HÍ Ritaskrá 2006 - Háskóli Íslands

HÍ Ritaskrá 2006 - Háskóli Íslands

HÍ Ritaskrá 2006 - Háskóli Íslands


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Þrjár greinar um norðurljósa-leiðangra til Íslands 1883-1910.<br />

Pdf-skrá á heimasíðu L.K., 12 bls.<br />

Safn til steinasögu Íslands I-IV. Pdf-skrá á heimasíðu L.K., 24<br />

bls.<br />

Fræðsluefni<br />

Pourquoi-Pas? and geomagnetism. Erindi á Málþingi HÍ vegna<br />

70. ártíðar strands skipsins, Rvk. 14. sept.<br />

Olgeir Sigmarsson vísindamaður<br />

Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum<br />

Bindeman, I., Sigmarsson, O. and Eiler, J. <strong>2006</strong>. Time<br />

constraints on the origin of large volume basalts derived<br />

from O-isotopes and trace element mineral zoning and U-<br />

series disequilibria in the: Laki and Grímsvötn volcanic<br />

system. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 245, 245-259.<br />

Moune, S., Gauthier, P.-J., Gislason, S.R. and Sigmarsson, O.<br />

<strong>2006</strong>. Trace element degassing and enrichment in the<br />

2000-eruptive plume of Hekla volcano (Iceland). Geochim.<br />

Cosmochim. Acta, 70, 461-479.<br />

Fyrirlestrar<br />

Sigmarsson, O. and Bindeman, I. <strong>2006</strong>. How old is the Laki<br />

magma? Raunvísindaþing, Háskóla Íslands.<br />

Moune, S., Holtz, F., Botcharnikov, R.E. and Sigmarsson, O. <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Sulphur solubility in andesitic to basatic melts: An example<br />

of Hekla volcano. EMPG-XI, Bristol.<br />

Oladottir, B. A., Sigmarsson, O., Larsen, G. and Thordarson, T.<br />

<strong>2006</strong>. Tephra reveals Holocene magmatic evolution and<br />

eruption frequency at the subglacial Katla volcano, South<br />

Iceland. IAVCEI-Walker meeting, Reykholt (fyrirlestur).<br />

Sigmarsson, O., <strong>2006</strong>. Volume estimates of the magma<br />

chamber beneath the subglacial Grímsvötn volcano<br />

(Iceland). IGS, Reykjavik.<br />

Sigmarsson, O., <strong>2006</strong>: Etats des lieux d’une chambre<br />

magmatique active. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre,<br />

Dijon.<br />

Oladottir, B., Sigmarsson, O., Larsen, G. and Thordarson, T.<br />

<strong>2006</strong>. L’évolution magmatique Holocène et fréquence<br />

éruptive du volcan sous-glaciaire de Katla, Islande.<br />

Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Dijon.<br />

Tephra records of magmatic processes at Katla and Grímsvötn<br />

subglacial volcanoes in Iceland. Háskólinn í Utrecht,<br />

Hollandi, janúar <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Veggspjöld<br />

Gudmundsdottir, I. S. and Sigmarsson, O. <strong>2006</strong>. Highest<br />

measured strontium isotope ratios in Icelandic rocks: Rb<br />

and Sr systematics in Ljósufjöll volcanics, Snæfellsnes<br />

peninsula. Raunvísindaþing, Háskóla Íslands (poster).<br />

Oladottir, B., Sigmarsson, O., Larsen, G. and Thordarson, T.<br />

<strong>2006</strong>. Tephra reveals Holocene magmatic evolution and<br />

eruption frequency of the subglacial Katla volcano, South<br />

Iceland. Raunvísindaþing, Háskóla Íslands (poster).<br />

Martin, E. and Sigmarsson, O. <strong>2006</strong>. Segregation veins in<br />

tholeiitic lavas: implications for the formation of silicic<br />

magmas in Iceland and for the genesis of primitive<br />

continental crust on Earth. Raunvísindaþing, Háskóla<br />

Íslands (poster).<br />

Moune, S., Sigmarsson, O., Thordarsson, Th. and Gauthier, P.-J.<br />

<strong>2006</strong>. Volatile evolution in the magmatic system of Hekla<br />

volcano, Iceland. Raunvísindaþing, Háskóla Íslands<br />

(poster).<br />

Ingvarsson, G. B. and Sigmarsson, O. <strong>2006</strong>. Elemental mobility<br />

