<br />

variable environmental conditions and modelling<br />

approaches. Ráðstefna um loftslagsbreytingar og lífríki<br />

hafsins, Reykjavik, 11.-12. september <strong>2006</strong>. Jónas Páll<br />

Jónasson, Björn Gunnarsson, Kai Logemann and Guðrún<br />

Marteinsdóttir.<br />

Leó Kristjánsson vísindamaður<br />

Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum<br />

H.P. Gunnlaugsson, Ö. Helgason, Leó Kristjánsson, P. Nörnberg,<br />

H. Rasmussen, S. Steinþórsson og G. Weyer. Magnetic<br />

properties of olivine basalt: application to Mars. Phys.<br />

Earth Planet. Inter. 154, 276-289.<br />

H. Rasmussen, H.P. Gunnlaugsson, C. Tegner og Leó<br />

Kristjánsson. Magnetic properties of Martian olivine<br />

basalts studied by terrestrial analogues. Hyperfine<br />

Interact. 166, 561-566.<br />

Leó Kristjánsson, Á. Guðmundsson, Á. Hjartarson og H.<br />

Hallsteinsson. A paleomagnetic study of stratigraphic<br />

relations in the lava pile of Norðurárdalur and Austurdalur,<br />

Skagafjörður, North Iceland. Jökull 56, 39-55.<br />

Fyrirlestrar<br />

On the stability of the geomagnetic field 1-15 million years ago.<br />

General Assembly, European Geosciences Union,<br />

Vínarborg, 2.-7. apr. Útdráttur EGU-A-02792; MPRG3-<br />

1TU3O-005, á geisladiskinum Geophysical Research<br />

Abstracts 8, útg. af EGU.<br />

H.P. Gunnlaugsson, H. Rasmussen, P. Nörnberg, Leó<br />

Kristjánsson, S. Steinþórsson. Analysis of the Mössbauer<br />

spectra of olivine basalt from Gusev crater on Mars and<br />

comparison to terrestrial olivine basalt: implications for<br />

the presence of magnetic anomalies on Mars and erosion<br />

processes. Erindi flutt af P.N. á General Assembly,<br />

European Geosciences Union, Wien 2.-7. apr. Útdráttur<br />

EGU-A-06584;PS2.04-1TH4O-005, á geisladiskinum<br />

Geophysical Research Abstracts 8, útg. af EGU.<br />

Af bergsegulmælingum í V.-Barðastrandarsýslu. Vorþing<br />

Jarðfræðafélags Íslands, Öskju, HÍ, 19. apr. Útdráttur í<br />

fjölfölduðu ráðstefnuhefti.<br />

Veggspjald<br />

Leó Kristjánsson og Haraldur Auðunsson. Um breytileika<br />

segulstefna innan íslenskra hraunlaga. Raunvísindaþing,<br />

HÍ, 3.-4. mars. Útdráttur á heimasíðu raunvísindadeildar<br />

H.Í.<br />

Ritstjórn<br />

Í ritnefnd Jökuls. 56. árgangur kom út á árinu.<br />

Kennslurit<br />

Um nokkur fræðileg rannsóknaverkefni Alberts Einsteins, og<br />

tengsl þeirra við tilraunir með íslensku silfurbergi. Pdfskrá<br />

á heimasíðu L.K., www.raunvis.hi.is/~leo, 13 bls.<br />

Frímann B. Arngrímsson – vanmetinn brautryðjandi. Pdf-skrá á<br />

heimasíðu L.K., 5 bls.<br />


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