during hydrothermal alteration at Krafla, Iceland.<br />

Raunvísindaþing, Háskóla Íslands (poster).<br />

Oladottir, B. A., Thordarson, T., Larsen, G. and Sigmarsson, O.<br />

<strong>2006</strong>. Did the Myrdalsjökull ice-cap survive the Holocene<br />

thermal maximum? Evidence from sulfur contents in Katla<br />

tephra layers (Iceland) from last 8400 years. IGS, Reykjavik<br />

(poster).<br />

Martin, E. and Sigmarsson, O. <strong>2006</strong>. Geographical variations of<br />

silicic magma origin in Iceland: the case of Torfajökull,<br />

Ljósufjöll and Snæfellsjökull volcanoes. Réunion des<br />

Sciences de la Terre, Dijon (poster).<br />

Paquette, J.L., Sigmarsson, O. and Tiepolo, M. <strong>2006</strong>. Continental<br />

basement under Iceland revealed by old zircons. AGU, San<br />

Francisco (poster).<br />

Rose-Koga, E and Sigmarsson, O. <strong>2006</strong>. Boron, thorium and<br />

oxygen isotopes in Icelandic tephra. AGU, San Francisco<br />

(poster).<br />

Sigmarsson, O., Gill, J. and Holden, P. <strong>2006</strong>. U-Th-Ra and U-Pa<br />

disequilibria in Izu-arc basalts: the interplay of depleted<br />

mantle wedge and sediment poor slab fluid. AGU, San<br />

Francisco (poster).<br />

Moune, S., Sigmarsson, O., Gauthier, P. and Thordarson, T. <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Volatile evolution in the magmatic system of Hekla<br />

volcano, Iceland. AGU, San Francisco (poster).<br />

Oladottir, B. A., Sigmarsson, O., Larsen, G. and Thordarson, T.<br />

<strong>2006</strong>. Magma composition, dynamics and eruption<br />

frequency at Katla volcano, Iceland: a Holocene tephra<br />

layer record. AGU, San Francisco (poster).<br />

Martin, E. and Sigmarsson, O. <strong>2006</strong>. Trondhjemitic melts<br />

produced by in-situ differentiation of a tholeiitic lava flow,<br />

Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland. AGU, San Francisco (poster).<br />

Rikke Pedersen rannsóknastöðustyrkþegi<br />

Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum<br />

Pedersen, R., Sigmundsson, F. Temporal development of the<br />

1999 intrusive episode in the Eyjafjallajökull volcano,<br />

Iceland, derived from InSAR images. Bulletin of<br />

Volcanology, 68, 377-393, <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Sturkell, E., P. Einarsson, F. Sigmundsson, H. Geirsson, H.<br />

Olafsson, R. Pedersen, E. de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, A. L.<br />

Linde, I. S. Sacks, and R. Stefansson. Volcano geodesy and<br />

magma dynamics in Iceland. Journal of Volcanology and<br />

Geothermal Research, 150, 14-34, <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Holm, P.M., J. R. Wilson, B. P. Christensen, L. Hansen, S. L. Hansen,<br />

K. M. Hein, A. K. Mortensen, R. Pedersen, S. Plesner,<br />

and M. K. Runge. Sampling the Cape Verde mantle plume;<br />

evolution of melt compositions on Santo Antaõ, Cape Verde<br />

Islands. Journal of Petrology, 47(1), 145-189, <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Bókarkafli<br />

Einarsson, P., F. Sigmundsson, E. Sturkell, Þ. Árnadóttir, R.<br />

Pedersen, C. Pagli, H. Geirsson. Geodynamic signals<br />

detected by geodetic methods in Iceland. In C. Hirt (editor),<br />

Festschrift für Prof. G. Seeber, Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten<br />

der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik der<br />

Universität Hannover Nr. 258, 39-57, <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Fyrirlestrar<br />

Pedersen, R., T. Masterlark, F. Sigmundsson, T. Arnadottir and<br />

K.L. Feigl. Inter-rifting Deformation in an Extensional Rift<br />

Segment; the Northern Volcanic Zone, Iceland (invited). Eos<br />

Trans. American Geophysical Union, 87 (52), Fall Meet., San<br />

Francisco, USA, Suppl., Abstract G34A-07, 11-15<br />

December, <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

Soosalu, H., White, R.S., Einarsson, P., Hjartardóttir, Á.R.,<br />

Jakobsdóttir, S.S., Pedersen, R. & Sturkell, E. <strong>2006</strong>. Curious<br />

seismicity in the Herðubreið area at the divergent plate<br />

boundary in North Iceland. ESC workshop, Seismic<br />

phenomena associated with volcanicactivity, Olot, Spain,<br />

September 18-24, <strong>2006</strong>.<br />


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